Our Boy took his first hike!

We met his Mama's BFF (Best Friend Forever) from Papua, Indonesia days and hiked in Thunderbird Park in northern Phoenix.
He enjoyed looking around the park at all the wildlife, birds and desert flora. We saw quail, ground squirrels, rabbits and more!

Lupine plants.
Desert sunflowers.

The Palo Verde tree, the state tree of Arizona, photosynthesises through its bark.

Thunderbird Park has numerous hiking and running trails switchbacking up and down the hills, but we decided to stay on the paved roads since The Boy wanted to view the park from the comfort of his stroller.

I hope he was suitably impressed by the wonderful scenery
Your grandson looks like he thinks the desert is OK. It is beautiful in the spring, but I can do without the heat for the next five months!
You were wondering about my little rabbit pattern. I bought it from Fuzzy Mitten's etsy shop. Her directions are really easy. The only thing I changed was I shortened the body a little and bound off straight across. It was easier to stitch in the legs that way.
Oops! I did it again. I didn't notice that my husband was signed on to his account. That was me in the above comment.
Oh very sweet all around! Happy he could get out into the wild with his grandmother...
Thanks for the tourin a place so unlike anything over here.
Your Grandson so cute, don't they grow up so quick these days.
What a wonderful companion for your hike. Good to learn to love nature early on.
He got to see lots of beautiful things.
All best wishes
How wonderful that you're getting him out and about already!!! All that wonderful visual stimulation! My son always slept better as a baby when he got some fresh air (otherwise he hardly slept!). The boy is a BIG cutie-pie!!! He makes me wish I could have another :)
I think you're sharing the beauty of being a grandmother. He looks so peaceful and it's so much fun to take them every where and enjoy how they develop.
Looks like a beautiful family.
What a blessing.
tks for sharing the pictures, from where i am, never seen a desert or desert flowers before so its interesting, and TAHNIAH on being a nenek, is this your first time? have a fantastic week ahead :)...oh yes, i have my kebaya too, but i've gotta to loose at least 15kg before i could even button up...so much for diet
So good to at last catch up with your posts now we're back from vacation! Your grandson is a charmer! :o) And what wonderful photos from your hike. Also just love your pink baby gift knits from your previous post...so sweet! Have a great week ((HUGS))
He's so SERIOUS! Clearly related to the Professor. Lots of big important thoughts and sensory processing going on there. Looks like a delightful walk!
I feel bad that Caleb has never been on a hike. I know of two babies younger than him that already have. Poor little guy! I might have to remedy that soon.
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