Thursday, August 15, 2013

Where Has The Summer Gone?

Nearly End of Summer Willow's Week Friday Fave Fives with Susanne.

Summer is almost over.  Sad but true.  In fact, The Professor has already spent a day in his office at the university.  I, also, am gearing up with prep work for the school year.  But mostly I'm ignoring the fact that it is the end of summer.

1.  We spent part of last week visiting little ones in San Diego and doing all the usual summer things.  The main reason for our visit was to be present at the two little ones' baptisms.  (Unfortunately, no recognizable photos are allowed to be posted in a public media place.)  But we did many other fun things such as our usual visit to San Diego Zoo.  The baby flamingos were adorable.  I forgot my camera but The Professor snapped one shot with his phone.

Hikes with friends.

Trolley rides

2.  Summer is not the time to knit warm sweaters.  It's the time to knit socks.

3.  Summer is bike riding time.  Thirteen miles one day with a stop for coffee.  Of course.

4.  Summer is a time for (more) reading.  Yeah, I'm still reading Louis L'Amour books.  Louis L'Amour wrote A LOT of books.

5.  Summer, and specifically August, is the time for more birthdays.  Son #1 and Daughter #1, both in early August.
Many years ago
So. Cute.

I don't know about you, but I am savoring every moment I have left of summer!


Tracy said...

Hi, Willow... Oh, I know... there's a change in the air here, and soon we'll be welcoming in autumn. I'm wearing a ligth sweater today! LOVE your knits--fun socks! I'm still crocheting a lot, and just finished a hot water bottle cover--hope to post on that next week. SWEET pic of your children...aawww... Happy Days ((HUGS))

Faith said...

Well i am DEFINITELY savoring what's left of summer..I go back to the classroom of special needs kiddos on Sept 6.....i'm looking forward to meeting some new students and seeing some former ones but am definitely treasuring these last 2 weeks....with lots of books, bike rides and hikes!! Love your pics....and my oldest loves the flamingos.! enjoy the weekend

Jane said...

Its wet and gloomy in the UK and I'm wondering where the summer has gone too. We return on the 3rd Sept to school/college, so I am hoping to fill the remaining time with lots of fun, from next Wednesday we will have Tony's Aunt visiting from Paris. xx

Hazel said...

I love it when siblings wear similar outfit sometimes. Your kids are cute I agree. The flamingos are nice to look at.

Caroline said...

It is so hard to believe that summer is over, at least for us teachers. I think I've knit socks with that exact yarn you used in purple and green. They're so cheerful!

ellen b. said...

Looking out my window today makes me think summer is over. I am enjoying the coolness of the day. Looks like you've filled your summer with good things. Fun socks.

Susanne said...

And it looks like you are having a wonderful summer to savor! Love the pic of the kids running up the trail!

I really need to get in some more weekend bike rides. Have to get up early though cause it'll be hot here for the next week! Enjoy those last couple of weeks!

Bethany said...

Your children were adorable! And so are your new grandchildren! I feel like this summer has flown by-- only one more week of summer break before school starts. The harder I hold on to each day (before college comes), the quicker they seem to go!

Come Away With Me said...

Ah, San Diego, the city of my younger days. I thought I recognized those SD Zoo flamingos! Blessings to you as you continue to enjoy the rest of your summer. May it be all you want it to be.

Barbara H. said...

It has been such a busy summer, I am looking forward to things settling down when school starts. Usually it is the other way around.

We have four birthdays between mid-July and mid-September. We call it birthday season. :-)

The San Diego zoo sounds fun. When my kids were little, we often checked out a video of the Carnival of the Animals that was filmed in 5 different zoos, and I think the SD zoo was one of them.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

My summer days are gone (sad face)... Enjoy yours!

Such cute socks!!

Hope you have a great week ahead, Willow!

Ingrid said...

you talk about summer end, I still am waiting for the beginning ! We had so few real summer days !

snoopydogknits said...

Yes, I too am savouring the last vestiges of Summer. I love the warmth of the sun! Nights are drawing in here in the UK and the flowers are all past their best. Still, each season brings new wonders! Ros

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the San Diego Zoo! Are those new grandchildren? Congratulations! The photos of your children as little ones is adorable --they look so much alike!

I know that autumn will come and go here as quickly as summer has, so I am trying not to rush either season. I am enjoying wonderful walks, all the fresh fruits and vegetables of summer and watching my granddaughter grow :)

nikkipolani said...

I should've taken a photo of my friends' Louis L'Amour collection - it's tucked behind (inside?) their murphy bed along with a tin cup and some Western-style decorations.

I didn't know about summertime knitting rules, but I'm sure you've made the most of them! Those are wonderfully zany socks :-)

Anonymous said...

What a fun picture of your first 2 when they were young! How the years slide past so quickly.

I galloped through most of L L'Amour books in high school. Enjoyed them very much, especially the Sackett brothers.