Thursday, August 19, 2010


Susanne says that this week's Friday Fave Five is #102!  For one hundred and two weeks, we have been sharing our best memories and favorite events.  Thanks, Susanne, for hosting us at your blog!
If you are interested in joining the fun, click on the link and post your own Fave Five.

Reunited with my computer, internet connection, and camera this week, I am able to post photos of my San Diego adventures.

1. What lovely delectable days we experienced, eating spring rolls and peanut sauce at the local Vietnamese restaurant

and completely throwing diet and cholestrol count to the winds with cheese burgers, fries, onion rings and the best chocolate milkshakes in the world at Hodad's in Ocean Beach.

2. I stole borrowed these beautifully crafted beads* made in Uganda from MamaMia.  Somehow, they matched almost every outfit I brought with me.  It pleases me to know that my girls have a heart to help and support women and children of the world.  The cost of this necklace went back to the original designer to help establish a cottage business in Africa.

*edited to add in response to questions--yes, these colorful beads were made from colored paper!  The tiny separator beads were glass.  Being so light weight, the necklace simply 'floated' on my neck and was hardly noticeable at all.


4. Taking time to do a little useful crafting was delightful.

5. Having several pairs of eyes, hands and running feet made it possible to share the joy of chasing this little one from swimming pool

to ocean pier

to the Egyptian Room at the Museum of Man

in Balboa Park.

Now I can carry these precious memories with me and look at the photos any time I want.

What memories did you make this week?  Please share them!


Unknown said...

Kak Willow :) Food is yummy...we are in our Ramadhan month now, so there's lots of fasting and lots of eating after breaking fast too. Love those beads! The colours are amazing! And the new boy is gorgeous :)

snoopydogknits said...

What lovely memories! We are spoending a couple of weeks in North Yorkshire, a favourite family haunt. We are here with our three grown-up children and their partners, our new little grandaughter, Sophie and our dogs. Lots of lovely family memories. Times with the family are always the best! Ros

Cindy said...

Thanks for sharing.
I love your spring rolls. I have large grape leaves and I was thinking of doing them up in a wrap and, ya... well I haven't got past thinking about it.

Beading is a great pastime. Extra helps, arms, legs oh and eyes. I'm on a week long break as I took my little one to the airport at 5am today.

roxie said...

I noticed the beads on the header of previous posts. Are they paper? (My mom told me how she and her sis made paper beads during the depression to dress up for parties. It was lots harder to find color pages in the magazines back then.) Looks like a glorious week.

"Sunshine" said...

To answer your question....I have had a delightful summer with many happenings. Sis came from Norway, daughter is getting married this Saturday at the Pacific coast here in Oregon and in a week hubby and I are heading to our favorite lodge on Vancouver BC....
After that...It will be another time and day to celebrate LIFE...
Pixs on my blog..

ellen b. said...

Oh that little guy is a little man already! So so cute! Leonard and Mandy's church supports women in Africa by selling their jewelery so they don't have to work in mines. You captured some great shots of San Diego and the food!!

Carrie said...

That beach pier looks awesome!!

And really - I think vacations are about throwing calories and cholesterol to the wind! And that's another reason why it's always good to come home again...

Karyn said...

Sounds like a wonderful week! Your little man is so cute.

I Love those beads - and the fact that the proceeds go directly to the woman who made them. Are these the ones made of magazine paper?

Jerralea said...

Those spring rolls look yummy!

I love that necklace, I would have borrowed it too. I've heard of African women selling jewelry to churches in our country. I think that is a wonderful way to support missions - and have cute jewelry!

Your grandson is adorable, and I can tell he's been doing some growing.

Hazel said...

Chocolate milkshake? I'd be throwing cholesterol count to the winds too. I love imagining the creativity behind those beads. Your little one's got a winner smile; I found myself smiling back :) Happy Friday.

Knitting Linguist said...

Ah, the Egyptian room! That's a perennial favorite in our family :) Those beads are absolutely wonderful -- I can see why you wore them so much. Making memories with family is one of the best ways there is to spend time.

TXDidi said...

Those beads are fantastic and such a great way to support a cottage industry. Oh, my....did the food photos look yummy. You had me at "peanut sauce."

elizabeth said...

The necklace is wonderful and how fun to have a friend to share jewelry with - it reminds me of when we were younger.

And really, it's ok to splurge on food once in a while. :)

Faith said...

Those beads are gorgeous!!! Love the pics.....sounds like you are making wonderful memories....enjoy the rest of the summer....

Ingrid said...

You spent a very nice week too, according to your pictures ! I also like to buy fashion jewelry when it can help. Most of the time they are even more beautiful then in "normal" shops.

Sherrie said...

The food looks yummy and that bead necklace is gorgeous! Have a great day!

Food for Thought

momma24 said...

yummy food, cute necklace, wonderful memories!

Anonymous said...

The food shots are making me so hungry...the ocean and water, jealous. The beads are wonderful, as your little guy there.

Nothing fun for me this week but work, work, work. Next weekend though the hubby is taking me on a weekend cruise to the Bahamas so at this very moment next Friday I will lying on a deck chair, pink umbrella drink in my hand...ah....

Susanne said...

What a busy boy! Looks like so much fun keeping up with him.

Love those beads!

Caroline said...

I love having fun with the special foods of places I'm visiting. It's hard to believe your little "baby" grandson is such a "big boy." My baby turned sixteen a couple of days. ago. I can't believe that either.

Jane said...

We've been to France to visit our cousin who's recovering from a Liver transplant, Em went to the pictures with friends and then we took another of her friends out for the day to the local museum. Its been a busy week, its lovely to see you and see how much the new boy has grown up!. Jane x

Tracy said...

I'll take a spring roll & peanut sauce please!...mmm... Those beads are wonderful--such colors & textures. And that New Boy is growing up too fast--he needs to slow down there. ;o) So sweet! Keep having those Happy Days, Willow! ((HUGS))

Flower said...

Your week was full of wonders!

Lisa notes... said...

The beads are so beautiful. Made from colored paper? Wow. I would love to have some earrings like that. I took my daughter to Balboa Park 2 years ago. We had such fun! Love your photos.

Elizabeth said...

Is this the new boy grown very tall?
Yes, the beads are very pretty indeed.
As for the food.......
All best wishes from NY!

Dorothy said...

What a wonderful (and delicious) week! And the beads are lovely, Willow!

Sharon Lynne said...

I enjoyed reading about your trip! Great memories I'm sure!

Bethany said...

He's getting so big!!! And he's adorable!!! You must be so proud! ;) Well, your post made me hungry, jealous of that gorgeous necklace (who knew paper beads could be so pretty?!), and wishing I was in CA with you! I feel like I haven't "talked" to you in too long... busy, busy summer. Congratulations on reaching this milestone post... onward to #200!

Barbara said...

How quickly he is growing up and a resemblance with Grandma there I think.