Thursday, December 27, 2012

Between the Holidays

It's Friday, and although I am in the middle of posting my silly version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, I am posting my Fave Fives because I think it is important to remember to be grateful every day, every week.  The link to Susanne's Friday Fave Five is here.

Ah, Christmas!  A time for family, festivities and my faith.

1. As a Christian, I love Christmas. Advent may be my favorite season. This year I have been reading through the Cetlic Night Prayers each evening and have found great joy and hope in them.

2. We are a bookish family, all of us from the littlest to the oldest.  These photos are an excellent example of of our joy and love of receiving books for Christmas--our favorite present!

The anticipation

The thrill!

3.  We like to be silly too.

4.  And we love our super heroes.

5.  We don't own large homes so when our family gathers together in one spot, we really can't have all of us sleeping on sofas, under tables or in the bathtubs.  So I am deeply grateful for two family friends who offered the loan of their homes to us during our stay in San Diego. It's a win-win situation:  we have a place to stay and they have house guests who look after their cat while they are gone visiting their families in other places.

I hope you had a lovely Christmas!  And Happy New Year to you!  See you next year.


nikkipolani said...

What a fun chronicle of your family time this Christmas :-) I love the laughter and silliness we can have with our families. How lovely that you have homes nearby so you can gather together and celebrate. Happy new year!

LivingforGod said...

I really enjoyed reading your FFF post and looking at your pictures. I love Christmas, too! We've been studying names of Jesus during our advent season. The gathering of family and friends is always fun.

Happy New Year to you, too!

Faith said...

Oh your photos are so much fun! As a Christian, I also treasure the faith, family and friends part of the holiday.....yours sounds like it was just perfect for you! Happy New Year!! (we all love books too!!)

ellen b. said...

Fun times in San Diego! Glad you were able to be together.

Heather said...

We love to be silly too! Looks like you had a great Christmas! I love Advent too. I did an online study at She Reads Truth and loved it. Have a happy new year!

Susanne said...

The box on the head cracked me right up! Looks like you guys have lots of fun. Books are one of my favorite gifts to get for sure! Have a very happy New Year!

Barbara H. said...

Books are my favorite gifts but I'm usually the only one who asks for or receives them. Must be fun to have a while family of book lovers!

I love the silly times as well as the serious times.

The housing situation worked out nicely!

Stephani Cochran said...

Sounds like a nice family Christmas. #5 is great. How nice that these people share their homes giving you more space and a homey place to stay during the holidays! I'm joining in from FFF. It's been a long time since I participated!

Caroline said...

My husband and I gave each other books for Christmas too. I gave him a 1940s edition of Les Miserables, and he gave me a 1940s edition of A Tree Growsi n Brooklyn, one of my favorite books. I didn't mention to him that I already have an old copy from when I was a kid, sitting in our book case. LOL My kids aren't the book lovers we are, but we have hopes that they'll love books again when they're older. We sure did try to facilitate that when they were younger.

Ingrid said...

That's an excellent idea to watch over the house and the cat it's a real win win ! Apparently your Christmas was very nice too and you had a lot of fun !

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that your family could be together to celebrate Christmas! Books are the best presents! Savoring new book is a great way to begin the New Year.

Barbara said...

Looks like blue boy has really grown up.

Great arrangement.