Thursday, July 07, 2016

An East Coast Sojourn

I am writing from my daughter's living room.  Last week, we were visiting Daughter #1 (Older Daughter) and this week we journeyed even farther east to Daughter #2's home (Younger Daughter).  This is a yearly (or more frequent) event, this visiting east coast family.  These are my Friday Fave Fives for this week.

1.  Of course, I always have to state that my first fave in traveling is arriving safely.

2.  Time with our grandchildren.  We picked raspberries and fed horses at the farm of a friend's friend.

3.  Theater in the Park.  We watched The Countess of Monte Cristo.

4.  Hiking in the woods

5.  I love visiting places where there is lots of green!

(Next post--photos of other grandchildren!)


ellen b said...

So wonderful that you can head east and visit. That first grand of yours is getting to be a little man. Yikes!

Faith said...

yeah for our summers on the Rast Coast.....up here in NYS we have had perfect biking and kayaking weather. Looks like where you are is more of the same. I love outdoor theater!!! looks like you are having a wonderful time with your gramds.

Gracie Saylor said...

Precious times! I am so glad you are having good visits, and I rejoice with you :) xx

Barbara H. said...

What a wonderful time! That's one thing I love about living in the East - all the green!

Ann said...

Beautiful photos. Does "east" mean "northeast" or "southeast"?

Meredith said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip.

Karen said...

Perfect summer activities. I love seeing all that green!

nikkipolani said...

Your +/-annual dose of children and grandchildren and greeeeen sounds just lovely. You must miss so much of the lushness of not-southern-California.

Susanne said...

Looks like you had a great time on your visit with your daughter and grandkids and I totally agree with visiting where there is lots of green. Good for the soul!

snoopydogknits said...

Looks lovely! Family and green space sounds just perfect! Ros x

Patti said...

Thank, you, Willow for visiting my FFF. Your visit to me enabled me to find you.

What a blessing that you are able to travel to visit your daughters and grands. And not only that you able, but that you are willing to do so.

We moved from Florida to southwest Idaho (Boise) 16 years ago. Boise is a "high desert" climate, so basically there is a lot of desert terrain...sage brush, brown grass, etc. Moving from Florida, where it's always green, was a bit of a hardship for us. We missed the green so much.

I especially like that photo of the road weaving like a ribbon between the trees. SO beautiful.

The theatre in the woods sounds like fun.

Hope you continue to enjoy time with your beloved family.

Patti @ Embracing Home

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hiking in the woods is absolutely one of my favorite activities :)

I wish you a wonderful start into the new week :)

Wendy said...

Looks like you were having a great visit with the family. Hope you're having a good week.

Ingrid said...

That's niced that you had some days together with you family and see your grandchildren !

Deb J. in Utah said...

I totally agree with you - best part of travel is safe arrival. I also love the green of the East Coast. Enjoy your visit and have a safe return home! Happy Friday to you!