Friday, December 17, 2010

Heroes and Friends

This edition of Friday Fave Five is brought to you by the Heroes and Friends Division of Willow's Cottage.  You can find other editions of FFF at Susannes' blog, Living to Tell the Story.

1.  My husband.  Hero!  Not only does he share the laundry, cleaning, shopping, and dishwashing chores, he cooks too.  And he rescues me from horrible monsters and scary laptop messages from the cyber sphere. One evening this week as I was attempting to organize my digital photos, he sat patiently next to me, figuratively holding my hand, while I learned what for me are new technical tricks and for him is 'old hat' stuff that he probably teaches his students the first week of class.  Suddenly, a message popped up which warned of the imminent destruction of the universe!  Even he, the laptop hero, had not seen this before.  He took command of the computer, pushed a few buttons, spoke a magic incantation, and suddenly all was well again.  Hero indeed!

2.  I am doubly blessed to have a longtime (read: high school) best friend who is also a relative- my brother's wife.  Committed to each other for so many years, we chat regularly from neighboring West Coast states, sharing our laughter, tears, hopes, dreams, memories.  When we're old women, together we will wear purple, sit next to each other in our rocking chairs, and still be s-i-ls and best friends.

3.  I met a new friend this week at the monthly meeting of the local spinners and weavers guild.  She's a recent transplant from the North East part of the US.  Because we have both moved many times in our lives and we both have interests in fiber arts, we already had much in common.  I invited her to have coffee and we're already planning to meet again in January before our next guild meeting.

4.  Recently, we reconnected with friends we knew when we lived in Indonesia.  Finding out that they are visiting in Orange County right now, we are planning to drive down to see them.

5.  Today is a friend's birthday!  You know what that means!  Coffee, goodies, hugs, best wishes for another wonderful year!  I found the perfect photo for her in my digital archives and printed it on a 'birthday' card for her.

As the old proverb states,
 "Make new friends, but keep the old.
The new are silver, the others gold.

Do you have friends and heroes in your life who make every day better?


Bethany said...

Well, YOU are a friend who makes life better! I can't think of anything more valuable than friendship. And you are lucky to have such a great husband!!

ellen b. said...

Oh how I depend on computer heroes to rescue me from them and their chicanery. Heroes and friends are the best. Happy to count you as one of my friends Willow. :o)

Ingrid said...

I like your vision of "old" women hahaha ! besides the friendships which usually remain, sitting in a rocking chair is very comfy ! Imagine that when the 86 year old mother of my neighbor finally went to a retirement home, her first question was "do you have internet ?"

roxie said...

Willow, they'll have to tie you into that rocking chair, because you'll be wanting to lead a hike around the block, followed by a creative writing session about what you discovered. THEN, you'll be off to celebrate the success of one of the great-grandkids. (Medal of honor, Pulitzer Prize, a process for switching cars to run on poluted water) and after that you'll be delivering meals on wheels. but yes, you will be savoring your SIL's company the whole time.

Friends and Heroes - you're among them.

Oh, you can wear purple right now if you want. I do, and I'm not old.

Barbara H. said...

I remember singing a song in Girl Scouts with those words. What a lovely bunch of friends! And I am glad to have my own personal hero as well. :-)

Lisa notes... said...

I love how "friends" are in all of your five favorites. What a true joy in life!

Graf Spee said...

The Princess is my hero. I get to go have fun, she has to stay home and mind the house.

Melissa said...

Yes, yes, yes! Your husband does sound like a hero! (I am blessed to have a hero for a husband, too!) And friends ... I don't know what I'd do without mine.

Your list made me smile. Thank you! :)

Tracy said...

I can hear all the smiles between the lines here, Willow! Like yourself, many family members & friends bring so many highlights to my each & every week... I feel so blessed! :o) And my hubby is my pc guru too. ;o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

Susanne said...

I absolutely loved this post! Friends are a true gift in life.

I have a computer superhero at my house too. Don't know what I'd do without him. :v)

Faith said...

Awesome sound like you have great friends and ARE a great friend. I am ver fortunate to have several close friends and a couple of "like sis" friends as well...God is good! Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Knitting Linguist said...

I most definitely do! In fact, I'm hitting a big birthday in the next few months, and I keep thinking that what I really should do is to take out for lunch all of the friends who inspire me every day to be better than I am - I am lucky beyond words.

Hazel said...

"...took command...pushed a few buttons, spoke a magic incantation..." Cute hero :) I don't think I'm this old yet but my favorite color is already purple. Number 2 makes someone like me jealous. Love it!

Caroline said...

Well, I'm betting that "the professor" thinks you're pretty special too. Your posts are always so uplifting.

Loved your section about emails from your students:) Kids are so funny.

Flower said...

When can we start wearing purple and doing the rocking chair thing? I'm ready!! We can take our rocking chairs to the seaside and woodland meadow!! Shared time is the best!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Like you my number one best friend is my life partner ~ every night I think to myself how grateful I am to be held safe in his arms.

You are blessed with many old friends and I like the sound of the new one too :)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful post Kak Willow. I like the part about your husband, which made me appreciate mine more. He does a fair bit of housework and at times,I am still annoyed with him...will remember to sayang him more. Here's wishing you an early Merry Christmas and enjoy this wonderful season with the family. Jumpa lagi :)

Betty Jo said...

Hi Dear Willow, Dropping by to wish you a Merry, Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever! Looking forward to a new year of blogging with you. ♥

Laura :) said...

Hi Willow!

Thank you for commenting on my blog today!! I love meeting new people!! :)

What a beautiful list of loved ones!! It made me all gushy for my sister/best friend who I love to pieces. Also for my beautiful mom who spent this year in chemo, but is going strong. And for the five women with whom I share a children's theater - they are amazing, beautiful and so, so lovely!!! ....happy sigh....Thank you, Willow!!! :)

Sharon Lynne said...

Friends and family are what makes life brighter,meaningful and fulfilling. I need to remind myself this when I'm busy doing "things" around the house, and a friend calls.

Have a great Christmas!

Barbara said...

Well Alan would be thrown with the computer stuff and the cooking but does the rest.

Heather Ozee said...

Hi Sweet Willow. Have a Very Happy New Year. And you do have a great man ;)