Friday, August 09, 2024

August, Second Week

 We are traveling.  Again.  This time, we are on a road trip.  This trip had been planned before our adventure in Ireland, England and Wales.  So we wanted to keep our plans in place.  Yes, it has been a busy summer, but we are enjoying it.

And now it is Friday already.  Time for me to stop, breathe, and ponder all the blessings of this past week.  That's what Friday Fave Fives is for.  To help us slow down, think, and be thankful.

1.  Older Son's (Chaplain Dan) birthday was on the 3rd.  We had good conversations with him and found out he will be in the area that we are passing through on Saturday!  He is a US Army Reserve Chaplain and is spending some time on duty in Kansas.  So we will be able to see him!

2.  Older Daughter's birthday will be while we are gone.  So after church on Sunday, we took her and Tall Boy to lunch at her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden.  It was good to spend that time with them and celebrate her life.  (our rocket science girl)

3.  Books on Kindle.  I appreciate having so many more books available to read through our local library.  And I can put many of them on my Kindle to read and not have to carry all the heavy volumes while we travel.

4.  A safe car to drive.  I am thankful for our 2023 Honda CRV.  We had basic service done on it (oil change) and know it is in great condition to take us on our road trip.

5.  I know I chose this as a fave last week, but truly I am thankful for air conditioning.  It has been so hot and humid this past week that I don't know how I could have handled it and home and in the car without AC.

I hope you take time this week (today) to remember all the ways you have been blessed this week.


Faith said...

OOH a road trip!! what's in Kansas besides your son?? That's a place I don't think I'd choose as a destination. I lived for one week in Kansas City MO. That was more than enough for this northeast girl. (LONG story as to why it was only a week.....1984.....). I hope and pray you have safe travels.

HAPPY birthday to your daughter and son.

I cannot live in high heat and humidity without central air. SO thankful for that blessing.

Have a wonderful weekend and trip!

ellen b. said...

A/C is such a gift that I appreciate! Happy road tripping to you and what a nice bonus that you will get to see the Chaplain. Enjoy the journey!

Wendy said...

Birthday wishes to your son and daughter and have a great road trip!

Barbara H. said...

Happy birthday to your son and daughter! Hope you have a great trip! And yay for AC!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have a Honday HRV and I love it! My husband calls it a VCR :)

Julia said...

I hope you have a great trip and enjoy spending some time with your son. Happy birthday to both your son and daughter! A/C is a must, especially here in NC where I live. I'm so thankful for it, but I must admit I'm over the high humidity. Safe travels.

Ingrid said...

I wished we would have airco too, but it's only in the restaurant where you can stay the whole day and on the 4th floor where the severe cases are, like Alzheimer's or dementia. Usually it's always raining and not so cold, but this time the heat hits us ! How nice to meet your son and daughter, my son is with family in Italy !

Karen said...

I hope you are enjoying your road trip, and seeing your son is icing on the cake. I think Kansas gets a bad rap. We have found some really neat places to visit there! Every state has something to offer. Safe travels!

Jennifer said...

Safe travels and make great memories on your road trip!!