The rest of September I will be mostly absent from Blogland. I have several deadlines looming, some self imposed and others imposed upon me. I am also getting used to a new job schedule, which always takes extra energy. I'll be back as soon as I can with photos and catch up news. I promise to post that Carrot Top Soup recipe for Clarity and photos of the spun yarn for Mary P. Oh, and there is a shawl, a hat, a scarf and more yarn (this time green and blue) to show, once I get them all photographed.
I'll be back soon, before Autumn really sweeps in with piles of orange and brown leaves and overcast days.

Do return soon! Hope you get settled into the new routine and schedule! And I hope the fires cease soon too xxx
I'll miss you! --Mary P
Don't get lost while you're wandering around the "real" world.
Good luck with your deadlines!
How is that tutoring going? IEW.
We'll read ya when you get back. How's ya for a IEW word? Ha!
Heidi@2 Thinks to Share
The changes here are not dramatic, like in the Midwest, but the changes that come with Fall are noticeable and welcome.
Hope you feel adjusted to your new work schedule quickly and meet all your deadlines comfortably!
I suppose So Calif fall is really marked by fires and exhausted trees, finally dropping their leaves. Cooler temps? Rain? Turning off the sprinkler systems? Not yet!
Love your photos! Keep up the good work on those projects :0)
I've got ash all over the car but I haven't been out since our walk yesterday. Today I'm heading out into the smoke and ash...
Have a great break and may you accomplish much!
Happy Autumn, Willow! Hope all is going well with your new work and that the deadlines will read a good finish. Enjoy your break. Don't forget to sip and savor this season's sweetness. :o( ((HUGS))
I've been thinking about you a lot as I watch the news in California. I hope you are pleasantly productive... sounds exciting!!! ;)
Sorry to read that you have fires in the area again.
Hope all goes well for you in all that you have to do Willow and hope yu will be back soon, even though I have not visited to often recently due to an overload of 'life'!
Perfect Willow. We'll all be back to follow up with you. That's just what we need to do sometimes in order to work on some other projects.
Enjoy the time!
We were alarmed at the "new" fire.
Take your time getting use to the new schedule...getting ready for company (:) and getting projects done. I shall remain faithfully yours! :)
Good luck with those deadlines -- I know how that goes. And stay safe during this fire season!
I will miss you, Willow. I am enjoying reading your blog with your inspiring posts. Autumn has a way of introducing changes and new challenges into our lives, so when your life settles down, I will continue to be your admiring blogspot friend.
Fall is my fave time of year! Love the leaves and anticipation of holidays.
Know the feeling! I hope the fire doesn't come too close. hugs Jane x
Hi, Willow -- I have been very lax in writing and visiting everyone so thought I would stop by. You and I must have been on the same wavelength for this post (see mine). Have a great rest of Sept.
Hi Willow--hope all goes smoothly in your very busy time. God be with you!
Thank you for coming over to mine. Hope your blogging break has been fruitful. Hx
Have a good break Kak Willow, miss you much already :P
hallo! Hope you are ok!
It is meant to be autumn but it is still hot here. 'Speshly if you have fur... :@}
Darling, thank you so much for thinking of me and my appetite. It rages still and is unabated by the changing season.
Glad that you are finally seeing something of Autumn, when was my Autumn post? 3 weeks ago? See not so far off... in comparison it's Spring in Australia.
I hope your new work is fulfilling, enjoy the gentle teething process and I pray that the fires cease.
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