Friday, August 16, 2019

How Was Your Week? Here's Mine

I love and need to reflect every week on the blessings in my life  Here are my Five Fave things from the past week. (Follow THIS LINK to join if you want to.)

1.  Eight mile suburban hike.  The Professor and I joined a small group for an evening hike.  Most of it was on a bike path we regularly walk.  It was fun to walk with other people who love to hike.  One woman grew up in Cornwall and we had the BEST conversation about that part of England I love.

2.  Talking with my new Cornish friend made me want to look through the photos I took of Cornwall last spring.  Happy Sigh.

All those NARROW  Cornish hedgerow roads

The New Boy at his favorite place.
That building in the background isn't Tintagel Castle.  It's an ancient church which is still used for services.

3.  Instagram.  I'm more of a Facebook person, mostly because I am used to it.  Sometimes I forget that I even have an Instagram account.  I realized this week that I have been missing out on some pictures of The New Boy!  His mom posted photos on Instagram of him cooking dinner and breakfast.  Evidently, he really enjoys cooking.

4.  Two doctor appointments this week checked off the list.  Yay!  And everything is ok.  I am cleared for bending and stooping.

5.  I am working again (and again, and again) on those old photos.  This past week I have focused on my oldest son's baby pictures.  He was SO cute!

So that was Willow's Week. How was yours?


Ingrid said...

I loved Cornwall too ! It's such a pretty place ! Unfortunately the "cute" little boys get also "old" mine now 46 ! doesn't make me younger, lol !

susan said...

Wow, an 8-mile hike. Way to go. How fun to talk with someone about England. Thanks for showing us some of your Cornwall photos. Those hedgerows can be so scary to drive through. And what a delight it must be to go to services in an ancient church.

I'm not much of an Instagram person either. But I know that many of my family post more photos there than on Facebook. So I also want to check out that social media platform more often than I do now.

Hurray for a good health check-up.

It is so fun to discover and then enjoy old photos. Looks like you are enjoying this process although it sounds like a long one.

Thanks so much for leaving the Elizabeth Elliott quote on my page. I had never heard it before and it is perfect.

Have a great weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

That's quite a hike! I don't follow too many on Instagram, especially when they post the very same pictures there and Facebook. But a few use it more than FB, including my son and d-i-l. Nice that your grandson likes to cook. And nice that your dr. appointments came out ok and are over with.

Susanne said...

What lovely pictures of England. Cornwall looks like such gorgeous area. So glad that the doc appointments went well and that you can now do more things. I'm not on instagram but I'm sure if ever there is grandkids I'll be signing up. LOL.

Phoebes World said...

I loved Cornwall... My brother and his family lived there for a few years so we loved to visit every summer.
I have to much as I love living in the US now... I still sometimes hanker for 'England's Green and Pleasant Land"!!
Phoebe x

Karen said...

Going through old photos is one of my favorite things. I really enjoyed seeing your photos of Cornwall. I just a finished a book that takes place in Cornwall and Devon, called the Salt Path. It's about a couple who walk the South West Coast Path. As a walker, you might enjoy it.
Good news about your medical appointments and your clean bill of health! I enjoy Instagram and find myself there more than Facebook these days. Have a good week!

Faith said...

Yay for an 8 mile hike!! I love it! even better that you got to go with a small group!

LOVE those England photos.

I'm assuming The NEw Boy is a grandson?

Your son's pic is so adorable!! I LOVE looking through old photos.

Sounds like a nice week.

Tracy said...

oooohhh... Cornwall...we have yet to get out west to Cornwall--one day! ;) LOVE seeing all the photos, and hearing all the happenings, Willow... And how wonderful to encounter English folks on your hike and share the love! Old photos... nice with walks down memory lane. :) I'm only on my blog these days. Insatgram tempts a little, but I often feel like I don't really need to be so many places online now... just blogging is enough "work"... haha! ((HUGS))

Meredith said...

Your week sounded wonderful, hope last week was as well.

Jocelyn said...

I'm glad to hear the doctor's appointments put you in the pink! And I love seeing those photos of Cornwall -so much green to love :)

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