Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some weeks are busy; some are quiet.  Fortunately, after last week's busyness, this week has been slower paced.  However, every week has moments of joy and gratitude and I want to focus my thoughts on those.  Friday Fave Five helps me do that. (Follow the link to join FFF at Susanne's blog.)

Birthday Buddies.  My friend Dorothy rode the train up from LA to visit me for the day on Friday.  After I picked her up at the train station Friday morning, she joined me at my Bible study group, and then we shared a birthday lunch.  Whenever we get together, we decided whose birthday we're celebrating-hers or mine.  This week it was her turn.

Birthday Boy.  My younger son, The Grad Student, celebrated his birthday this week.  I realize I am his mother and people might accuse me of being a little biased, but I think he's pretty wonderful!

Books.  Recently, I decided that I needed to allow myself some downtime to sit and read.  So I pulled out my Newbery Award books and read two this week-- The Midwife's Apprentice and Shiloh.  Do you enjoy reading well written and thoughtful books?  Consider reading the Newbery Award and Newbery Honor books!

To Do Lists. Coupled with choosing a decluttering 'mini mission' every day, my to do list of five 'mini jobs' is actually getting completed. I've been super productive this week in accomplishing many projects including writing notes and letters and cleaning out the trunk and glove box in my car.

Better weather. Sunshine and warmer temperatures have continually called me outside this week. Weeding and pruning in the garden are great excuses to soak up some sun.

Did you have sun, snow or rain?  Busy days, quiet evenings?  Did you read books or celebrate with friends?


Mama Mia said...

So glad you got to spend time with your birthday buddy! And you're right, Son #2 is a pretty special guy! :o) (So is Son #1!)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Snow snow snow around here! Mad crazy snow!

LivingforGod said...

Happy Birthday to you, your son, and your friend! Have fun reading, decluttering, and working in the garden :)!

Lots of rain and a little bit of sunshine here.

April @ The 21st Century Housewife said...

Hi there, I'm visiting via Living to Tell the Story. It sounds like you have had a really nice week all round. Hope your weekend is lovely.

Hazel said...

We had sun in our part of the globe. And I read a pile of abstracts.

Celebrating birthdays with loved ones is always fun!

Tracy said...

What a good week, Willow! Happy Day to your son! Here the snow has stopped--but it is very cold. I am reading Eat, Pray, Love and a guide book on Paris (dreaming... ;o). Tomorrow we have hubby's family coming for lunch--I can't wait! My cold is lifting, nose breathing again. It's been a good week. Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS)) Oh, stop by my place, if you can, during the weekend–I’m having a fun Valentine Giveaway!:o)

Melissa said...

A productive week can be so rewarding! Glad you're getting so much done and enjoying the weather.

Cindy said...

Yes, some weeks are slower than others. A happy B'day to your son. We have been dusted with snow last night it was beautiful. I love your mini list idea and think it might work for getting somethings done that are pressing. I haven't read the end of a book in 3 months and come to find out you read 2 this week, I guess I'm a slow reader.

Susanne said...

Time with birthday buddies is always fun. I missed that this year. Happy birthday to your Grad!

Tons of snow around here. I've got about a 4 foot hill in the backyard from all the drifting and shovelling. The dayhome kids think it's great. Their very own sledding hill.

I'm in a decluttering mood too and have hit up the craft room this week.

roxie said...

It's been a slow day on the outside, quite quite busy inside my head. sounds as if your week has been equally productive. As usual! Joy to all the celebrations! (Rain and 48degrees today)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like how you trade off birthday celebrations with your friend. And happy birthday to your wonderful son :-)

Congrats on decluttering. I like the idea of mini-missions to ward off procrastination of gigantic-projects.

ellen b. said...

Glad Dorothy hopped on that train and enjoyed the day with you. I actually got some reading in this week, too. It's a good thing. I hope your weekend is good and restful.

Heather said...

Awe! My oldest son turns 3 next week. I am glad you got to see yours and spend time with him! Books, I love books!

Barbara H. said...

It has been in the 40s this week -- much nicer than the 20s of the last couple of weeks. But I am still looking forward to spring!

Nice birthday celebrations this week!

I'm rereading through the Anne of Green Gables series for a Lucy Maud Montgomery challenge at Reading to Know this month. It's like visiting old friends.

I like the idea of making "mini missions" -- much easier to handle than bog overhauls.

Bethany said...

I can see the resemblance in your son! And you're supposed to think he's wonderful--he's your son! ;)
I haven't been reading any fiction lately... I miss it. And you're absolutely right... reading good award-winning literature, even if it's written for a younger age, is still enjoyable.

Faith said...

Great list of FFF's. Your son has nice hair!
My daughters LOVE Shiloh and we collect several Newberry Award books over the years.
Yes...we had sun, snow AND rain (freezing rain) all this week....mostly snow though...i am soooo ready for spring temps!

Marg said...

Yea!!!Trying to organize and shuffle between work and all the rest of it.
Today I needed to organize some writing notes...something that I need to put on my TO DO LIST.
Today it's raining, so it's a great day to organize and get ahead of myself...over the next few weeks.
But I did accomplish 5 Shutterfly albums/calendars over the past month.
And I just ordered some more good reading.

Karyn said...

What a fun way to share your birthday with a friend!

I love to read...nothing better than a good book!

Can't imagine working in a garden just now! The snow plows around here are not able to keep up with keeping the roads clear and our yard has disappeared behind the high banks of snow my husband has piled up to keep the drive clear.

But....we are experiencing 'perfect' winter weather this weekend! Only 8 degrees below freezing...crisp and cool but not warm enough to cause melting and all the mess and ice that comes with that!

Have a great week!

Ingrid said...

Looks like a nice week ! I am still waiting for better weather ! I don't even know anymore how the sun looks like !

Sharon Lynne said...

I enjoyed hearing about your week and seeing a picture of your pride and joy...your son.

In answer to your question it's sunny here...(as you know).
And I've recently discovered the dog park. I can sit in the sun and stare at the backdrop...the beautiful mountains...and laugh at all the different kinds of dogs God created.

Tanja from Minimalist Packrat said...

Happy birthday to your son!

My week has been full of a big "storage shed cleanout" project I'm doing for my honey's momma. It's Christmas everywhere! (Yes it's January, but this is the Christmas shed we're doing.)

So I've been having fun... and of course, slipping in good reading time like you as well!


Knitting Linguist said...

So many good things! I agree with you completely about the Newberry Books, they are always so good.

Caroline said...

Nerd that I am, I had the goal of reading all of the Newberry book award winner to my kids when they were little. I really enjoyed the early books, but I thought the quality wasn't as predictable in the more recent ones. I did like The Midwife's Apprentice though. Oh, and I kept going off on tangents, so we never finished the Newberries, but we enjoyed the "ride." I remember both kids liking Blue Willow and Thimble Summer, so then we had to read every Elizabeth Enright book we could find.

Barbara said...

Another child who looks like you too!!