Saturday, January 12, 2019

All. The. Good.

"And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house, you, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you."
   Deuteronomy 26:11

The Bible text above popped up in a devotional someone shared this week and it struck me that Friday Fave Fives does exactly this.  All The Good.  Here are Five Good Things the Lord my God has given me this week.

1.  Safe and easy flight home.  Not being the world's best flyer, I always appreciate a mostly turbulence free flight.  And this time, no transfers.

2.  We spent one day this week driving to Los Angeles to attend a memorial service for a dear friend who was my mentor and Bible teacher for a few years when I lived in LA.  I loved what one person noted about her life.  "GW lived her life for two things: to bring people to Jesus and to bring people together."  I would want that legacy , wouldn't you?

3.  Then we met family friends for lunch in Santa Monica--We have know them for many years, since those adult boys were primary students at the school where I taught (Watts Christian School).  We love them!  We laughed and chatted and reminisced.  What a blessing to spend that special time with them.

4.  We drove home via Highway 1, also called  PCH (Pacific Coast Highway).  The road has been closed due to the Woolsey and Hill Fires.  It was the first time we had driven along there since the fires.  Look where the rain has already started to green up the burned areas.  I'm thankful for the healing of the land.

5.  Dinner with World's Best Neighbor.  Pizza.  How thankful I am for a good neighbor who is also a good friend.

Happy January to you!  Be blessed!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I am not a very good flyer either, so I also appreciate a turbulent free flight. Yes, that legacy of your friend is lovely. I would also like to be known for that. The land is healing up from the fire - I hope those affected by the fire are also healing. Will check in and say hello again soon. Have a good weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's nice to see how nature heals and be reminded that God has his ways of healing our sorrows as well.

Faith said...

so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and mentor...but what a legacy she leaves! I hope to do the same.

It's good the land out there is recovering. That whole area has been under such destruction. Is good to see the green!! Praise God.

lunch with good friends is always a blessing and how fun to have a good neighbor as well.

Happy Sabbath!

Ingrid said...

I have been two or 3 times in Los Angeles in the 90th, when my aunt was still alive and lived in Madison/Wisconsin. We always combined holidays around the USA and then rested with her.

Wendy said...

Glad you had a good journey home. Catching up with friends is always good. sorry to hear of your loss but a good legacy to leave. It's amazing how the land recovers. The common opposite us that also suffered a fire last summer is beginning to come to life again.

Tracy said...

Hi, Willow... Happy New Year! After a very full December, Christmas season, and now ringing in a new year, life is settling down to the more usual things... like blogging. ;) VERY much hope you & yours will be greatly blessed with health, happiness, peace and much more in 2019... Heart-full condolences on the loss of your friend... ((BIG HUGS))

Susanne said...

Love that scripture! Glad you had a good flight home. I haven't flown since 1988 if you can believe it. That lovely legacy noted made me tear up. What a wonderful thing to remember someone by. Sorry for your loss of that important person in your life. How very nice that you were able to have lunch with your friends on the way back. Amazing how the land recovers, new life sprouting from what looked black and dead. God is amazing.

ellen b. said...

Wonderful verse you shared. So good to attribute to our God all the good things we enjoy.