
Friday Fave Five, Veterans Day Edition!

1. I love walking! This week Ellen and I took our Tuesday morning walk at The Blueberry Ranch. We varied our route and walked through a couple of other ranches that grow raspberries, avocados and lemons. You can see photos on
Ellen's blog.
2. My camera arrived back from the Canon repair facility, safe, sound and working well!
3. What does a woman do on November 11th, Veterans Day, if her husband, son and son-in-law are veterans or active military? She goes to Knott's Berry Farm! That's what she does! Because Knott's allows all military personnel, active or retired (with proof) to enter the park free of charge and bring a guest, we decided to meet our San Diego contingent there to celebrate the day and also celebrate Chaplain Dan and The Princess's anniversary.

We stood in line, ate yummy food, rode rollercoasters, explored the Western theme, and enjoyed each others' company. The Professor remembers going to Knott's Berry Farm when he was a little boy, so it was particularly fun for him.
4. An added bonus of meeting our San Diego family was the opportunity to bring MamaMia back with us for a visit. Since her Marine is off serving our country somewhere (THANK YOU!), she decided to spend a few days with us.

5. For my Fifth Fave, I share with you a conversation with a student about poetry.
Her: I hate poetry! I don't understand it.
Me: Listen today to my lesson. I'm going to explain why poets do what they do and then you'll understand and like poetry!
So Mrs. Willow teaches the class about tone, audience, rhyme and alliteration, poetic devices, iambic pentameter, trocaic trimeter.
Her, after class: Thank you, Mrs. Willow! I understand it now. But I still don't like it.
Ah,well. Maybe when she grows up...
This concludes Willow's Week edition of Friday's Fave Five. Please go to Susanne's blog if you would like to read more FFFs.
Have a Happy Weekend!