Friday, August 27, 2010

Late to the Game

It's mid morning on Friday and here I am, sitting around with the fam.  I just realized, "It's Friday morning!  Friday Fave Five!  I've missed it!"  But, you know, there isn't a time limit on gratitude.  Thankfulness and gratitude should be part of every day, every hour, every minute of our lives.

What am I thankful for this week?

1. My drive to LAX* was UNDER AN HOUR.  That's a minor modern miracle.
          *Los Angeles International Airport.  If you don't live or drive in Southern California you have NO.IDEA how slow traffic on the freeway that runs past LAX can be because THERE.IS.CONSTRUCTION happening right now in the Sepulveda Pass.

2. My husband is home.

3. My son is home.

4. My daughter and son in law are here at Willow's Cottage, enjoying the stories, and photos**, and Indonesian coffee.

   ** One of my favorites.  Can you do this?

Indonesians have the world's best attitude toward napping.
5. Someone else made my coffee this  morning.

If I don't get round to visit everyone for  Friday Fave Five***  I hope you'll understand why.  I'll be out on the porch.  Drinking Indonesian coffee.

***click there to get to Susanne's blog and link to FFF.


Jerralea said...

Awesome! Glad you have family home.

I love that photo of the guy napping on a bike.

Having someone else make the coffee is always special!

nikkipolani said...

Wow, LAX in under an hour is quite a feat. I traveled recently and loved getting to/from Long Beach (from/to north OC). From my garage to the gate was about one hour! Happy weekend, Willow, and enjoy your family.

Heather Ozee said...

Enjoy the family time sweet lady.

ellen b. said...

So so glad your coffee maker is home and that you got some special time with a few more of you kiddos!

ellen b. said...

Oh and yes I know the miracle of driving to LAX in under an hour!! whoohoo!

TXDidi said...

Ummm, Indonesian coffee. I shall look forward to enjoying it to the fullest when I'm over there. (And probably will be enjoying some naps, too.)

Hazel said...

Glad your family are home. I don't think I can nap that way but I could try :) Happy weekend!

Ingrid said...

I think the worst "nappers" are cats worldwide, lol !

Reggie said...

Hey Willow -- I have never had Indonesian coffee before! That's cool you can just relax with the family at home and enjoy each others company.

Susanne said...

It's never too late! :v)

I loved this post Willow. The whole thing just made me smile.

Karyn said...

Yours is one of the best lists this week! (If there were 'best lists'). Such basic, important blessings!

LOVE that photo!

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Willow! Your #1 is definitely something to be thankful for!!!

Enjoy your family all sounds wonderful.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Don't you love having a houseful?

My son lives in LA and when he calls just to chat, I know he's stuck somewhere in traffic, bored.

Have a great week ahead!

Tracy said...

It doesn't get any better, Willow... this is a very great way to end a week/start a weekend! So glad your husband & son are home--hooray! Enjoy... :o) ((HUGS))

Jientje said...

That picture made me smile!
It's good to have the family close to you, isn't it? I hope your weekend is even better than the weekend has been, Willow!

Caroline said...

Always love your lists. Indonesian coffee sounds wonderful, especially having it made special. I've always made a point of pretending that I just don't know how to use the grinder or make coffee that well, so my "coffee maker" keeps on the job:)

Kari said...

so lovely that everyone is home.
enjoy the coffee and company.

Barbara said...

Sounds like yu are having a good time Linda.

Ally Jay said...

So many good things to be thankful for. Great attitude.

Knitting Linguist said...

That is a fabulous picture! And excellent driving time to LAX (do all roads in SoCal eventually lead to LAX? I think so). :)

Flower said...

So good to hear they are home!
Have a another good week of not having to make the morning brew.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It has been a good summer for you, Willow! Being busy is the best. has school started for you as yet?

We had a wonderful time in California! My husband loved the wine country and wants to move to Santa Rosa so he could visit more!

Yosemite was fantastic even if the famous waterfall was dry :)I'm having fun reliving it all through my photos.