Favorite moments of this past week were scattered around unexpected changes in our plans. Airport delays. Snow storms. Cancelled flights.
Although our flights on Friday were late and connections were missed, we made it to our destination in time to participate in the rehearsal dinner and the wedding on Saturday morning.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Others were not so fortunate in their travels. The New Boy and his entourage were snowed in.

Once we were assured that the roads were clear and there was a window of time between storms, we decided it was worth the drive through the frozen landscape to be able to celebrate the other weekend event.

Happy Birthday to Our New Boy, who isn't really so new anymore since he is now Two!

Shoveling snow, The Professor and his brother enjoyed 'quality time'.

In spite of the snow storms and cold (for us) temperatures, we warmed our hearts with renewed friendships and lively conversations that included comments like, "Was it really that long ago?" and "So what are your kids doing now?" and "Let's keep in touch!"
A wonderful time was had by all, even though, as Robert Burns pointed out,
The best laid plans of mice and men
'gang aft agley.'
And the most important words were spoken.
"I do!"
What small, large, or unexpected moments did you find in your week to celebrate? Susanne at
Living To Tell The Story hosts Friday Fave Five so we can share those moments with each other!
So glad you got to spend some time with your little NB!
Mary P
I can't believe he is two already! Celebrate! Bet you had fun taking snowy pictures for a change. Glad you were able to cath up with family ~ it is amazing how fast time flies. Hope the newlyweds honeymoon plans weren't ruined by the snow!
beautiful photos! Catching up with family and friends is always fun!
Sounds like a wonderful week despite the weather complications! Glad you were able to enjoy it, Willow~
Such beautiful photos.
And although things didn't go as planned or smoothly looks and sounds like you all had a wonderful time together.
So glad you made it in time, Willow... was wondering how the travel went--it's been so snowy everywhere! What fun the wedding cake--why the dice? New Boy is two?! How does the time fly so fast?! How sweet his is...aaawww... Wishing you & yours a very sweet Valentine Weekend :o) ((HUGS))
Oh, you are SO intrepid! Grandmotherly love emboldens one I guess. Good for you!
Two already! Happy Birthday big boy!
Glad you made it to the wedding and it sounds like lots of fun and fellowship in spite of that nasty storm moving through there.
I'm glad you made it to your destination! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!
Hi Willow! Welcome back to the relative warmth of So. California!
I'm glad you arrived in time to enjoy the happy celebration!
Boy, has it ever been a Winter this year!
I love the reunion aspects of events like weddings -- so good to catch up with folks.
I have never seen dice on a wedding cake before!
Oh I'm so pleased you were able to make the drive to spend some time with New Boy and celebrate his birthday! Looking forward to hearing some details...
your fave fives are always so creative with the pictures! wherever you were it wasn't NY that's for sure. here in the albany area we have had no significant snow since 12/9!!!
Those look like Dungeons and Dragons dice! WOOHOO!
Er...yes, I am a nerd. ROFL
Loved your list this week! HB to the sweet boy!
And we got snow too, which is rare for Louisiana. I'm loving today (snow day off from school!).
One of my favorite Robbie Burns' quotes and so true. Glad you made it to the wedding safely and got to experience some of the snow we've been enjoying. After all, too much sun and lovely vistas of sand and ocean just could spoil a person.
It's so good to spend those special times with special folk. I've enjoyed the arrival this evening of a long awaited yellow labrador puppy. It was 'all stations go' after a phone call to a breeder two weeks ago. He is adorable! Happy Valentine's weekend. I think I've found mine :)Ros
Sounds like a great week. Just being able to get where you wanted to go and home again was a blessing this week!
Happy weekend.
That's one of my favorite quote too. My grandmother had a book of Robert Burns poetry, and I loved just looking through it when I was a kid. Mmmm, I just realized how much of a bookworm I must have been.
The pictures of the snow are great. I've forgotten how to dress warmly even. I'll go to the mailbox in my stocking feet, even when it's in the thirties here in California. I couldn't have done that when we lived in Nebraska, that's for sure.
Wedding rehearsals and rehearsal dinners besides the wedding itself are fun to be in too, but how nice that you and the Professor made it in time for both. What a wonderful time with family you had!
P.S. Disneyland for CJ will be in nearby Hongkong.
And, it was a good week...you are home safe and warm!
The new boy, N, is so sweet..even at two!
What a change from California! We are spoiled over here.
I'm glad you braved snow and sleet to be a part of your loved one's lives...so important!
Hello Willow, great to be back and looking at your blog again, and posting myself. Beautiful photos, love all that snow.
Sounds lovely, from the wedding, to the brotherly quality time to your adorable new boy - I think he will probably always be the "new boy" delighting your hearts.
Peace, xxx.
P.S. Loved your welcome!
It's always interesting how we respond to events when things don't go exactly how we had planned. As we learned from the Opening Ceremonies, plan B was in place...thank goodness.
Looks like everything turned out for the best. Love that little guy.
Willow, thanks you for your comments on my blog photos, it is nice to be back. The man on the cliff is ab-sailing, agree Scotland is a wonderful place, sorry you felt home sick. The start of the clipper race last yesr was fantastic... Thank you so much again for you lovely comments..
Two! Well, if you change his name, we might get confused ;-) Glad you were able to make the wedding and family/friends time together.
Happy 2nd birthday New Boy!
Sorry you had put up with the snow Willow. We've been having a rough winter here on the east coast!
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