For the past several weeks I've had an idea percolating in my heart and mind. I have been knitting most of my life and as you can imagine, I have collected a bit of a yarn stash. Because I am also a spinner, I have amassed even more yarn created from wool and llama fiber. (Little side note here: I live in Southern California which has a mediterranean climate. I don't wear much wool.) As I've been working through my stash, decluttering what I'm not going to use in the future, I contemplated how I could either make some money from my efforts or share what I have with others.
About a month ago, I decided that I wanted to somehow sell items knitted from my handspun (and often hand dyed) yarns and donate all the profits to a charity. We have sponsored a young orphan boy (now almost a man!) from Uganda through an organization called Ugandan Lambs Project. Another charity that I am passionate about is GENERATE HOPE, which focuses on helping young women who have been rescued from sex trafficking slavery. These were the two groups I planned to give any proceeds I earned from selling my yarns and knitted and felted items.
Just last night, I had a conversation that opened a door to help Generate Hope NEXT WEEKEND. They are holding an auction event in San Diego and are going to have an arts and crafts table to sell any crafted items they receive for donation. This will include anything knitted, crocheted, felted, sewn, quilted or beaded.
Do you have new finished items in your house that you could mail to San Diego to add to the table? Items must be received by Thursday October 21st to be included in the auction. I know this is late notice, but I want to put this out to any and all people who read my blog just in case you can do something, anything, to help Generate Hope meet their needs and goals.
If you can help, please leave me a comment with your email contact information and I'll get in touch with you and let you know where to mail your package.
Thank you so much! Generate Hope thanks you. I thank you. And those precious young women thank you!
What a fantastic idea! I hope it is a success. (Please don't tell me that you're donating that sweater... it is heirloom quality and won you a place in the knitters guild! That can not be donated... I would cry! I love that scarf too... I have emotional attachments to those two items and you know why!)
Awwww, Bethany. You're so sweet! Yes, I know why! Do you want to purchase the scarf? I'll sell it to you and send the money to Generate Hope!
Oh, I wish I did have something!! What a wonderful organization to support - I hope they get lots and lots of donations (and with things like that sweater (!!) coming through, I bet they will).
I love and admire what you are doing. Your efforts and love and concern will pay off and help those in need.
Yes, I am a knitter, but unfortunately, I have nothing left to give... Most of my creations have a goal in mind, to give away...and they are given.
Blessings and may God multiply your giving.
I'll click this post over to Scrabble Knits in Sacramento...
Willow, you are a good ol' egg! I've never heard of either of those organizations, but I'm glad that YOU did! What beautiful items you will be donating ... I agree that sweater is something else! Sadly, I can not offer anything... knitting needles tremble at the thought that I might attempt to use them! I do hope this event is a huge success though! I know YOUR stuff will certainly help!
Kak Willow :) This is something great and not everyone does it, so congrats on helping and also sponsoring. Semoga Kak Willow sehat and gembira selalu :) Love...M
Hey, here's an idea...just like us from over our might be able to find a group of passionate knitters who would love to become part of your passion.
It only takes a spark...and by all means you have it...
Let's you want to knit me a sweater? I would love to donate to your cause? I need to keep Charlotte and Charles company over the winter.
What a beautiful idea Willow, sadly i don't have any spare items and the postage to the US would take more than a week. Good Luck with your auction and I hope you raise lots of money for your charities. Jane x
Yay Willow! You really ARE clearing out the stash! What a great idea. Money is so much more versatile and easy to transport than hats and blankets. Much profit and great success to you, and may God bless your efforts!
Thanks for all your interest, guys, & Mumsy, thanks so much for posting this!
Generate Hope is such a great organization-- they just took in 2 more girls that have been rescued from sex trafficking and are working on a long-term rehabilitation plan to help them heal and re-integrate into society.
I know not everyone can send $$ or items to donate, but one way that EVERYONE can help support them is by raising awareness. Not many people actually know how prevalent human trafficking for the purpose of work or sex is. It is the 3rd most lucrative crime syndicate in the world, after weapons and drugs. It DOES happen in the US and other 'developed' countries. San Diego, where Generate Hope is based, is #7 on the FBI's list of child prostitution and trafficking in the US.
To educate yourself and others , you can read books like 'Not For Sale' by David Batstone (this will be the most generally informative) or Gary Haugen's books 'Just Courage' and 'Terrify No More'.
Sorry for getting all preachy... but this is one of the moral challenges of our time and I get pretty passionate about it. :o)
What an awesome thing you're doing!
What a wonderful cause! And so kind of you to post about this & dedicate your time towards it. Happy weekend !
I'm so glad your daughter explained what this is... now I'm really onboard!!! (And now the scarf is making it's third cross-country journey!!) Thank You!!!
My little scarf loves to travel! It'll be flying off to you tomorrow, Bethany! Thanks so much for helping Generate Hope!
What a WONDERFUL idea, dear Willow!!! You are fantastic!!! I want to be just like you...except, I can't knit...sigh...Best of EVERYTHING to you!!! You inspire me!!! Love you, Janine XO
What a wonderful idea. I won't make the October 21st deadline, but I'm going to remember them in the future. My husband and I have given to Heifer International in the past partly because you can gift a "knitting basket." I like the sound of Ugandan Lambs Project too. I'm going to check their website.
I almost forgot! I was happy to read that your trip up to Humboldt County went so well. That's a long trip!!
It was so good to read more about the organization...your daughter carries your passion. How wonderful..So let me know when you want to start knitting and I can contribute to your fund by purchasing the garment or making a donation..
WOW... this an amazing, Willow! Wish I a few hand knits to give, but they would never get there in time either....darn... But I hope this effort will raise a lot of good, much-needed funds. Thanks for spreading the news. :o) Happy Weekend (HUGS))
People would probably rather be cold than wear anything that I hand-knitted. Why implicate an innocent skein of yarn in such an act of heinous crafting? I plan to simply make a financial donation to the organization.
Hey Willow! Awesome idea and it's great seeing you take such initiative.
I would love to help but I have a question: Do the donated clothes have to be knitted or are you accepting all forms of clothes?
Please let me know if you can! I live on the East Coast, so I figure if I can get something out tomorrow it might get to SoCal in time.
I would love to help out! What a fantastic idea. Have you ever heard of the book Knitting for Peace? It is filled with knitting projects for various charities and has lovely patterns. Also, if you knit or sew blankets, Project Linus is a wonderful organization to donate to. They give blankets to children in need!
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