Friday, July 07, 2017

Independence Week

Happy Independence Week at Willow's Cottage!  Here are my Friday Fave Fives.

1. Fourth of July.  Like us, the World's Best Neighbors don't have family living nearby and were home this holiday.  So we got together for an early dinner.  Yum!  And great company.

2. and 3. Fire! That word brings too many memories too close. (2013 was the year a Southern California fire burned within 100 yds of our home).  On the fourth, there was another fire--this time across Highway 101 at our exit, slightly over a mile from our place.  We were in no danger from the blaze because the wind was blowing away from us.  The fire department was right on it and kept the burn area to just under 50 acres.  That was the first fave.  No people or structures were harmed/burned.  The second fave is that we have a great county fire department which is experienced in dealing with wild fires.  The water carrying helicopter would drop its load, swing around, and fly over our house, so we had our own private air show as well.  (I have a couple of photos but haven't uploaded them yet.  I will do that--but wanted to post this and get it out there.)

4.  My brother's birthday was this week.  He is six days younger than The Professor, and yeah, they have fun with that--Old Man, Young Punk, Respect Your Elders, Let Me Help You, Senior being some of the banter that always goes on.  One day this week, he called three times to check in and had to hang up on me--no problem--we just pick up where we leave off.  I am very thankful for a wonderful brother.

Many years ago when we were young

5.  Every summer, our church hosts Wednesday Night Dinners.   Several people in the congregation prepare a meal and we all gather together and enjoy each others' company.  It's a great way to get to know people we only see on Sundays.  This week, the evening included a fun concert by a local band which featured our worship leader on the keyboard.  Fun times!


Ann said...

Sounds like a nice holiday. And the church dinners, you're right, are a great way to get to know people.

Barbara H. said...

When we lived in GA, we attended a very small church (less than 100) that used to have potluck dinners the first Wed. night of every month. I enjoyed those so much!

So glad the fire didn't come nearer to you and that you have a good crew to fight them.

Happy birthday to your brother! Sounds like you had a great 4th.

Karen said...

A lot of excitement at your place this week. Firefighters are amazing, aren't they? Happy birthday to the two men in your life.

ellen b. said...

Glad the fire was put out without structure damage. Happy Birthday to your brother. Have a great weekend. Yeah for good neighbors.

Gracie Saylor said...

We have a young friend who just qualified as a forest firefighter this past week. I am glad he did not need to be deployed to your neck of the woods! Happy Birthday to the bantering menfolk :) I hope you continue to have happy days with family and friends this week. xx

Susan @ FruitfulWords said...

I am intrigued by the summer dinners at your church. Sounds like a fun and eadyish thing to do. We had an all church BBQ last week. And on Sunday July 16th we will celebrate national ice cream day by giving away ice cream bars at church.
So so so glad the fire did not impact You and that no one was hurt. Hurray for firemen.
Also hurray for neighbors to celebrate with when family is not around.
Have a great week. I hope the healing is going well still.

Meredith said...

Sounds like you have had a great week. Glad you were safe from the fire.

Ingrid said...

We were a little out of the world during our tour it was so nice ! Even the weather was with us for Ireland standards ! It gets never really warm here always around 68, and the sun also is rather stingy, but we had no rain and to walk around when it is too hot than it's not good either ! The worst was the day we had to seperate we all became such good friends that the guide even created a Facebook page so that we can all stay in contact !
That would be funny if your friends were on this trip, I think there were people from Oregon, at least there were some from Washington DC, and Philadelphia

Susanne said...

I'm always heartsick to hear of fires. Glad that you have such a great fire department that is experienced and works so well putting out those fires. British Columbia in Canada is under a state of emergency as there is 230 fires burning across the province. 7000 people have been forced from there homes. Scary stuff. Your July 4th sounds like a nice relaxed evening.

nikkipolani said...

Those get-to-know-you dinners sound terrific. And how nice that you get to spend some time with your favorite neighbors :-)

So good to know the fire was under control and that you have a skilled team of firefighters.