4. For the past several years, I have had a different Spring Break schedule than The Professor and any of our children who might be taking college classes. This year is no different. The Grad Student is here for a few days at the end of his spring break and has enjoyed hanging out during the day with his dad who also has this week off. They kindly drove over to share lunch with me on Thursday. A few extra hours spent with 'my boys' is really special.
5. California's state flower is the California Poppy. Usually, poppies are bright orange. But some of these butter yellow poppies reseed in my back garden and bloom every spring.
When I see the poppies blooming, I know that Spring has truly arrived!
I hope you'll pop over to Susanne's blog Living To Tell The Story and join us for Friday Fave Five.
2. Speaking of my birthday, I received several cards, emails, e-cards, skype waves and kisses, and facebook greetings wishing me Happy Birthday. People all over the world, from one of the -istans to Canada, from my friend in Arkansas to the neighbor next door, from Ellen in Washington to sisters, brothers, children, the New Boy, and my long silent cousin in the mid-West checked in to wish me Happy Birthday. I have to say that the email and facebook message from my cuz in Nebraska completely surprised and delighted me since we haven't seen each other in nearly twenty years. Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday felicitations!
3. A few weeks ago, The Professor and I ordered some seeds from Victory Seed Company in Oregon which features heirloom, rare, or old varieties of vegetables and herbs. We received the packet this week and opened it on my birthday. For us, it was an exciting occasion as we looked at the seeds we had chosen and planned our weekend around weeding, fertilizing, and planting. We're hoping to find out if kale and brussel sprouts will flourish in our little veggie patch.
4. I have long been interested in living a life of simplicity, frugal living and minimalism. This post by one of my favorite rational minimalism bloggers really struck a chord of agreement and excitement with me. If you are interested in simplicity/minimalism, you will enjoy and benefit from reading his blog and his new e-book Simplify. I've read many many books on simplicity and Joshua Becker's is one the most readable, accessible and enjoyable ones I've come across. (No, I am not getting any remuneration for recommending this book to you, although I did have the opportunity to read it before publication.)
5. I seem to be a fairly easy and predictable person to shop for. If my family and friends want to be sure to please me with a birthday gift, they know what I like! Books and music! Being a fan of Irish inspired music, I loved the Keith and Kristyn Getty CD the Blueberry Lady gave me. And the books, oh, the books! How can I pick just one favorite? It's not possible! I love each one!
As you can see, this week my faves have mostly been birthday themed. I suppose that is what happens when you reach a milestone birthday of Jubilee plus Ten.
I'd love to hear how your week was! Please share, and let's enjoy the gratitude and blessings together. Even if your week wasn't great or wasn't what you'd wished, you can always find something to focus on and be thankful for. Susanne at Living To Tell The Story has a Mr. Linky where you can publish your post, so others will be able to share the joy.