Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just Add Buttons

This week (like many other weeks recently) was quite busy.  I have not had much time to be online or visit other blogs.  I'm hoping that my days will slow down a little.  Here are highlights from Willow's Week.  As usual, I am linking up with Susanne's Friday Fave Five as I focus on, not the busyness, but the blessings of the week.

1.  Choosing to spend a couple of hours reading on Monday morning was the right thing to do.  I just needed a short sabbath to relax before the week roared in to high gear.

2.  All that remains to finish the February Lady Cardigan for my daughter is sewing on the buttons.  I am more motivated to do it this weeked in anticipation of seeing her when she is in Los Angeles on a business trip this next week.  Two faves in one; but who's counting?

3.  We rushed down to West Los Angeles Wednesday afternoon after our classes to meet up with friends who we hadn't seen for a couple of years for dinner.  The young woman we watched grow from a jr higher to a lovely adult as a classmate and close friend of our daughter (see #1).  I furiously knitted on a little sweater for their new baby and almost finished it.  Part of one sleeve, the hood, and five buttons left to work.  The yarn came from my stash and so that is THREE faves in one--knitting, using up my stash and cuddling a precious new baby boy.  But who's counting?

4.  More spinning and demonstrating, this time at the Ventura Scottish Highland Games.  We were positioned near the building entrance by the stage where Celtic Spring performed four times during the day.  LOVE their music!  And I sold more hats and scarves which means more $ for Generate Hope.  Another two for one?

5.  Thursday (last) night we attended a dinner at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.  Wow!  What an amazing place.  After the dinner/program, I just stood under Air Force One and marveled at the plane and at the helicopter.  I think that President Reagan would have approved of the function--The Prison Fellowship (Chuck Colson) and The Urban Ministry Institute (a ministry of World Impact) are partnering to provide seminary education to people in prison in a program called Prisoners to Pastors.  Since The Professor is a board member with The Urban Ministry Institute Satellite in Los Angeles, we were excited to hear about the partnership and enjoyed spending a couple of hours with some friends and former colleagues in a marvelous venue.


Tracy said...

Oh, but your February Lady Cardi is LOVELY, Willow! I love the heathery denim blue yarn. That library dinner sounded wonderful... Busy days here just now too. Doing a GIGANTIC autumn clean & purge, which I know you will appreciate. ;o) Hope you're ankle is doing better... Happy Days ((HUGS))

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I can't sew a button to save my life! Oh I can sew a button on, but it won't stay. Poo! At any rate, I love that cardigan; looks cozy. Hope you have a good weekend.

Lisa notes... said...

It's great that you gave yourself permission to sit and read awhile. I do that periodically too, and while it's hard not to feel guilty about it, we shouldn't. It's a healthy thing.

What a beautiful and gifted knitter you are. Such a way to bless others!

I would love to have been at that dinner Thursday night. How interesting!

Heather Ozee said...

Hey Willow!
I love the sweaters. I just crocheted my first hats. It's so relaxing... and less messy than painting ;) Reagan has to be my favorite president. That sounds like it was a lovely evening.

Hazel said...

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - WOW! Sounds like being in a film. You have skillful hands. The Lady Cardigan is evidence. Every time I read about your knitting adventures I drift to dream mode because it sounds like a fairytale to me.

Carrie said...

The dinner at Ronald Reagan's library sounds AMAZING! What an experience!

And you made that sweater!?!? =O It's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Enjoy your time with your daughter!

Susanne said...

Wow, the RR Presidential Library function sounds like it would have been really interesting. That is really neat that you were able to attend and listen to Chuck Colson.

Love, love, love the cardigan. The color and style are gorgeous! And a nice morning break spent reading sounds good go me.

ellen b. said...

That's great that you'll be able to hand deliver that beautiful sweater. I'm glad you were entertained while entertaining. I love Celtic music. The Ronald Reagan Library really is a beautiful venue for events. Glad you had a good time.

Barbara H. said...

That cardigan is so pretty! Almost makes me want to learn to knit. :-) Except I have so many other projects lined up. The baby sweater is cute, too

Sometimes just taking some time to read is very refreshing.

Reagan's is probably the only presidential library I'd be interested in seeing, unless some of the early presidents had them, too.

Faith said...

what a wonderful week of special blessings! the sweater looks so comfy...perfect for an autumn day..i don't knit or sew and can barely get a button on so it stays so i really appreciate people who can do those tasks. And yay for a morning of reading! have a blessed weekend!!

Catherine said...

The February Lady sweater is gorgeous. I knew it would be - but wow! It's just fantastic! The baby sweater is pretty impressive, too. you have lots of wonderful faves!
The event at the RR library sounds like it was a night to remember, and what a wonderful cause!

nikkipolani said...

I'm always so impressed by your knitting, Willow. Probably because I've tried and, as a health and safety measure to others, I gave it up. I'll wave to your daughter when I head down to CV this weekend ;-) I love your two-fer fives this week.

Sharon Lynne said...

The sweater is beautiful. I love the color and the style is very cute/classy.

A friend of mine is housing a released prisoner who is in the process of becoming a pastor.

I'm going to Chino prison in a few weeks, connected with Kairos Prison Ministry.

All to say, it sounds like a wonderful ministry you are involved in.

Ingrid said...

I admire your knitting skills, I hate it, it makes me nervous !

Aqeela said...

Oh lovely, i would wear that cardigan, i must learn to knit and crochet...

Dorothy said...

I love, love, love that cardigan for your daughter, Willow! It is gorgeous!

snoopydogknits said...

The February Lady Cardigan is looking lovely. It's a great colour!What an amzing dinner too! Have a good week. Ros

Karyn said...

Love how you fit more than one favorites into each point!

The sweater is gorgeous! Your daughter is a lucky girl.

The Prisoners to Pastors program sounds very interesting.

Marg said...

I love your knitting projects. You are so gifted and it's fun to see the creativity of your workmanship.
It's beautiful.
Comfy cozy and down to earth.

Unknown said...

Hello Kak Willow, that cargian is soooo cantik! and happy you had a great dinne. Hope you are getting better with the ankle. hugs..MK

Caroline said...

Oh! It's nice to know that I'm not the only person trying to balance time and leisure.

As you may remember, me posting, I've spent many enjoyable hours at the Ronald Reagan Library. I always joke about what an incredible place it is because I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan politically, but that museum is awesome and always makes me feel very patriotic. I used to love the Nancy Reagan dress display, which, unfortunately, they've downsized recently.

Claudia Bugh said...

My parents recently visited the RR Library and I have THE best picture of them waving from the entrance to Air Force One - LOL

You had another lovely week and all your nearly completed knitting is beautiful ~ but who's counting ;)

Deb said...

Hello ! I love reading how busy you are and how you are enjoying each moment ~ living life as it was meant to be lived! I am happy to be back in blogland...took a much needed break as I figured life out. I tried to figure life out...not an easy task. Take care.

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Wow, Willow, you snuck in a LOT of faves in this short post. But who's counting? :)

Love the sweaters. Some day I hope to make knitting a priority as yarn gifts are very meaningful and bring back such lovely memories of my grandmothers! You are making those same types of memories, Willow.

Reading sure can be a Sabbath. I need to remember to do more of that type of reading.

So glad your week was filled with friends. Certainly faves in all our lives.

Barbara said...

Your knitting is superb as usual. Time just flies doesn't it. Life is so busy here just now. I visit blogs late in the evening otherwise would not get to them. Hope all well with you.