Friday, January 06, 2012

A Day to Remember Always

Friday's Fave Five is a reminder to review your week and focus on your favorite events.  I love thinking back over my week and choosing the best of the best to remember.  We spent most of our Christmas holiday in San Diego with our precious family.  Here are five faves from one of my fave days.

   On a perfect sunny day, we visited the San Diego Zoo.  Seven adults to corral four preschoolers.  Mostly, the adults had control.  We certainly all had the best time!

1. A flock of flamingoes greeted us as we entered the San Diego Zoo main gate.

2. Gorillas are absolutely fascinating!

3. Awwww...what a sweet panda.

4. At last! A vegan polar bear!

5. Is this guy for real?

Sometimes watching the little ones watching the zoo animals is the most fun.

There is no way we could see the whole zoo in one day.  We'll have to return again and again.  Don't you agree?

Thanks, Susanne for hosting Friday's Fave Five. Click the link to participate.


Come Away With Me said...

That flock of flamingos brings back memories of all the times I've seen them in that same place, from my own childhood to the childhood of my son when we lived in San Diego and visited the Zoo often!

Jientje said...

Time spent with family is precious, I agree. I love all your photos, especially the ones with the kids!

Bethany said...

Aw, so cute!!! You'll definitely have to do that again!

snoopydogknits said...

Wishing you a happy and peaceful new year. Looks like a great time was had by all! Ros

Jerralea said...

I love going to the zoo! Seeing the animals through the eyes of little ones makes it even more enjoyable.

roxie said...

the semi-stripey horse-ish creature- is it an onager?

Looks like a fabulous time! And the child to adult ration is just about right. Hugs to one and all.

Barbara H. said...

We haven't been to a zoo in ages -- used to go all the time when our kids were little.

Smiling at the vegan polar bear!

IS that last animal for real?

Deb said...

I love the San Diego memories! Can't wait until the day I get to take my grandbabies there ! Enjoy your weekend !

Faith said...

Oh how fun for you! and yes..there's nothing like visitng a zoo and watching the CHILDREN! I LOVE the panda!! my fave!!

ellen b. said...

A great day at the zoo with a great ratio of adults to little ones! The zoo is the best with little ones in tow...

Sharon Lynne said...

Oh it's fun to be a kid again! The zoo sounds fun! The grandkids looked cute as they contemplated the animals.

(I posted on riding the gold-line to Union Station)

Catherine said...

Isn't the SD zoo fun? I've been many times, and yes, it bears returning to again and again.

It looks like you've had so much fun with the little ones!

Marg said...

I will return with you and bring my little boys...They would look after each other while we just sit and visit in that nice little restaurant up in the woods. Some unique places in the Zoo.
Looks like a good time for all

Ingrid said...

I love going in a zoo when it's a nice one where animals are respected and their natural environment created as similar as possible. Otherwise my heart aches when I see them like prisoners !

Susanne said...

I love seeing all the animals up close at the zoo and I also love watching little one's faces as they see all the animals.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Oh how wonderful, I love zoos!!!! Looks like everyone had fun!

Willow said...

Roxie, it's an okapi--although to me, it looks pretty original!

The Professor

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

A very Happy New Year to you and all you love.
Lovely pictures of a great day out. What strange colours on animal No 5!

Marion - Wales UK

Tracy said...

Lovely to see those flamingos! Vegan polar bear... I love that! ;o) Been a long time since I was at a zoo. I'm not sure I like animals in captivity like that. But fun for kids to see what different animals from all over the world look like for real. Happy 2012, Willow ((HUGS))

Mom24 said...

How fun! I've always wanted to go to the San Diego Zoo. Okapi's are one of our favorite animals.

nikkipolani said...

SDZ is such a fun place with kids -- definitely more than a one-day visit!

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

I used to go to the zoo frequently when my kiddos were young. Yes, watching them watch the animals was always fun.

I am most fascinated by the flamingos. It seems that many zoos have them by the front entrance.

Thanks for the lovely photos and the memories.