Thursday, June 13, 2024

Food, Fellowship, Family and Knitting

It has been a  crazy week.  I have been busy preparing for an international trip; I should say "We".  We are leaving on a jet plane (actually, three different jet planes)--our two daughters, three teenage grandchildren and a friend.  Eight people in the party.  Eight very excited people.  But in the midst there have been a couple of hard things... our daughters' home had a water pipe burst which caused some flooding in the house.  Don't worry!  Servpro is on it!  And the plumber is on it!  Sometimes this week, I have had to stop and hit the reset button and remind myself of the good things.  Like a momentous trip.  Fellowship.  And of course, knitting.  These are the Friday Fave Fives Friday Fave Fives I am sharing for this mid June week.

1.  Sunday evening we were invited to dinner with a young couple.  She and I know each other from Bible Study group.  You know how sometimes you just 'click' with someone.  We enjoyed our wonderful dinner and great fellowship.  Their four sweet children were just a delight, too.

2. Of course, on the way out to their home, we drove through some lovely farmland.  And farmland has barns!

3.  I finished the vest I was knitting for my friend for her birthday.  The yarn came from a local alpaca farm.  When the owners sell their yarn from the flock, they label each skein with the alpaca's name.  According to the label, I knitted fiber from (oops, I can't find its name).

4.  All the little things that you realize you need to travel... I think I have them.  I made a list and The Professor and I made more than one quick run to the store.  Travel size sun screen,  Check,   Sanitizer, another small bottle,  Check.  Travel mending kit with needles and thread,  Check. 

5.  Dinner with our travel buddies.  We got together a meal on Tuesday evening and ironed out various things like exact dates, exact addresses for AirBnBs, Exact times and places for events we are interested in.   Needless to say, the atmosphere was exciting.  And we accomplished a great deal.

Now, I'm off to check my bag.  Again!  And remind myself of All The Blessings of this week.


ellen b. said...

Making a list and checking it twice! All the fun details of travel. That's sweet to be invited for a meal by a younger couple. All the best for your trip and connections! Sorry about the broken pipe. Here we have a broken A/C system! Yikes.

Karen said...

How exciting that you are all going on a trip together! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. You'll be making such wonderful memories:)

I just love the vest. And I had to laugh when you realized you couldn't find the name of the alpaca. Oh, that is me all over!!

It's so nice to bond with a woman of a different generation. I love the sharing that occurs in those relationships. How wonderful for both of you.

Safe travels to you and yours. xo

nikkipolani said...

Oh, I hope you all have a wonderful trip together, leaving behind repairs that've (hopefully) been completed by helpful professionals.

Dinner, fellowship, and barns, too -- what a deal :-)

That's amazing that one can own a piece of clothing with the name of the animal from which the yarn came!

Sandi said...

Love the vest! And alpaca?? ❤️🦙

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that you have become a very accomplished trip organizer! A good person to travel with. Mary

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I think "oops! I can't find its name" is a great name for an Alpaca! LOL. The vest is beautiful! What a wonderful gift. Oh, I can feel your excitement about your trip! It must be going to be something really special. Can't wait to hear all about it when you return. And yes, barns are the best thing to photograph along the way to a new friend's house for dinner! How special! Have a great trip! May God bless you all greatly.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I hope your trip goes well and that you make many wonderful memories! See you again soon!

Faith said...

Oh I can't wait to see pics from your adventure with hubby and the daughters and grands. How fun to go as a family!!

That vest is sweet!!

And the pic of the top barn is one i LOVE! is that a cross on the side?? i'm in a hotel dining room right now and the lighting isn't great and for some reason my laptop isn't letting me zoom in on the pic.

Have a safe and wonderful trip/vacation!!

Melanie said...

Wow! How exciting to be going on such a trip with others! I can't wait to see the photos when you return. I think it's so cool to have yarn named after its "donor." Very charming.

Have a great trip!

Barbara H. said...

How exciting! And fun to go with so many family members. I had to smile at your last one--I love to know exact details when traveling.

I'm glad your daughter's plumbing issue is being worked on. That vest is cute.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Jennifer said...

I hope your trip is amazing...and you will share some of the great memories made when you return home! Love those barn photos!!