Thursday, June 13, 2024

Food, Fellowship, Family and Knitting

It has been a  crazy week.  I have been busy preparing for an international trip; I should say "We".  We are leaving on a jet plane (actually, three different jet planes)--our two daughters, three teenage grandchildren and a friend.  Eight people in the party.  Eight very excited people.  But in the midst there have been a couple of hard things... our daughters' home had a water pipe burst which caused some flooding in the house.  Don't worry!  Servpro is on it!  And the plumber is on it!  Sometimes this week, I have had to stop and hit the reset button and remind myself of the good things.  Like a momentous trip.  Fellowship.  And of course, knitting.  These are the Friday Fave Fives Friday Fave Fives I am sharing for this mid June week.

1.  Sunday evening we were invited to dinner with a young couple.  She and I know each other from Bible Study group.  You know how sometimes you just 'click' with someone.  We enjoyed our wonderful dinner and great fellowship.  Their four sweet children were just a delight, too.

2. Of course, on the way out to their home, we drove through some lovely farmland.  And farmland has barns!

3.  I finished the vest I was knitting for my friend for her birthday.  The yarn came from a local alpaca farm.  When the owners sell their yarn from the flock, they label each skein with the alpaca's name.  According to the label, I knitted fiber from (oops, I can't find its name).

4.  All the little things that you realize you need to travel... I think I have them.  I made a list and The Professor and I made more than one quick run to the store.  Travel size sun screen,  Check,   Sanitizer, another small bottle,  Check.  Travel mending kit with needles and thread,  Check. 

5.  Dinner with our travel buddies.  We got together a meal on Tuesday evening and ironed out various things like exact dates, exact addresses for AirBnBs, Exact times and places for events we are interested in.   Needless to say, the atmosphere was exciting.  And we accomplished a great deal.

Now, I'm off to check my bag.  Again!  And remind myself of All The Blessings of this week.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday Fave Fives, First Week of June

Today is Friday.  I can't believe it has been a whole week since I wrote anything here on Willowscottage blog.  I've been thinking about posting the information and photos of my most recent finished knitting project.  Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow.  But anyway, since it is Friday, it is time for me to write about all the blessings of this past week.  Well, at least Five of them.  Here are my Friday Fave FivesFriday Fave Fives.  (follow the link to join in and read more)

1.  Who doesn't love a bonfire? We had a great time at The Hive (daughters' home) burning lots and lots of papers and a few logs. Tall Boy burned his papers from this past school year.  I helped burn some other unneeded papers. So much fun! I love bonfires!

2.  Saturday morning I joined some friends at a coffee shop in a town south of us and then enjoyed the rest of the morning wandering around a huge antique mall. I think I was the only one who didn't buy anything. But it was fun.

3.  Then we attended the high school graduation party for a young man. Love those celebrations!

4.  Tuesday night was an important evening for our grandsons. They are both members of Trail Life (similar to Boy Scouts). The troop had their Crossover Ceremony, which is for graduating boys up to the next age group.  Our Warrior Boy is now in Adventurers (high school) group with Tall Boy. I am so proud of these young men.

5.  And who doesn't love a nice rainstorm?  The main reason this is a fave this week is that having a healthy downpour means I don't have to water the garden.  And truly, I enjoy watching the rain drops falling.  And I love the smell after the rain. It must be the Oregon native in me.  Every time it rains, I am thankful for how God waters my garden.

And a yellow finch came to visit!

I hope you have had a great week, too!