Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Small View

Friday again.
Friday Fave Fives.
Living Small this week.

1. Loving the unexpected beauty of small flowers.

2. A small batch of cinnamon rolls made with soy cream cheese and whole wheat flower and filled with cinnamon and maple syrup.  Surprisingly delicious while also being surpassingly healthy.

3. A small episode of procrastination yielded a large amount of baked goods.  Swedish rye bread

and six dozen cut out sugar cookies.

4. Doesn't the New Boy's Weasley Sweater look a bit small?
Time to knit another one.

5.  Some days, even a small glimpse of the sea is enough.

Thanks to Susanne for hosting Friday Fave Five at Living to Tell the Story.


Marg said...

I love that little boys sweater...too cute...I could dig into one of those cinamon buns right now...
So much to do, so little time, but it's always fun to visit.

Dorothy said...

New Boy really is getting big! He definitely needs a new sweater!

meg said...

I adore New Boy and his sweater, too! I have grandchild envy ;D Hope to have one of those little ones to knit a Weasley sweater for some day.

Thanks for posts like this, they're delicious and inspire me to keep going and to keep finding the things worth getting up for!

roxie said...

Rye bread? Oh, bliss! Hot rye bread torn in chunks off the loaf and smeared with soft butter melting in - - ahhhhhh!

The sweater still fits but yes, it's time to knit a bigger one. A boy can always use another sweater.

Unknown said...

WOW! The new boy have grown up much and such a handsome fella :) Love bread and wish I could bake some...past experience always ended in the bin. Happy weekend.

Tracy said...

Friday already... how did taht happen so fast?! LOVE those cinnamon rolls Do you have a link to the recipe, Willow? I'd love to make these healthier cinnamon rolls. New Boy looks so big and grown up now--my goodness how he's grown! He's losing his "baby" look...aaawww...Happy Weekend, my friend .:o) ((HUGS))

nikkipolani said...

I remember when New Boy was New. Look at him now! You will be sharing the recipe for those cinnamon rolls, won't you? I zeroed in on the "small batch" part ;-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

baked goods look yummy, boy is very cute, and most all days just a glimpse of the sea is enough...sometimes just a whiff of the sea is good as well.

ellen b. said...

Oh my goodness. New boy is getting so big. Soon you'll have to call him Little Man. Yikes. He is a handsome young boy in that sweater and yes it looks like it's time to knit a new one. Look at all that baking happening at your cottage!!

Susanne said...

Boys do grow like weeds, don't they? He does look adorable in his sweater, though.

Look at all that baking! Go girl! :v)

Lisa notes... said...

Delicious and healthy – an unusual combination. Hold on to that recipe! Your pictures are always so lovely. Thanks for sharing your week. Have a great weekend.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

All your baking looks fabulous!!!! I'm getting ready to make cutout cookies this weekend :)

If I close my eyes I can smell the ocean and it makes me smile.

Karyn said...

That little boy is sure good lookin!

Ingrid said...

Yes I also think the sweater could be a little bigger, so start a new one. Little boy is become a big boy, lol ! very cute !
I just became grandma of a little boy too. On Nov 17.

Cindy said...

Great time to procrastinate something else and get baking done.

New boy is growing up perhaps his sweater is getting small, lol

Great week

Flower said...

I see new yarn in your future...and happy needles!
Our new boy had his sweater on yesterday and at 20 lbs..he isn't swimming in it! :)
Happy weekend....happy baking...happy eating!!

Barbara H. said...

Looks like lots of scrumptious food there!

I so admire anyone who can knit such gorgoeus sweaters.

And you're so blessed to live near enough to the sea for a glimpse!

Come Away With Me said...

New Boy is looking so grown up! And handsome too.

Barbara said...

Oh! My
How the new boy is growing. Can he still be called 'the new boy?'

Alan is fine by the way. Drs want him to have an IVU scan and appointment is March. still wondering what causethe problem.

Freedom | Rethinking the Dream said...

Your post made me hungry. We have some not so healthy cinnamon rolls that I'm going to have to dig into now.

Bethany said...

I bet your house smelled wonderful last week! Mmmm!! If you have some time to sit and type, you could post the recipe for your cinnamon rolls! Your grandson is getting so big and so handsome!!! I think the girls will be swirling in high school! The sweater is so cute on him... I think Grandma should continue keeping him in sweaters!