Thursday, June 11, 2015

Here and There

Mostly there.  I did not intend to be gone  a lot this past week.  It just happened.  But I am thankful that, since it's summer, I have the adjustable schedule which allows me to change my routine.  These are the events that stand out to me this week and for which I am thankful--wherever I was.  
The Fave Fives of Willow's Week.

1.  On Sunday, my friend asked me to help her by driving to LAX to pick up her son because she is not used to driving in Los Angeles traffic. I happily agreed.  It was a great time to spend with her and then to get acquainted with her son.  The traffic was OK except for the fact that all ramps for the 405 and 101 freeway interchanges were closed.  It's a good thing I know my way around the San Fernando Valley.

2.  Then the next day, Monday, I turned around and went back down to Los Angeles.  An email from Daughter #1 informing us that she had an unexpected business trip to Southern California prompted us to set up a visit with her to view the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at California Science Museum.  No photography allowed.  I snapped this photo of the banner outside the exhibit.

3.  Then, since I could, I accompanied Daughter #1 to Hungtington Beach (again) even though The New Boy wasn't with us.  (He's visiting his auntie and uncle and cousins on the east coast.)  She worked.  I played.

4.  Rain!  One morning, we woke to more than usual June Gloom.  It was downright cloudy and misty.  The Professor reported that there was real rain at home.
Southern California beaches aren't always sunny.

Surf camp never gets cancelled.

5.  Although I did spend some time watching and listening to some work related videos/audios and writing up notes (and knitting, of course), I enjoyed a couple of beach walks.  Oh, how I love the beach!  I added a few shells to my collection.  I am enchanted with the colors of all the different types of shells.

It's always lovely to have precious time with my girl who lives so far away and to know she is thriving in her new job.  And The Professor was able to drive down for one night and hang out.  Knowing she is back home safe and sound after another full day of travel is comforting to her mama.

I think next week will include some travel, too.  It's that time of year....


Faith said...

oh how awesome to do the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit and extra special to do so with your daughter! im glad you all got some needed it, right? at least Im assuming you are in the So Cal area that is dry? the beach and shell photos are lovely. we used to collect shells on cape cod and Maine,😀 have a restful, fun weekend!

Monica said...

Driving in large cities makes me very nervous. While on our trip my husband did most of that! :) I love the beach too but found that during this visit (must be getting old) that my hips and legs hurt really bad after walking on all that shifting sand! LOL! I will still walk the beach any chance I get!
While there I too picked up a variety of different colored shells or rocks to add to my collection. (a clear vase in my bathroom)
Hope you have a restful weekend after all the running you did this week. blessings!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

OH how wonderful to be able to spend time with your daughter. Once they grow up we see them infrequently and it's such a treat for you to spend a long time like that with her. You must have been very happy...and she as well.

Julene said...

Keep on!! And, may the sunshine follow you as you travel North! It's been here for a couple of weeks and we all know that will change...or not. I like it green!
Can't wait!

Melanie said...

I too love the beach. I love a stormy sea and love to watch the waves crashing in. Unfortunately, here in Florida that often means a tropical storm or some such is coming in. I'm glad you had time with your daughters. How awesome to see the Dead Sea Scrolls!

Ingrid said...

I too love the beach especially in southern England, there are so many different shells, I don't find at the Belgian beaches.

Meredith said...

Such beautiful beach photos. So glad you are having a great summer.

Barbara H. said...

Wow, what a busy week! I get nervous in city traffic - what a blessing to drive your friend. Rain in CA - hurray! The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit sounds fascinating.

Ann said...

Dead Sea Scrolls would be really neat.

When my husband and I traveled to southern California, we flew into Burbank. It was great - we were on the side of the city where we were headed, and we bypassed the LAX mess!! We had no idea how easy it would be as it was a first for both of us.

ellen b said...

How wonderful and timely to be able to visit with daughter #1 and that grand #1 is enjoying time with his cousins and auntie!
So glad you have gotten some rain in S.Ca.!

Dianna said...

Willow, it sounds as if you had a wonderful week. Time with your girl...AWESOME. I am blessed that ours lives only about 5 hours away, but as she is a working woman and caring for her home, husband and son we don't see one another nearly enough.

I so enjoyed all of your gorgeous photos...especially of the beach and the shells.

nikkipolani said...

Wonderful timely visits with your daughter, thanks to your summer schedule. Since the beach is just far enough to be convenient for me to visit, I enjoy your images of it in sun and rain and many of its treasures that you find. Now I'm looking forward to seeing where you will go this summer!

Susanne said...

Wow, I would love to see that exhibit. Sounds like you had wonderful times with your daughter. How nice of you to take your friend to the airport. Big, fast traffic is totally overwhelming unless one has driven the route lots and in my case, has a good GPS! Love the beach pictures as usual!

snoopydogknits said...

Family trips are always the best! I always love to see your coastal pics. Great! Ros

Deb J. in Utah said...

LAX is actually my favorite airport. I can actually find my way around there - I usually get totally lost just trying to get to right terminal at other airports. That Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit sounds fascinating. I would love to see it. So glad you are getting some rain there. We all need more rain out here in the South West. Enjoy the week ahead and stay safe in your travels.