Friday, December 20, 2024

Fave Fives of December, Third Week

I am a bit late posting my Fave Fives.  But at least I'm here.  These weeks before Christmas are always a bit crazy.  That's why it is important for me (and others) to hit the pause button and remember the blessings of the week.  Thanks to Susanne hosting us every week, Friday Fave Fives helps me focus on things I am thankful for.

1. Younger Son (Dr. Mike) flew back last weekend after being away on business for two weeks.  We're glad he's safely home and settled back in.

2.  On Saturday afternoon, we met up with an old friend from college who was driving home from a long term work assignment and passing within 15 miles of us.  It was great to spend a couple of hours catching up and just enjoying each others' company.  Hopefully, we'll be able to connect again soon as his daughter lives less than an hour away from us.

3.  Christmas parties!  Friday night was so much fun!

4.  I love the library!  I can find a book in the library system and put a request in for it and then it magically appears on the hold shelf with my name on the paper sticking out of the cover.  Isn't it amazing?

5.  I love getting those texts from my girls--"Hey, Come on over to the coffee shop."  After so many years of living so far away from both Older and Younger Daughters, I am so thankful to live nearby and see them all the time.

Before our  next Friday Fave Five, we will have celebrated Christmas!  Merry Christmas to ALL!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Being near family is such a blessing especially at this time of year. It's nice to catch up with old friends as well. Have a very merry Christmas.

Tom said... and friends are always important and even more important at Christmas. Have a merry one.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. I remember the first time I saw my brother in the grocery store while I was shopping. Being near family is one of my greatest blessings. Mary

Faith said...

I LOVE being close geographically to both of my girls. Granted, one of them would love to afford to live in boston but.....not happening yet. Rent is outrageous even here!
Xmas parties are great! Glad you got to enjoy one.
YAY for son being home safely.
and double yay for the town libraries. I'm at mine weekly. I love that we also have online accounts so can renew a book if needed and also request one online and voila...3 days later it's being held for me at the library. Also, it gives me a good reason to pop over to the local coffee shop nearby that i like to give my business to. and it's just as good as Starbucks AND it's a bit less expensive!!
Have a very merry Christmas doing the things you love with the people you love.

ellen b. said...

Your retirement move was a wonderful one with your close proximity to both of your girls and the majority of your Grands. A very merry Christmas week to you and yours!!

Barbara Harper said...

These last days before Christmas always do seem a bit hectic, no matter how well we plan. Glad your son got home safely. It's fun to have old friends in for a visit. I love being able to look books up online and put them on hold at the library. I's lovely to live so close to our kids. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

nikkipolani said...

You are totally living The Life -- girls nearby, easy peasy library system (my mom loves this feature, too), and friends that stay connected. Merry Christmas, Willow!

Wendy said...

Your move to be nearer to family was definitely a good one. Merry Christmas to you all.

Gattina said...

That's nice that your family lives closer now ! Can't say that of mine, they have nearly 3 h drive from Amsterdam to Brussels/Waterloo ! But he tries to come all 6 weeks. I wish you a very happy and healthy new Year, for Christmas it is a bit late !