Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday Fave Fives, First Week of June

Today is Friday.  I can't believe it has been a whole week since I wrote anything here on Willowscottage blog.  I've been thinking about posting the information and photos of my most recent finished knitting project.  Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow.  But anyway, since it is Friday, it is time for me to write about all the blessings of this past week.  Well, at least Five of them.  Here are my Friday Fave FivesFriday Fave Fives.  (follow the link to join in and read more)

1.  Who doesn't love a bonfire? We had a great time at The Hive (daughters' home) burning lots and lots of papers and a few logs. Tall Boy burned his papers from this past school year.  I helped burn some other unneeded papers. So much fun! I love bonfires!

2.  Saturday morning I joined some friends at a coffee shop in a town south of us and then enjoyed the rest of the morning wandering around a huge antique mall. I think I was the only one who didn't buy anything. But it was fun.

3.  Then we attended the high school graduation party for a young man. Love those celebrations!

4.  Tuesday night was an important evening for our grandsons. They are both members of Trail Life (similar to Boy Scouts). The troop had their Crossover Ceremony, which is for graduating boys up to the next age group.  Our Warrior Boy is now in Adventurers (high school) group with Tall Boy. I am so proud of these young men.

5.  And who doesn't love a nice rainstorm?  The main reason this is a fave this week is that having a healthy downpour means I don't have to water the garden.  And truly, I enjoy watching the rain drops falling.  And I love the smell after the rain. It must be the Oregon native in me.  Every time it rains, I am thankful for how God waters my garden.

And a yellow finch came to visit!

I hope you have had a great week, too!


Tom said...

...we have been dry, but some passing thunderstorms today took care of that. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

Susan said...

I love the smell of rain too and we sure need it! Sounds like you had a great week. I have never been to a bonfire. I can't be around wood fires now since it stuffs up my nose big time. I will do it once a year for my grands when they go "camping" in the backyard. Got to make smores the traditional way! Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

I'm always thankful for the watering from above. We are having a stretch of dry hot days here and I need to hook up our sprinklers! Congrats to your grandsons. That sounds like a worthwhile program.

Melanie said...

I love a rainstorm and we've had a few lately. It does make things so fresh and clean. Your smell of rain takes me back to a vivid memory of my childhood and sitting on our back stoop and smelling the rain hitting the cement driveway. I loved the smell and am always out there sniffing whenever it rains!

Congratulations to your grandsons. It sounds like a very worthy organization for them to belong to.

My knitting is going slowly and I'm getting a bit bored with the shawl I'm knitting. I told my daughter that I thought I'd quit soon and just have a scarf, but she talked me out of that and said to just put it aside and work on something else for a while. I'm such an impatient person.

Have a great weekend.

Barbara H. said...

We've had a mix of rain and sun this week. The coffee and antique mall outing sound fun. And yay for the high school graduation party for one young man and the Trail Crossover ceremony for your grandson.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Lovely photos and happy events. How nice you've had rain! We had a little one day, but it's just been SO hot and dry here. I can't even begin to imagine having a bonfire right now!! LOL. It will be 99 degrees tomorrow, and has been high 90's every day. You are blessed to live in a little cooler climate! Your coffee and antique mall outing sounds like fun. And all the other good stuff! :) Have a lovely rest of your weekend.

Faith said...

I love all of your faves and especially the rain storm. We had a day of on and off thunderstorms yesterday and the high humidity broke and cooler air moved in and it made me happy to have a day to read and finish up another lecture on an online course I'm taking. And i LOVE LOVE LOVE bonfires as well. We are due for another one soon.

how fun to have the coffee and antique shopping outing with friends.

Congrats to your grandsons!!

enjoy the rest of the weekend

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have really been busy and having fun! I have never heard of Trail Life!

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

nikkipolani said...

What a fun tradition at the end of the school year.
Looking and not buying is fun, too. I think of it as a money-and-space-saving device ;-)
That's terrific that you can be a part of your grandsons' ceremonies.
A rainstorm! How I miss our early spring rains. Glad you got some that will bring health and heft to your garden.

Gattina said...

If you like to watch raindrops falling, come and visit me, since November last year they are falling nearly every day and we still wear the same clothes, it's cold. There is no season anymore ! Nice tradition to end the school year !