March Photo a Day. March 23. Abstract.
Blurry pictures taken from car windows make the best abstract photos.
Life and Knitting at Willow's Little House
Spring is here! You might not believe it if you checked the weather forecast for today and the next few days. But the calendar says it's spring, so I'm going with it. It is also Friday and that means it's time for Friday Fave Fives with Susanne our host. (The link is to her blog where you can read more faves and join if you want.) Here are my five blessings from this past week.
1. My birthday! I was born on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. It seems like everyone likes to celebrate my birthday with me-- parades and parties and lots of green and shamrocks. I chose a quieter way to celebrate. We had a coffee date with T and S and Younger Daughter. S knows how much I love my bees and she gave me two small pots with not-real plants in them and a bee painted on the front of each one. Also, she found a sweet pillow with a bee on it. Those sweet presents are always placed happily in special places in the cottage.
2. After a busy afternoon, the family came to the cottage for dinner. Younger Son, Dr. Mike, made his special peanut sauce and we enjoyed some other Indonesian dishes (my choice). I am thankful everyone came to celebrate my birthday and I am also thankful to be living near my daughters and to have our son staying with us for these past few months. Older Son, Chaplain Dan, called and we chatted a long time. And PAL and her mom called, too.
3. What would you choose to buy your Meema for her birthday? Warrior Boy and Tall Boy were at the store with Younger Daughter, the nurse, choosing some daffodils for me. They found the 'perfect present': a Hufflepuff Badger stuffie! Eleanor is thrilled to have a buddy living with her on the shelf.
3. A wonderful handwritten birthday card and note from my dear college friend M. We both love sending and receiving handwritten letters and the one she posted for my birthday was extra special. I'll be writing back to her soon.
4. Over the weekend, we also hosted a special guest-- a friend from the days we lived in Oregon. T worked at the high school where the Nurse attended and we all became friends. T was in Ohio for a conference and stayed with us Saturday night, attended church with us on Sunday and then we all (including Nurse and Warrior Boy) met other friends near the Columbus airport for lunch. It was a great time of catch up.
5. And now The Professor and I are on a quick overnight trip to Indiana. Our purpose is a sad one as we will be attending a memorial service for someone we are connected with from our years of living and serving in Papua, Indonesia. We are thankful we can be there to comfort and encourage his family during this time. (And, if I am slow to respond to FFFs this weekend, that's why.)
Bonus: It's SPRING! Daffodils are my favorite flower! They are just starting to bloom at Willow's Cottage!
March Photo a Day. March 20. Spring.
Nothing says spring like beautiful yellow daffodils. Happy Spring to everyone! (and Happy Autumn to those in the southern hemisphere!)
March Photo a Day. March 19. Out a window.
It was really hard to choose a picture for today. I have way too many photos of windows. Finally, I narrowed it down to two.
Looking out a window in Conwy Castle, Wales.
Taken from a train window toward the North Sea in Berwick on Tweed, England.
March Photo a Day. March 18. On a shelf.
When I lived in Southern California, I would occasionally visit The Last Bookstore in Downtown Los Angeles. There are many books on many shelves.
March Photo a Day. March 17. St. Patrick's Day.
Emblem on St. Patrick's Cathedral gate, Dublin, Ireland.
March Photo a Day. March 16. Hobby.
Well, this was an easy one. If you have been reading my blog for more than a month, you will know the answer. My hobby? Yarn and knitting.
Sometimes I spin my own yarn.
Nary a day passes without me knitting.