Thursday, December 01, 2011

First Week of Advent

1. I admit to not yet being in the Christmas spirit. Because I'm not a shopper, the gift giving part of Christmas does not excite me.  However, our family tradition of drawing names and buying ONE gift for ONE person helps me generate a little bit of interest in that part of Christmas.  This month I'll be planning and purchasing a gift for my youngest girl.  Of course, The New Boy is exempt, but we'll be choosing a small gift that will fit in his suitcase and instead focusing on an activity to enjoy together during the days we'll be together.

2. However, I do love Christmas music!  As I am typing this, I am listening to Celtic Woman singing O Holy Night.

3.  Although there are no decorations inside the cottage yet, the December camellias have been decorating their bushes along the side of the front porch.

4.  The box of hats for the Chicago area food pantry kids' Christmas party was sent off just before Thanksgiving.  I heard this week that it had arrived--all twenty-six hats inside.

5.  Now I am knitting some Christmas projects.  No photos of those yet--obviously.  That would spoil the surprise.  I'll give you a hint, though.  They involve several balls of different colors of yarn and a knowledge of fair isle technique.

I shall light the second Advent candle this weekend, the candle that represents LOVE.  It follows the first candle, HOPE.  This week, among my offerings of gratitude through Friday Fave Five, I send my LOVE to all, friends and family, and my thanks to Susanne for hosting FFF every Friday.


Tracy said...

LOOK at all those lovely hats--well done, Willow! I'm like you in regards the shopping. And I LOVE giving gifts, but the shopping--no. The crowds--no. LOL... I've made a few gifts. But the nieces & nephews want some specific toys this years, so to the mall. It's not so cool with Auntie's homemade gifts just now. ;o) haha... Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Wow, those hats will come in handy!! That's great! We only get the kids a couple things and not computer stuff but things like books, journals, music...stuff like that. And "O Holy Night" is my favorite song!! I bet the Celtic cd is wonderful!

Lisa notes... said...

Christmas shopping is my least favorite thing too. Sigh. My husband has actually gone shopping today without me. (He's a great man.)

The hats look so colorful and warm. What a blessing they will be! Have a great weekend!

Knitting Linguist said...

Those hats are wonderful! Talk about hope and love made tangible - those will keep some people warm this cold December. I, too, am not a big shopper (and so do most of the shopping online) - I tend to keep my gift list small for that reason. No knitting this Christmas, I think, but I may try to completely a small spinning gift.

Come Away With Me said...

I enjoyed the sight of all those hats...colors and patterns...and know that they will soon be helping some little ones keep warm in the cold Chicago winter!

Hollace said...

The picture of all the hats you knit--beautiful hats--says LOVE loud and clear!

ellen b. said...

Glad those wonderful hats arrived safe! We might have to consider changing Christmas giving in the future, too. Have a great weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Love the hats!! And I can't wait to see your Christmas projects, either.

I love Christmas music, too. Hope and Love to you, Willow!

Susanne said...

Wow, that was a lot of hats representing a lot of love. I applaud you!

I'll have to look out for that CD! I saw them on tv singing some Christmas songs and really enjoyed it.

Jerralea said...

You are not the only one who hasn't decorated yet!

I love Celtic music. I like the Barra McNeil family music at Christmas time.

You rock knitting 26 hats. It would take me 26 years, LOL.

Catherine said...

I love Christmas, but hate the shopping! Every year, my goal is to have no shopping left to do in December, except for the what we buy for charity. Then I can enjoy my decorations, and music, and advent.

The colors in those hats.. wow! I am always so impressed by your work. You give gifts all year long with your beautiful knitting. I think that's the better way to go about it.

Oh Holy Night is my absolute favorite Christmas song, ever. =)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Ingrid said...

I think you are the first one abroad who also celebrates advent ! Are there German origins in your family ?
I never do Christmas shopping ! I hate to run around in the last minute and be in overcrowded streets and shops ! That's why each time during the year I see a nice thing which could be a Christmas gift I buy it.

Unknown said...

I used to knit Kak Willow....a long long time ago. At times, my son asked why dont i knit, but no time is always a lousy excuse. I love Christmas..though we dont celebrate it at my home, but at my mom's place. The kids of course...are all for the presents. I love strolling at the mall,listening to all those songs and make me dream of winter...something we never have here. It school holidays now and I am on a long leave, but nowhere to go. Just had a minor knee walking with crutches is no fun...but I'll live..and hopefully walking soon too. Happy weekend, hugs/MK

Barbara said...

The hats look great and lots of choice.

Faith said...

wow...those colorful hats are awesome!! I LOVE's my primary love language (have you read the book the 5 love languages?? he is coming to our church in early spring!!). I love shopping for gifts, and admiring the wrapping,etc when given one. we are keeping it simple this year my shopping is already done! your pretty..enjoy the rest of the weekend..i'm on here late due to computer problems on glad to read everyone's faves finally!

snoopydogknits said...

The hats are wonderful and for a such a good cause. Lots of warm and happy little heads! The camellias look stunning. Nothing like that blooms in our little corner of the world at this time of year, so it's always great to see others'. I have to admit to doing most of my necessary shopping online. It's just so much easier. Have a good week. Ros

nikkipolani said...

Wow wow wow -- I'm very impressed with all those nice hats you've knitted! I've just noticed that my camellias are blooming, too :-)

Bethany said...

I just saw that CD at the library the other day... I will have to borrow it! We finally finished decorating and I guess I have to start shopping. I love giving gifts but I think it's meeting expectations that makes it not as fun. I wish it was like in Little Women when just an orange was very special!

Caroline said...

I haven't gotten into the Christmas spirit much yet either. We don't get out for vacation until the 23rd, so I can't wait until I'm off work to get started decorating, baking, etc. I don't much care for shopping either, although I did used to like buying special toys. Now the kids just want one for two "special" big gifts which makes it easier. I like the idea of not focusing on the gift giving so much, and I'm trying to plan some Christmas activities that remind us of why we're celebrating!

Marg said...

Happy to hear that you are following the Advent Season...It's my most favorite time of the year. Just getting together and sharing what's on our hearts. We too have simplified and stuck our names into the list and each purchase one gift, but then I found the boys some fun things and ordered them off the internet.
Keep enjoying who you are!

Karyn said...

I love Christmas music, too. In fact, I listen to it all year long.

What a beautiful box of hats! Good job.

I love giving gifts...even the shopping part is OK when I'm shopping for someone else. But your focus on activity together sounds lovely. Bet you can't wait for that grandson of yours to come!

Sharon Lynne said...

What a nice feeling to know that people are wearing your hats and their head feels fuzzy and loved. May God bless each one who wears one of your hats, and may they find and know the Savior who loves them deeply.