Thursday, January 06, 2011

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Editor's note:  Yes, I'm aware that the blog looks different.  I'll be working over the weekend to figure out what happened and to rectify the changes.

Friday Fave Five is hosted weekly by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.  The goal of FFF is to look back at your week and find the good stuff, the five favorite happenings, events or thoughts that encouraged you.  Join us by clicking on the link above and signing in on mr. linky.  And, Susanne, THANKS for faithfully hosting FFF every week!

Because it is the beginning of the New Year 2011, many people, including bloggers, including me, have made resolutions and goals to simplify, declutter and minimalize their lives, their possessions and their activity calenders.  Simplicity has been a long time interest of mine.  For many years, I have sought to simplify my life, have read innumerable books and blogs on the topic, and have even taught classes and led discussion groups on voluntary simplicity.  If you are one of the people who have stated that this year you are going to 'simplify your life', you may be interested in looking at these five fave websites or blogs.  Some are focused on decluttering your home and give excellent advice and guidance for doing just that.  I have learned so much from these people and want to share their wisdom to help you on your journey to simplify your life.

1.  Messies Anonymous

2.  Flylady

You can gain inspiration and great ideas from reading these three blogs written by people just wanting to simplify their surroundings and lives.

3.  Colleen at

4.  Rethinkingthedream

5.  becomingminimalist

I just have to add one bonus website.  Project 333 is the brainchild of Courtney Carver who since October of 2010 has been challenging people via her blog, twitter and facebook to simplify their basic wardrobes to 33 items.

Is simplicity your goal this year?  What is your first project?


Tracy said...

Hi, Willow! Simplifying my life and living abundantly with less is something I've been working on for some time too. While I feel at times there is still a lot of "stuff" in our home, they are things we genuinely use and love. I keep this quote by William Morris much to heart: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." A bit thing besides de-cluttering has been to stop shopping. Unless is is a necessity like food, sometimes a gift, etc., I don't shop. That has been a big helper in terms of less coming in & eventually out of the house. Wonderful blogs here, a few I read too, especially 365 Less Things and Becoming Minimalist. Be More with Less--Courtney's blog is one of my favorite read & sources of inspiration. I loved doing Project 333 and will be doing an update on it at place next week. :o) Great post, my friend--a topic dear to my heart, as you know. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

Come Away With Me said...

Simple is always good, at least in my opinion. Thanks for sharing these resources.

I like your new simplified blog design the header, you can export it to your desktop from whatever photo file you keep it in, and in the process change the width to about 950; then is should can grab it from your desktop into the blog template.

roxie said...

(looking at you with big eyes and trembling lower lip) But - but - I LIKE my clutter. Creativity grows in the random juxtaposition of dustbunnies and old christmas catalogs; in the mix of t-shirts waiting to be folded on the sofa; in the chaos of papers on my desk. I need some scraps and trash and disorder to jump-start my brain. I need something to work with.

Karen said...

I love this list! I'm going to check out all of the blogs. As I try to become more mindful of my life, I find it's easier with less stuff!

Have a good weekend.

Jerralea said...

Thanks for sharing, Willow. I'm always interested in new blogs and ideas.

While I love to declutter, I'm not sure that I'd ever only own 33 pieces of clothing! (Does this include lingerie?)

Mama Mia said...

Good luck with your simplifying! :o) I think maybe I'll try doing Fave Fives.... maybe...

ellen b. said...

Enjoyed this idea for fave 5 and reading the comments. It's fun to see the contrast and resistance from some who are possible "on the edge" hoarders like myself LOL...
I do always breathe a sigh of relief when things are decluttered and organized...

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hello Willow I read your blog wondering how to simplify my life. I am almost there well, except for family obligations I think I am there. I will spend more time in my bush(wilderness) and enjoy all Mother Nature offers. I think this will simplify everything if only for a moment. I will declutter my house just like I have declutterd my head. I like your ideas.

Lisa notes... said...

Flylady changed me on so many levels, not just cleaning house (although it definitely helped there too). Enjoy!

Aqeela said...

Im always trying to simplify my life and love decluttering and organising. At the same time though i love organised clutter such as collections of brooches being displayed or small pictures. The kinds of things that you dont need but that look good, make me feel happy, and dont take up too much space / effort or cost too much money.
Thanks for sharing the links, il check them out now...
Aqeela xx

Vittle me this... said...

oh yes.... simplicity is always on my mind!

Kathie said...

I'm very familiar with flylady - like her ideas but not the constant emails. Now I'm going to check out MA - thanks Willow!

Kathie said...

PS - the strange/funny thing about Flylady's site? It's terribly cluttered. Isn't that odd - you would think she would have a very streamlined, clean site but it's one of the messiest I've ever seen. :)

Barbara H. said...

I think I read the first Messies Anonymous books years ago and got an e-mail newsletter the founder used to put out -- don't know if she still does that. But that all did help me with some basic principles.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I'm going to do some visiting! Thanks for those sites. I'm working on a book on Balance for Women, so all of this fits right in with all I've been reading and writing lately.

Have a great week.

Melissa said...

We're trying to move toward simplicity, but it's much easier in theory than in reality. The 33-item wardrobe idea was especially timely for me. This week we were cleaning a closet, and I found that I had two huge bins full of casual tops. I exchange them in and out of my dresser, but I had no idea that I had SO many.

Flower said...

Layer by layer things are drop aside...given away or thrown out. It takes time, direction and inspiration. I am not aiming to only have 33 pieces of clothing but something much less than I do. It does feel good to shed the weight....real and otherwise.
Thirty books are at the front door..ready to go...I'm not going to take a second look!! :)

Susanne said...

Don't know if I could ever go the minimalist route but I have been trying to take baby steps in simplifying different areas.

Hazel said...

Voluntary simplicity is a new concept to me. If I think of it I will probably start with simplifying my relationships (?... an area I have neglected for some time now)... or something like that. Thank you for these links. Happy new year!

Bethany said...

You really got me thinking about my wardrobe earlier and I am sorting out what I really do wear. I also have begun giving away books to people I know who will use them and I try not to get too crazy about how clean my house needs to be. I looked at myself and asked what really matters to me and am not letting my schedule get heavy with things that don't.

Ally Jay said...

Less is more I agree. I love the principles of Flylady.

Tanja from Minimalist Packrat said...

I wasn't familiar with Messie's Anonymous. I'll have to check them out! I love adding a new minimalist/decluttering blog to my list of faves. Thanks for the list!

Ingrid said...

I just continue like past year, lol !
A whole bunch of comments landed in my spam ! Yours too. I don't know why, probably Google has still a hangover from New Year !

Freedom | Rethinking the Dream said...

Willow, what a pleasant surprise to see my blog listed in your fave five. I'm having fun documenting our decluttering and purging of useless stuff, and I'm super excited that people are finding it helpful and inspiring. I think we've got a great year ahead!

Susannah said...

Simplify is the word of the day for us... for the past 3 years! As empty nesters, we are "reducing balast" and paring down our possessions after 25 years of acquiring them! What a task, but nearly done. Thank goodness for Craigslist!

Thanks for all the links. I can't imagine a 33-garment wardrobe... but then again... maybe I can!

Cindy said...

Simplifying is the story of my life. I could also use a walking challenge good for you that you have a friend participation in a step challenge.

Colleen said...

Hi Willow,
thank you for the link love, I really appreciate it.