Thursday, July 29, 2010

FFF The Traveling Edition

I did not expect to be writing my Friday Fave Fives from a hotel in North Carolina. But life is full of surprises, isn't it? It's especially exciting when you're traveling.  If all goes smoothly, I will be back in California only a day late.

Anyway,  there were faves this week, even in the midst of canceled flights and unexpected delays.

1.  Wowowowowow!  The writing teachers' conference I attended this week was awesome!  I sat in seminars and workshops morning, afternoon and evening for four days and simply absorbed so much.  It's going to take weeks to digest it all.  I love spending time with people who are passionate about what they do.

2.  Making new friends!  The conference seemed less like a teaching writing symposium and more like a spiritual retreat and summer camp combined.  We bonded during cafeteria meals, over coffee and around the tables after every challenging and exciting lecture.

3.  Especially one new friend.  We stood on the steps of the lecture hall building and marvelled at how we were reading the same books and thinking about the same things.  What a blessing it was for me to discover that I'm not the only person pondering the same fascinating (to us) ideas.

4.  Service personnel.  I was impressed with the cheerfulness and helpfulness of the staff at the university where the conference was held.  It made my stay on the campus truly pleasant.

5.  Pleasant, helpful agents in the airport.  The young lady who helped me reroute my flight just kept on smiling at everyone.

6.  Anticipation.  How lovely it will be to get back to my little cottage, my little garden, my little routine.

Unfortunately, I will be traveling all day on Friday, East Coast to the West Coast of the US.  I'll have plenty of hours of reading and knitting time. But there will be no internet access, so I doubt I'll be able to get around to comment on others' Friday Fave Fives, although I'll do what I can.  If you're interested in knowing more about FFF, click on this link to Susanne's blog Living To Tell The Story.


nikkipolani said...

Yes, life is full of surprises. I'm glad to hear of so much good stuff happening at your conference. And welcome back home to your little cottage :-)

roxie said...

So sorry the flights had to be changed. What a nuisance. Glad that options were available. Blessings on the helpful, cheerful folks around you.

ellen b. said...

Glad you have books and yarn and lots to digest from the conference. Home again, home again, jiggety jig!

Kathie said...

Oh my it sounds like a wonderful time!

Dorothy said...

What an exciting week you've had, Willow! But I know that feeling of eager anticipation to be home. Have a safe flight!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

So pleased you had a great conference! When I worked for a large corporation we had annual "national" training weeks and I always had a lot of fun on those.

Flower said...

You are on top of the world! It is fun to spend time with people who share similar interests and ideas! Glad to hear you've had such a good time!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

So glad to hear it was a great week. After hearing you talk about it, I really want to go!!

Enjoy your homecoming. Thanks for sharing your week with us, too.

Caroline said...

I'm envious of your conference. Hope your trip home wasn't too exhausting.

We head for Fortuna tomorrow. I'll tell the North Coast "hello" from you.

Maggie said...

Sounds like a great time! It is always such an amazing experience to connect with someone else with whom we have a lot in common. Conferences are a great place to find people who share our same interests! Hope you had a safe trip home.

Cindy said...

It sounds like the return of the cottage and garden would have been on your mind while waiting for the extended stay from your flight.

It always helps when you feel like screaming and everyone around you is smiling and being so courteous, hum although I have seen the opposite result.

It is good you have somehting to knit and read while you trying to get home.

Tracy said...

This was sweet, Willow... Could fairly see you smiling while writing this! Glad the conference was great... even if travel presented challenges, but that all worked out well. The best part with such things is meeting other--and finding new friends. :o) Away is good, but home sweet. Enjoy being home again. Thanks so much for the lovely comment you left at my place. Happy Weekend ((BIG HUGS))

Reggie said...

Hey Willow, it sounds like you are having a blast on your travels -- I'm really glad to hear it. I hope you also get some free time to enjoy the landscape and take some cool pictures.

Ingrid said...

Apparently you are back safe and sound ! Such conferences are certainly very interesting and to meet new people too !

Islandsparrow said...

I can remember great teaching workshops and they are such an inspiration. A friend who loves the same books is a blessing indeed! Glad you had such a wonderful time!

Susan said...

I would love to hear more about the writing workshop! Sounds exciting. just dawned on me that maybe I need to just scroll backwards. I'll do that now.

Glad you had a great time.


Sharon Lynne said...

Sounds like a great conference!

Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, that sounds like an absolutely wonderful conference! I love it when I get to spend time being inspired in that way, even if I am glad to be home afterwards. Fly safely, and I'll keep an eye out for that wave as you go by :)

Betty Jo said...

Willow wish I were living in NC already. Perhaps we could have met up while you were there. Bet you're glad to be home again, although sounds like you had a super conference. ♥

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Willow...I can tell you were inspired and refreshed at your conference. It is always exciting to meet others who understand us, isn't it!

Barbara said...

Glad you had fun and time to spend with friends and family. Love your holiday pics in Oregon.

I love North Carolina and have been ther enough times to imagine it without the pics.