Friday, February 07, 2025

Joys of February

 I took a few days off after my tsunami of January posts. But now it's Friday Fave Fives time, so I'm back. The link will take you to Susanne's blog and you can join us in finding five blessings from your week to share with us.

A friend posted a Dolly Parton quote about thankfulness on her blog yesterday.  I loved the last part... "Keeping my eyes open for the unexpected joys..."  YES!  If we focus on finding the joys, we find more joys.

1.  I finished the sewing project I have been working with for a couple of weeks and mailed it off to PAL today!  A pioneer dress.  I can't wait to receive some photos of her wearing it when she attends the Pioneer Museum with her homeschool group later in the month.

2.  On Saturday, we joined extended family for the first birthday party celebration for little M.  Chuck.E.Cheese was the location.  Little M had fun but his two big sisters probably had the best time.  The fave in this?  We got to be there and watch the little ones having such a fun time and having their photos taken with Chuck.

3.  What were we doing seventeen years ago?  Celebrating the birth of our first grandson!  Yes, Tall Boy's birthday was yesterday!  He's seventeen!!  How is that possible?

Well, he sure doesn't look like that anymore...  Happy Birthday, Tall Boy!

4. It must be birthday week.  Yes, another birthday to celebrate.  S, of S and T our Coffee Couple.  Her birthday was Wednesday.  We celebrated at the coffee shop where we met them four years ago. I am so very thankful for our friendship with them.

5.  We had ONE day of warm weather this week.   In fact, it was so warm outside that we took a three miles plus walk with Younger Daughter and her friend and the dogs along the same path and in the same woods as last week.  The snow was gone.  After our walk, we ate lunch outside on the patio of a local restaurant.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Outside.  In the elements.  But, the rest of the week we have had rain and ice and temperatures below freezing.  I am thankful for that one day to encourage us that spring will come.

I hope you are having a good month of February so far.  Keep your eyes open for the blessings!