September, that is. It's fast approaching--the September season which leads to nine months of classes, lesson plans, and paper correcting. I'm not ready for this! Stubbornly, I'm holding on to my last days of summer. So this is what I did--sharing them for Friday Fave Fives.
1. I knitted. More hats.
2. I went to the beach to watch the huge surf swelling. Hurricane Marie is churning up the waves all along the Southern California Pacific Coast.
3. Had a picnic there.
I packed some leftovers in plastic containers, grabbed some silverware and drove out to the university to pick up The Professor. He started classes this week--all full, with waiting lists. Mugu Rock on Pacific Coast Highway is just a few miles from campus, so we drove out to the point to watch those magnificent waves roll in and splash
4. Memories. My laptop rotates photos from my files on the screen. I enjoy viewing the changing pictures. Lately the program has been cycling through photos of our trip to England in 2004. My current favorites are of Northumberland along Hadrian's Wall.
5. New pair of shoes. I'm no shopper, but I needed a pair of shoes to replace the ones I lost (yes, I did) on our road trip. I finally found a pair. Crocs Gianna Flats.
So that was my week. Mostly uneventful. Right now uneventful is good. Have you ever heard someone say this? "May you live in interesting times." According to some, it's supposed to be a 'curse'. (Others dispute that it is not a curse, simply an ironic statement.) But in the spirit of the former, I wish you all an UNinteresting week.