Friday, February 28, 2025

The End of February

 Goodbye, February.  It's not that I won't miss you, your holidays and beautiful snowy landscapes, but I am happily anticipating warmer and longer days.  It's time to say, "See you in eleven months."  You were very generous to me, February.  I did find many many blessings in your month, and especially in this past week.  So as we part, I will share Five Faves, Five Blessings from this week.  (the link takes you to where you can share your Fave Fives if you wish)

1. Speaking of warmer days, I am thankful for the warmish weather we have had a few days this past week.  We were able to take three walks outside along the local paths and in our neighborhood.  I am so looking forward to more and more walks and hikes in warmer temperatures.

2 and 3.  A double fave here:  One morning, The Professor and I were enjoying the company of a tiny seven week old baby (and her mom, of course) and getting to know her, holding her and watching her smile.  I happened to notice out our front window that someone had parked in our driveway and was bringing a package to our door.  I was surprised since we had not ordered anything from Amazon... But it was another young mom who was dropping off what she called a 'love package' for me.  This mom is a great thrifter and found the perfect sweater for me!  Included with the sweater was a little note just expressing their (her and her husband) love and thanks for us.  Oh my.  What a wonderful morning of love and care that was.

4.  Dinner with friends.  We always just eat soup and salad when we share with this couple.  And I always make my "Grandma R" rolls (recipe from my grandma) which they love.  I left all the extras with them for their sons who love them, too.  Their younger teenage son ate dinner with us and stayed to listen to our conversations.  That was so sweet.

5.  A spontaneous trip to Joann's with Younger Daughter.  I'm sure you have heard the news that J's is closing all their stores.  It has been a mainstay fabric/yarn stop for everyone in our community, so we are all sad that it is closing its doors.  But right now, everyone is rushing over to the shop to grab what they can.  Yes, the lines are long and the cashiers are busy.  Younger Daughter found some great fabrics for quilts she is planning to sew. I stocked up on my favorite yarn for knitting baby blankets.  (Don't ask how much I bought. I'm not telling.)  So in the sadness, we found fun and joy in choosing our purchases and in spending that time together.

Note:  no photos today because the laptop is again annoyed with me and is having a tantrum and won't download pictures.  The Professor is on it--working another fix.

I hope you are enjoying this last day of February.

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Cold Cold Friday

 I haven't had much energy today so I'm lagging on writing up my Friday Fave Fives.  It's not because there are no blessings to focus my attention from this past week, but it's because I'm just COLD. I don't think our outside temperatures have gotten above 32F all week (maybe a 33F or 34F but certainly not high enough to be noticeable). But now I'm here and working to focus on the warmth of all the things for wbich I have to be thankful.

1.  Warm snuggly blankets.  These blankets are certainly being used this week.  They're all ones I've knitted through the years.  The one The Professor puts over his legs when he is reading up in the 'library room' was knitted by Younger Daughter when she was a young teen and given to my father when he was in a care home.  I love that 'Grandpa's blanket' is still keeping us warm.

2.  I love our library.  We had a few minutes one afternoon after dropping some unwanted items at the St. Vincent dePaul thrift store and before picking up the grandboys from school, so we spent those minutes at the library.  I found a book that caught my attention and checked it out.  So far, I'm enjoying the mystery, set partly in World War II and partly in the Twenty-first Century.  I'm thankful I have access to so many books.

3.  I have been thinking so much lately about all the moves I have made in my lifetime.  Three states where we have owned homes.  Two other states where we spent several months studying in special academic programs.  The two provinces of Indonesia--West Java and West Papua on the island of New Guinea (formerly Irian Jaya).  Even in the different US states, we have lived in various counties.  What has kept us centered?  The people.  The friendships we have made through all those years and all those moves.  It's the people.  And I'm thankful for the friendships.

4.  Speaking of friendships--- we had the best time with T and S this week.   In spite of the snowy icy, we ventured a bit farther out than usual and had our coffee time at a newish coffee place in a town about half hour away.  We never know where our conversations will take us. Squirrels and Rabbit Holes are a vital part of our non stop talks.

5.  While we were there, a mom and her two daughters popped in.  I had been given some crafting beads and yes, more yarn which I didn't want, but I knew the girls (K and K) would love to have them.  So on their way to the library in that town, they stopped in and picked up the beads and yarn.  I wish I could have caught a photo of the look on the younger one's face when she opened the bead box.  It lit up the whole room.   

Bonus:  Eleanor Elizabeth had joined us for coffee and was so excited to meet K and K.  I think the feeling was mutual.  (photos shared with permission from their mom)

I hope that you have found joy and gratitude in this past week, too.  Did you have cold cold weather?  Maybe some snow or rain?  Find warmth in your coffee and tea and blankets and friendships.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Off To Ireland, Part 11!

 This was our last full day in Ireland.  What we did on this day was something I was eagerly awaiting the whole trip.  A visit to a sheep farm complete with sheep dog demonstration.

After overnighting in Galway, we enjoyed a lovely breakfast at our hotel and then boarded our tour bus.  We headed north to County Mayo.  Glen Keen Farm was our destination.

We met the young sheep dog.

He even let me pet him.
And Eleanor wasn't afraid of him.  He's a sheep dog, not a bunny dog, after all.

Waiting patiently...

OK!  Go get 'em!

Uh oh.  They ran off into the other pasture.

Not a problem.  He still quickly rounded them up and brought them to the pen.

Did I do a good job, Dad?
Do I get a snack?

After the demo, we headed to the farm house and the dog headed off to get his reward.  We were treated to a wonderful lunch and traditional Irish music and a wool spinning demonstration.

I was quite surprised to find that, according to our hostess who was doing the spinning demonstration, there are only TWO spinners in all of County Mayo.  If you have been reading Willow's Cottage blog for any amount of time, you will know that I am a spinner and know many other people (men and women) who spin.

Finally, it was time to depart.  I hugged the spinning wheel and wished it many more years of productivity creating yarn.

Then it was on to our very last stop...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Love In February

 It's Valentine's Day. And it's Friday. Since it is time for Friday Fave Fives, my focus is on things I Love.

1.  I love knitting. This week, I finished this afghan.  Younger Daughter bought the yarn and then decided she didn't want to use it.  So I took it and knitted the three colors in variegation.

2.  Whenever I am walking or hiking out in nature, I look for hearts.  Leaves. Rocks. Even hearts mowed into lawns.

3.  I love being able to see.  I have worn corrective lenses since I was eleven or twelve years old.  This week, The Professor and I had our annual exams and are set for another year.

4.  Today is our daughter-in-law's birthday! We love her!

5.  I love sunshine.  Today it is quite cold outside.  But the sun is shining.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday and Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 07, 2025

Joys of February

 I took a few days off after my tsunami of January posts. But now it's Friday Fave Fives time, so I'm back. The link will take you to Susanne's blog and you can join us in finding five blessings from your week to share with us.

A friend posted a Dolly Parton quote about thankfulness on her blog yesterday.  I loved the last part... "Keeping my eyes open for the unexpected joys..."  YES!  If we focus on finding the joys, we find more joys.

1.  I finished the sewing project I have been working with for a couple of weeks and mailed it off to PAL today!  A pioneer dress.  I can't wait to receive some photos of her wearing it when she attends the Pioneer Museum with her homeschool group later in the month.

2.  On Saturday, we joined extended family for the first birthday party celebration for little M.  Chuck.E.Cheese was the location.  Little M had fun but his two big sisters probably had the best time.  The fave in this?  We got to be there and watch the little ones having such a fun time and having their photos taken with Chuck.

3.  What were we doing seventeen years ago?  Celebrating the birth of our first grandson!  Yes, Tall Boy's birthday was yesterday!  He's seventeen!!  How is that possible?

Well, he sure doesn't look like that anymore...  Happy Birthday, Tall Boy!

4. It must be birthday week.  Yes, another birthday to celebrate.  S, of S and T our Coffee Couple.  Her birthday was Wednesday.  We celebrated at the coffee shop where we met them four years ago. I am so very thankful for our friendship with them.

5.  We had ONE day of warm weather this week.   In fact, it was so warm outside that we took a three miles plus walk with Younger Daughter and her friend and the dogs along the same path and in the same woods as last week.  The snow was gone.  After our walk, we ate lunch outside on the patio of a local restaurant.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Outside.  In the elements.  But, the rest of the week we have had rain and ice and temperatures below freezing.  I am thankful for that one day to encourage us that spring will come.

I hope you are having a good month of February so far.  Keep your eyes open for the blessings!