Thursday, April 18, 2013

Parties, Zoos, Trains, and Books!

Here's Willow's Week in Five Faves.

After my long weekend away in San Diego, I'm back home and recovering from a very busy four days.  Well, when you have two little ones around, you don't have much down time.

1.  We went to a party.  Maybe some day we'll be a forever family.

2.   We went to the zoo.   This family of four is certainly a flip flop family.

3.  On Monday, after spending a couple of precious quiet 'just two of us' hours with my youngest girl in downtown San Diego, I took Amtrak home.  I love the train.  Since I've been on this train route many times, I know where to sit for the best views of the ocean and beach.  Even on a gray and dreary day, and through a train window, the view is gorgeous.

4.  Books!  I got books!  In the mail!

My friend the pit bull mommy sent me this book for my birthday.  It's the next best thing to owning my own dog.

5.  Then, my friend Meg from Minimalist Woman and her husband Steve Johnson (the Minimalist Photographer) sent me a copy of Steve's newest book!  Oh joy!  So much information to digest to improve my own photo skills. Plus incredible photos to drool over.

Obviously, my week was stuffed with much more than these Five Faves, but I can't share it all.  So I had to limit myself.  Some weeks that's easier done than others.  Yes, I photographed a few flowers.  Yes, I taught my classes.  Yes, I read a book.  But These Five Things shone in my memory.


nikkipolani said...

There's something wonderful about a week with too many faves to fit ;-)

Love those books you've been sent. These are people who "get" you. Happy weekend, Willow.

Tracy said...

LOVE the flip flops, knit dog and minimal photography! :o) So much to smile over there today, Willow. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

Steve said...

Pleased that the book arrived OK and hope that you enjoy it :)

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a full blessed time! Now that's the kind of pet that would be welcomed at this old house...a knit one! No shedding or barking or the other stuff...

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Great faves -- and you had to limit yourself! Lots to be thankful for. Knit your own dog? How cool! Sounds like a wonderful week.

Have a great week ahead.

Jerralea said...

What a great week!

I love train rides, too. The view of the ocean from your window is fantastic.

So you can knit your own dog? That sounds like my kind of pet!

I don't understand the forever family one ... maybe you'll explain later?

Faith said...

What a wonderful week of many blessings you had!! so I"m guessing from the poem that some one in your family adopted a child? LOVE the flip flops..mine aren't out yet but if this warm weather continues, they'll be the first thing I put on once I'm home from work and running errands :) Enjoy your weekend!

Marg said...

Oh, that books looks like some fun...and now you are knitting a dog. Interesting. I'm working on finger mitlets. And today I tore it all apart again.

Ingrid said...

Love the book title "knit your dog" lol !

Susanne said...

Your whole week made me smile! I sense so much joy in your post. Love the flip flop photo. Wish I could wear them!

Julene said...

What a...sweet week!! There is much in a week and you had a full one! Can't wait to see your "new dog!"

Knitting Linguist said...

So many good things! As someone who is adopted, I particularly love the sentiment in number 1 :)

Bethany said...

That first photo brought tears to my eyes! What a great weekend! Those books look so interesting... I can't wait to see if you knit some puppies! We are finally getting your California weather out here in the East today!