Because I was traveling and visiting my New Boy last week, I missed posting FFF, so this week I am combining the past two weeks of Friday Fave Five. Remembering back to the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, I want to share two special events.
1. Just the day before I left, I received a phone call. The caller was an employee at our local Trader Joe's grocery store informing me that I had won the weekly give away for bringing my own bags to the market. I have been taking my bags and filling out the little raffle ticket for YEARS and had never won anything. Even if there were no give away of a new reusable bag and $25.00 gift certificate, I would still take my own bags to the store, but the tantilizing opportunity to maybe, just maybe, win that prize some day added incentive to my resolve. But after several years, I wondered if there really was a weekly winner. Imagine my surprise and joy to find I'd WON! Yay, Trader Joe's! Go, Me!
2. Since I'm not an enthusiastic flyer, I arrived at LAX somewhat concerned about my lack of an assigned seat. I had to check at the gate for my seat assignment and that usually means being relagated to a middle seat in the rear of the plane which is not the best spot for a reluctant flyer. The customer service agent earned extra brownie points from me for working to get me a great seat--on the aisle, right behind first class! In fact, on all four connections during my trips to and from The New Boy's city, I sat on the aisle in the front section of the plane.
3. The days and nights I spent with The New Boy and his mama were delightful. We enjoyed one afternoon at the Zoo.

4. The New Boy is growing up so quickly. No longer is he a baby. He is a little boy who loves to be outside playing in the park. He is curious about everything from red trucks and fire engines, from airplanes to the gray squirrels racing through the grass from tree to tree.

5. The last evening, we met a friend at the local coffee spot and sat next to a very pleasant group of knitters. As you know, if you pull out knitting needles, other knitters will find you and strike up a conversation with you like you are old friends. Imagine my delight to discover that one of those knitters had purchased and knitted up Sweet Eleanor, the cabled cap I featured on my blog here a few weeks ago. The hat was designed by a friend of Kiti's and all proceeds go to help a little girl who has cancer. What a small world! What a wonderful world of knitters!
Susanne has a link on her blog where you can post your FFF or just click to read other FFFs.
Now I am home and relaxing on my last day of spring break. How was your week?
Happy Easter Willow, The new Boy is so grown up!but still cute ;-) Glad you had a good trip and well done for winning at Trader Joe's for reusing your bags. Jane
Congratulations on your winning! Your grandson is very cute. Your two weeks sounded wonderful.
New Boy is just adorable! I love the look of learning on his face! Gosh, I never win anything! I keep hoping for the big $1000+ gift cards to grocery stores & Target, (you know, the ones where you have to fill out a survey?)but so far, no luck!
Oh my New Boy is a cutie! :) Sounds like he is all boy! Love the tiger picture.
Wow, congrats on winning, isn't neat how something like that can so make your day. And it's nice to see how you got such nice seats for your flight!
New Boy is growing so fast!! Glad you enjoyed such a fun time with him.
And congrats on winning at Trader Joe's!
Whatcha gonna get at TJ's? I love their ginger snaps! Or you could get 10 bottles of Two Buck Chuck wine (it's a bit more than two dollars now, but still superb value for the money.)
The new boy is awesome! He'll be shaving before you know it.
Hooray for good airplane seats!
Alleluia, Willow!
Oh what fun to see that "big boy". Love the one where he is looking at Meema instead of the tiger!
Yippee for winning the Trader Joe's certificate. I, too, wondered if they really did have a giveaway. How fun!
It really is nice to have an aisle seat and I'm glad it worked out for you.
Have a wonderful weekend...
Ohhhhhh you ARE blessed! Aisle seats in the front on FOUR flights! High 5!!!
That New Boy is such a little cutie! My goodness! Could you catch him for a minute - just to kiss those cheeks real quick!? They DO grow sO fast! I'm so glad you got to visit with him!
Way to go on the Trader Joe's win too! I always TRY to take my bags back with me... Sometimes I get IN the store and realize that I left the bags IN the car! (that's on the GOOD days!) :)
You knitters! You're a fine club, I tell ya!
We are VERY familiar with Thomas the Tank Engine around here - although enthusiasm is waning in place of octopuses. At any rate, I hear what you're saying!
Yay for good seats on airplanes and TRADER JOE'S! =D Congrats!
"red atagon, Meema" how cute! :) Eleanor... so lovely so sad. Congratulations on the win. That must be such an extra special surprise after wondering if there really was a weekly winner.
Well, congrats on your win! How exciting. Winning something always makes my day.
Your grandson is absolutely adorable. I love this inquisitive age.
Yes, your New Boy is adorable! Your photos remind me of my son when he was a toddler.
Congratulations on the Trader Joe's win! I've never shopped there, but I've heard so many good things about the store.
Congratulations on your prize! I filled out my first ticket for the very same thing this week. I hope I win too! The prize is $50 here.
Your new boy is so cute - I can just imagine all the fun you had.
Happy weekend Willow!
I totally feel your pain with seating assignments on planes! And I love the term- reluctant flier. I think I'll start referring to myself that way - it sounds much gentler than TERRIFIED FLIER!
Your new boy is so sweet! My little grandson is addicted to The Backyardigans - he never tires of it!
I ordered the pattern Sweet Eleanor too - I'm not sure when I'll get to it but I wanted to help a little.
Have a great weekend!
Sounds like one busy weekend...with many happy thoughts. The little boy is so cute. So is his mother.
I keep saying we have one window of time with those little ones...before they hit the big world.
Flying is not my favorite thing, either, but those are prime seats!
Congrats on winning $25!
The time with your grandson sounds so lovely. I can't wait til we have some "grands" in the future!
What a great week you had!
Those are fabulous favorites! So glad you had a wonderful vacation and were able to spend time with some of your favorite people. Congrats on winning at Trader Joe's ~ and good job on remembering to use your own bags when shopping. I have the bags ~ I am working on remembering to use them! Enjoy your weekend.
What a great couple of weeks with some sweet antidotes to share!
Hum, I've been getting those Trader Joe tickets for awhile myself ~ maybe I'll win now too :)
Congratz on winning the drawing! I don't win too often either, but I keep trying!
Your are right, the New Boy is not a baby anymore. But he sure is cute!
New Boy sounds so much like my Munchkin ... with counting, knowing colors and shapes, loving moving vehicles of all kinds. I wish we lived closer so they could be friends. :(
I have experienced the knitting phenomenon that you were talking about! A friend and I met at the park to knit and let the boys play. It is amazing how many people are interested, even if they don't knit. I am going to get the Sweet Eleanor patter today!
Sounds like you had wonderful visit! The little guy is sure cute.
Congrats on the win! Persistence pays off.
Glad your trip went well, including the seat selection and traveling!
New Boy looks precious -- all boy.
And winning a giveaway? That's GREAT!
Happy weekend.
I have been crocheting for a while but I just recently learned how to knit. I am still learning and only working on the very basics. But I hope to lean some more complicated stitches soon.
Fav Five is fun!
Hi Willow! I'm one of the knitters from the coffee shop. It was very nice to meet you, and I hope your friend will join our little Monday night knitting group. I look forward to reading your blog and follwing your adventures. Take care!
Such a nice week for you! The pictures are especially sweet!
Good job at getting those seats on the flights!
Trader Joe's pays to are proof! Have another good weekk!
I know just what you mean about winning stuff, or rather, not winning stuff! So congrats on getting a little something something from TJ's :-) That little NB is looking very grown up indeed.
So many good things! Your time with New Boy looks like it was just wonderful, and getting good seats on the plane and winning a TJ's gift certificate are really nice treats!
What a cute little guy. He does look curious about his world!
Congratulations on finally winning! I hope you told them how long you've been waiting to win!
The zoo looks fun! Isn't it fun to be a kid again? That's what happens when one becomes a mom....or a grandma.
Wow, that new boy is one handsome fella! How he has grown Kak Willow..and congrats for bringing your own bag and winning a prize too. It's no plastic bag day here on Saturday..I know, we are a bit slow in these stuff..I do wish its no plastic day forever. Happy week ahead.
Good to catch up with your posts.
New boy sure is growing up - quite the young man now.
Glad it worked out well for you with the plane seating plan. I certainly know that feeling.
Hope all is well with y ou and J.
Hi Willow
Your new boy has certainly grown! What a cute and bright little boy he is!
I love the window seat when I fly as we'd be able to sit next to each other and be happy :-)
Yay for winning at Trader's Joe! I also try to bring my own bags wehn I shop.
It's almost Friday AGAIN, can you believe that? Yaaay for the gift certificate at Trader Joe's and nice seats in aiplanes! Looks like you had fun at the Zoo? He sounds like such a bright kid! Have a great week Willow!
Hi, Willow! Just catching up here... so much enjoyed reading about all the fun... Oh, that New Boy is a sweetie-pie! Happy Days :o) ((HUGS)) T
Trader Joe's is awesome! SO cool that you won their weekly giveaway.
And thanks for the tip about the Monet's and Van Gogh at the Getty. Here I am, an art history major, and I've never been there in all the times I've been to the LA area. Shame on me. Now I have to go.
He is simply adorable! Simply superb photos! Such great memories captured! You must treasure the time you are able to spend with them!! I'm so very happy for you!! And congratulations on winning at Trader Joe's! Fantastic! Love, Janine XO
Congratulation..your grandson is so lovely and he is growing so fast.Hooray for good airplane seats!
Nice blog.
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