Thursday, February 14, 2013

More Spring And Lots of Love

It seems that this year I can't get enough Spring.  Everywhere I look, I find more flowers.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do even if you won't be seeing green for a few more months.  Remember, in October, while most of North America will be experiencing beautiful crisp fall weather, we will be dealing with the dry, hot, burning winds and the brown dead shriveled up vegetation which characterizes a Southern California autumn.  Allow me to revel in the green while I can.

1.  On Saturday, The Professor had to be at the university for meetings regarding the upcoming performance for which he is doing the lighting tech design.  I tagged along.  My first stop was the library to look for a book in the children's library section (they didn't have it).  While I waited, I sat in the sunshine and corrected papers.

The view from the front entrance

Then when he was finished, we decided to take our Saturday walk around the campus which includes a small residential community called University Glen.  The weather was perfect for walking--light jacket wearing weather and the sun was shining.

Looking back toward University Glen

Native flora blooming because it rained in January

The busy bees are happy

Our first pussy willows 

I was surprised to see that the giant coreopsis is blooming.  A quick check through my photo files shows that  other years it has bloomed in March.

2.  A beach walk with these little guys for company.  They weren't much interested in me since their entire attention was taken with playing tag with the waves.

3.  I am not a big Valentine's Day fan because both of my parents passed away in the days before the fourteenth.  But this year I chose to focus not on the sadness that Valentine's week brings to me but on the blessings I can associate with the day.  The most important one is that Valentine's Day is the birthday of my wonderful daughter-in-law.  She is a jewel and my son is definitely blessed.  Wishing her a Happy Birthday makes the sad thoughts disappear.

4.  I have the most adorable students!  They often come in to class carrying little gifts.  Cupcakes, candies and even flowers.  But the best are the notes that accompany the pressies.  My favorite was written by a very quiet student who struggles with writing.  In her note, she assured me that she is learning a lot about those paragraphs :)

5.  Of course the best Valentine's gift is my husband.  I do adore him.  I appreciate that he works hard and takes on extra jobs to bring in a bit more financial security.  He makes me a latte every morning.  He helps with the laundry and cleaning.  He cooks.  Love that man not just for what he does but mostly for who he is.

Knitting Bonus:  six hats knitted this week to be added to the growing pile of goodies which will be for sale at a boutique in March.

Onward we go into Spring!  Let's look for the blessings in each week, each season.  Linking to Susanne's Friday Fave Fives.  (note: my laptop is literally, physically falling apart--long story involving a little accident a year ago-- so if I am not present much right now online, that's the reason.  I think I'm getting a new one soon)


nikkipolani said...

Yes, yes, yes! Like you, I'm reveling in our brief weeks of greening hillsides. So glad you have some wonderful things to focus on besides the memory of February losses.

Faith said...

How pretty all your photos are.....makes me start really longing for spring here in New York! :) I'm happy that you found something to focus on other than the sadness surrounding this time of year for you. Yesterday was a little tough for me and my sisters as we were thinking of my mom whose death is still just too fresh....I'm thankful that she is with the Lord though and I try to focus on that!!

Kathie said...

You go ahead and revel in the green my dear - I LOVE coming here and to Anne's to get my flower fix! :)

You just have to make choices don't you? Especially as we get older and have more of those losses adding up. On the other hand, we also have more of the joys.

I'm looking at your beach picture and imagining the salt air. It's my elixir - did you know that when everything is frozen that you can't smell the salt? I miss it in the winter. But, I love that I get to look forward to it all!

Your dh sounds like a gem! Just like mine :)

Tracy said...

Ah, ocean views and floral delights... What treats to see here! And here's to husbands who do so much. :o) LOVE to you, Willow ((HUGS))

Susanne said...

I love pussy willows. They definitely shout out spring to me. The weather was lovely the past couple of days so while the kids were playing I got to sit in the sunshine with a coffee and book. Still needed a warm jacket because the air was a little cool, but the warmth of the sun on the skin was heaven.

So sorry that Valentine's Day has sad associations for you but what a wonderful antidote to help with that in celebrating your daughter in laws birthday.

Barbara said...

Enjoyed the walk around the Campus and the shore line. Very different.

Certainly no sign of spring here, just snow and/or flooding and cold.

ellen b. said...

Glad you are enjoying the green in your world right now. Oops about your laptop! Enjoyed reading all you are thankful for...

Bethany said...

I hope that you can replace your laptop soon! I loved your post... it made me happy :) Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photography with us... it's 60 degrees here today but we have no flowers yet! I am sorry to learn about your parents' passing at this time but I know they must have been really special people to have such a wonderful daughter!

Brenda said...

That's what I love about living in a 4-season region, though winter isn't my favorite, I know spring is right around the corner.
And it's enjoyable in the midst of my winter to hop online and visit those such as yourself who have color in theirs. Thanks for sharing.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Beautiful pictures! Enjoy your green while you can, I say.

And I love those notes from students. They are the best.

Have a great week ahead.

Ingrid said...

You are so lucky to have flowers blooming while here everything is dull and naked ! We never celebrated Valentine's day because when we met 45 years ago it didn't exist so we always forget !

Barbara H. said...

I understand about the sadness associated with Valentine's Day. For us that is Christmas time -- both of my parents, my grandmother, a friend, and our dog all died in December (though not the same year, thankfully). Thankfully after a while the happier parts help the sadder parts.

I can imagine the sweet notes from students. Your husband sounds like a wonderful Valentine.

Heather said...

So many gorgeous flowers! I love flowers! My boys always pick them for me when we go outside.

The beach pictures are pretty too!

That is neat your DIL birthday is on the 14th. A little brightness to the sadness of your parents passing close to tat date.

Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Our d-i-ls share a Valentine birthday! My Aunt was also born on the 14th. I got a call just yesterday from my cousin who let me know that her mom had celebrated her 99th birthday on Thursday then on Friday went Home to her beloved Saviour. Joy and sorrow so often co-mingle down here.

Enjoy the greens and flowers of your early Spring!!!

Marg said...

I loved your springs shots. I am itching for some spring sunny weather this way.
Well I obviously share a birthday with your dil and therefore we Valentines does not get the usual attention in our home. It's all about me and my daughter who celebrates the same day.

Brian said...

That pool looks so inviting, lovely photo.

Caroline said...

What beautiful photos. I go running n the open fields near our house, which are generally full of tumbleweeds, but yesterday, I ran big a pretty, giant coreopsis bush. I had run on that trail just last week, but it must not have been blooming then. It was a fin surprise.