Friday, November 14, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Absent With Leave.  That's what I was last week.  I was given an opportunity to travel.    I flew to the rescue of my grandson who needed a nanny for a few days while his mama was busy in meetings for work.   Who wouldn't happily take that option?  I had a few weeks' notice, so I arranged my schedule.

Here's how it all played out with wonderful blessings along the way.  I'm linking this to Susanne's Living to Tell the Story Friday Fave Fives.

1.  A great substitute teacher.  It's not easy to get a sub for my job.  You have to have had training as an IEW teacher.  Last summer I spent a few days working and helping to train four women who are now teaching the curriculum alongside my boss and me.  Finally--I can confidently take a week away from classes and know my students will smoothly move on through the program.

2.  Time with that New Boy who has grown up so much.  In the mornings, I monitored his schoolwork.  Easy peasy.  He just sat down and did it.

It turns out that the heated swimming pool was the best attraction of the days we were in a city in the northern climes (read:  colder than California!)  It was beautiful, though.

On the last day, we finally persuaded him that a trip to the park would be OK.

3.  One of the best parts of the trip was meeting many of my daughter's colleagues who obviously respect her abilities and expertise in her field of work.  Of course it was fun to listen to the interaction of the brainiacs around the dining table.  I am incredibly proud of this amazing woman--my daughter!

4.  To sweeten the deal, my daughter added three days in Phoenix with our new little PAL to the offer!

The cousins meet for the first time.

New Boy definitely had fun with his uncle!  Who had the most fun??

5.  The Professor had a hand surgery already scheduled for the time while I was gone.  Although it was a simple surgical procedure, he needed 'supervision' for a day.  Son #2 to the rescue!  How I appreciate my son who just rearranged his grad school academic schedule and came from the San Francisco Bay area to hang out with his dad for three days, drive him around, and watch football with him.

So that was my little adventure to Utah and Arizona.  Now it's back to the routine.


Gracie Saylor said...

Being a wife, mom, and grandma as well as being fully employed is a juggling act you handle with amazing Grace, Linda. I am so glad you are blessed to be part of a loving family, and I love how that is reflected in your Fav Fives.

My youngest son as been down by you and plans to arrive soon here after driving from the East to the West Coast. He was born in CA [although he can't remember that :) ] Now he plans to live in Oregon!

Blessings on you and yours!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity for you and New Boy! How sweet that it worked out for him to meet his new little cousin. A wonderful absence with leave!!

Faith said...

how fun that you got,to spend a week with your,grandson! and the pic of the cousins meeting is precious! love that mountain scene too! enjoy the weekend and I hope,your husbands hand is healing well.

Meredith said...

Such a wonderful adventure. I am glad you ere able to get away and be Grandma for a while.

Ingrid said...

So you were on Grandma duty ! How nice !

Latane Barton said...

How could you resist a deal like that! Cute little boy and I know you had fun.

Annette Whipple said...

What a blessing to spend that time with your grandson while helping.

Routine after an adventure can be a great thing. Enjoy!

Susanne said...

My that babe is precious! What a fun picture. So nice that you were able to spend time with your grandson doing special things. Hope your husband has quick healing and recovery in that hand.

Tracy said...

So nice to catch up with you Willow, as I've been offline a bit. Sooo good your time with family! And sweet to see the cousins meeting! Hope all is OK with the Professor's hand an that he will be well. We're getting ready to travel in a few days to share Thanksgiving in the US with my family. With holidays approaching, I'm also making a departure from blogland... But I'll still be around... ;o) Happy Holidays to you & yours ((HUGS))

Kathie said...

What fun! Such a gift to be a grandmother!

Hope the Prof's hand is healing up nicely.

Glad you had such a great week!

Marg said...

It's those unexpected events that make life exciting. Looks like your family is growing...and your little boys is so adorable. My big boys are always adoring their little new cousin Ivy. It's special not matter what age they are.
(still knitting on the side)

nikkipolani said...

I love how your family pulls together to lend a hand or supervision as needed. And that your schedule accommodated it, too!

Monica said...

SO glad you got to spend time with New Boy! and what a sweetie pie the new addition is. New Boy look pretty happy with meeting her! :) Glad to have you back!

Barbara H. said...

I'm so glad it worked out that you could go! Sounds like loads of sun.

What a sweet little baby!

It's so neat that your son could arrange his schedule to come be with his dad on his surgery day as well.