I'm Walking Out The Door,
With You On My Mind...
I'm walking out with a suitcase and camera.
Be back in a couple of weeks.
I hope to post once or twice while I'm away, but I won't have photos until I get back to Willow's Cottage at the end of the month.
I'll miss you all.
Where are we going? Here's a little hint.

Hope you have a good flight, Jane x
Have a wonderful trip! I enjoyed take 7 of project blue and all your project blue photos.
Hello Dear Willow.....
Have a wonderful trip and look forward to reading all about your trip on your return from ? I've guessed!!!
Love - Marion
I didn't manage to guess but hope you have a wonderful time anyway......
Be peaceful and enjoy everything love
Tally ho! Enjoy a cuppa for me...
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun Willow. An Safe travels.
Relax, have fun and take tons of pictures! Will you be able to watch the NBA games? I was at our camp this past long weekend and had no cable/internet so...to a sports bar we went to watch the first half of last night's game. The game doesn't start until 9:00 PM here so it is hard to stay awake until the end. These eyes get droopy around 11:00 PM!
Kobe came alive last night! Darn ;0
Enjoy your time away from home!
Oooooooo! Aren't you blessed!!! Have a FABULOUS vacation! Whooooo!
I hope you have fun in London. If you get the odd day out of the city, it's worth getting on the bus at Marble Arch for an hour and seeing Oxford. (My home town.) The Medieval and Elizabethan college gardens will look wonderful.
Have a wonderful time- I look forward to seeing your pictures.
Oh lovely! Don't forget to go on the EYE - you will have a great view of Big Ben!
Have a wonderful time and we'll miss you too.
Praying that you will have safety in your journeys.
Hi there :) Have a fantastic trip and we will hear all about it when you are back.
Have safe, happy, wonderful trip, Willow! Kiss Big Ben for me until I can get there next month and do it myself! ;o) Look forward to your news and photos soon...((HUGS))
....good....bye....so long...farewell!!
Oh I missed you! Hope you have/had a wonderful trip. London is such a great city!
Bon Voyage (belatedly)! We'll miss you too...
Ooh!! Have a great trip -- we'll miss you!
Oh I hope you are having a wonderful time and I look forward to seeing London through your eyes when you return.
Good to hear!! God Bless!!
Pass on our hugs and good wishes!!!
Have a great trip - see ya when ya get back!!!!
Oh dear, I was also there!!!
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