Butwhen Tim and Mia bought The Design Source Book of Home Decor by Judith Shangold and I saw the crocheted afghans I decided to try my hand, as it were, on a crochet afghan. I have been crocheting hexagons in seven colors. When the afghan is finished, there will be 226 hexagons, and I will have to slip stitch them all together. (What was I thinking?!) Since this one is a wedding gift for Cori Lee Neubauer, I am pleased to do the work and I really think it's going to turn out well.
Cori, if you read my blog, STOP NOW, and don't peek. Everyone else, The Victorian Garden afghan...work in progress...

Are you going to put some sort of backing on it at all? Or just leave it like that?
I'm going to leave it like that, looking a little lacy, because that's a Victorian look. I think it will be surprisingly warm--at least I hope so. I have one more hexagon to make and I'm ready to sew!
You are so talented, mumsy. It looks lovely.
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