Thursday, February 24, 2011

The End of the Second Month

The second month of the year is nearly over.  Here at Willow's Cottage, I am anticipating the arrival of March.  Even so, each day and each week is a wonderful gift and I choose to appreciate every opportunity to be thankful for the little things in life as well as the big things.  Susanne hosts Friday Fave Five as a way to focus on being thankful every week.  Check in on her blog to join FFF.

Here's what happened around Willow's Cottage this week.

1. The plum tree is blooming!  Spring is coming! 

2. I spent five days in San Diego this week visiting my daughter and son-in-law (and the puppies and kitties), and during most of those days, it rained.  So all my plans to hike with the puppies and walk the beaches did not materialize.  On Monday the sun finally shone on San Diego.  I strolled the streets of the Gaslamp Quarter and wandered down past the courthouse toward the bay while my daughter was at work.  The view from her fifth floor office is amazing!  I hope to post more downtown/GasLamp Quarter photos this weekend.

3.  Downtown San Diego is thriving and bustling.  There are restaurants on every corner and in every block of the Gaslamp District.  The Mission Restaurant on J Street is a place you won't want to miss for breakfast or lunch if you ever visit San Diego.

4.  Amtrak's Surfliner train is a great way to travel.  I scored an ocean side window seat and enjoyed the views as we chugged through San Diego, Solana Beach, Oceanside, San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, Los Angeles County and on into my little Ventura County.  Come back later to see more photos of the Pacific Coastline.

5.  The best part of traveling, even for a long weekend, is coming home.  As I disembarked from the train, there was The Professor waiting right in front of the station in our little blue car.  I ought to have been wearing my red shoes so I could have clicked them three times and exclaimed, "There's no place like home!"

That was Willow's Week!  How was yours?


Marg said...

San Diego memories are not far from my heart. I remember Coronado, we walked along the beach walk in SD..and found some wonderful little shops. There was never enough time.
Glad you took some time to enjoy your daughter...That's a great place to go and someday I will go back to SD.

Tracy said...

Traveling, good food, and blooms--now that's a good week! Been so long since I've taken a train trip, a real, proper one... This inspires, Willow. Glad you had a lovely time. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

roxie said...

What a treat! And your plum blossoms are a blessed counterpoint to our late-season snow. Looking forward to more of your wonderful photos.

Unknown said...

Coming home is the best. Love that glorious beach shot.

Bethany said...

I don't know if it's fair that you show such delicious looking food! Now I'm hungry! San Diego looks so pretty. I wish I could visit someday too. I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter!

ellen b. said...

Wonderful recap of your week Willow. That food is calling out to me. I'm glad you got a window seat and I'm looking forward to more photos! Plums...yum!

Jerralea said...

Sorry the rain dampened your plans for San Diego, but I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures of your travels - I'm sure they are wonderful!

I agree, though, the best part is coming home - there's no place like home!

Catherine said...

I love coming home as much as I like the travel. I'm glad you enjoyed your time in San Diego.. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate! I am definitely looking forward to blooming things.

Karen said...

Loved seeing the spring blossoms! It will be some time before we see any here, but it's nice to anticipate the warm weather. Thank you for sharing your travel photos. San Diego looks like a beautiful place.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Love the downtown shot with the Emerald Shaperie building. Wonder what else is going into the skyline? I do see a crane...there has to be something going on.
Have you gotten up to the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial yet? I am trying to recall if you did and blogged it earlier. Good place to visit, then head down the hill and ramble around PB or LJ.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, I love San Diego! I'll have to remember your recommendation of the Amtrak there.

I love that the Professor was waiting for you when you got off. Sounds like a great week!

Faith said...

Gorgeous pics!! you are so much closer to spring than we are here in Albany, NY! lol...enjoy your weekend!!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

It's always a pleasure to visit Willow's Cottage! San Diego has some of the best restaurants and I love visiting for that reason. Have you tried Extraordinary Deserts? That's always a treat ~

I'm noticing on my walks with Simcha that some of the wildflowers are blooming ~ enjoy your first glimpses of Spring!

Ingrid said...

How nice the first signs of spring ! San Diego must be a nice town !

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

What a wonderful week you had. And based on your pictures, visiting San Diego is now on my "must do" list. ;-)

I'm glad I found your blog.

Melissa said...

Beautiful photos! I like to travel, too ... and to come home. I'm glad you had a good time!

Dorothy said...

Glad you had such a good time in San Diego despite the rain!

That train ride really sounds like fun too!

Susanne said...

How fun! I've always wanted to take a train trip.

The plum blossoms are beautiful and a sure sign of spring.

Candace said...

I was in San Diego this week, too, Linda! We may have crossed paths one day :) I went to Balboa Park for the first time and was amazed with how neat it was. And I'm definitely going to tell my SD friends about that restaurant you mentioned. They're somewhat new to the area, so they may not have heard of it yet. Have a nice weekend!

Caroline said...

My best friend from high school lives in San Diego, and we have visited them a grand total of twice in the last twenty years! Maybe we need to take the train. Russ and I both loath that L.A. traffic so much.

I even thought of your on Thursday. I remembered that you are another Getty lover. Didn't you also once mention going to "Gardens of the World." I'm thinking that we need to visit there soon!

Jientje said...

Good food, traveling, Spring blossoms ... what a great week you had!
Coming home is wonderful, especially when the skies are blue and Spring is on it's way!

Barbara said...

I will look forward to more of the coastal photos.

See you have been busy knitting as usual.