Thursday, January 09, 2014

Week Two 2014

I had intended to post my 2014 hopes and goals this week.  That didn't happen.  I thought I would start the year strong on blogging.  Oops.  That didn't happen either.  But if I do nothing else in blogland during the week, I still consider it an imperative to post my Friday Fave Fives.  As always, I greatly appreciate Susanne's faithfulness in leading us in naming our weekly blessings.

1. I know that most of North America has been in a mess of ice, snow, and sub zero temperatures.  Our family members have been inundated with WEATHER.  But here in our mediterranean coastal climate, we have been experiencing dry winds, temperatures in the 60s and 70sF, and plenty of sun.  I love where I live because I just can't deal with cold and snow.  I am truly thankful that I have not had to.

2.  One afternoon I spent a couple of hours with women from a small "Creative Call" group of which I was a part last year.  We are all committed Christians and we all spend much of our free time delving in to various forms of creative endeavors.  We met to renew our focuses and to plan some new adventures for this year.  LOVE. THIS. GROUP. OF. WOMEN.  They encourage me and push me to new levels of creativity.

3.  My younger daughter arrived on Monday afternoon with her two little ones (who will SOON SOON be part of our forever family).  We are enjoying these days!  Lots of playing in parks.  One day we took them to Ventura Marina Park where there is a special children's play area--a 'shipwrecked' structure and a zip line.

ZG loved the thrills.

Even The Little Man decided the zip line was fun as long as Bapa was there to protect him.

4.  The Professor's brother and sister-in-law decided to escape their midwest winter and are staying in our area for a couple of months.  We have enjoyed seeing them once already and are looking forward to many more fun family times in the next few weeks.

5.  I love sharing interests with my daughters.  With my younger girl, it's knitting.  We have been trading patterns, ideas, yarn.  Mostly she's been dumping her leftovers sharing some skeins with me since she is moving soon and doesn't want to pack and ship extra stuff.  So now I have enough yarn to finish afghans for all three grandkids plus knit up plenty more hats.  And I probably won't need to buy any yarn for at least a decade.

So this has been Willow's Week.  I hope you will take time to reflect on your week and recognize with gratitude the blessings, large and small, that happen in your world.  I'd love you to share one in the comments.


Gracie Saylor said...

Like you, enjoying meaningful times with family members and friends are high on my blessings list this week...and I am so thankful not to have to shovel snow or drive on ice!

Mia said...

Glad you can enjoy the extra yarn dumping... ;o) So glad you have a creative group of women to encourage you!

Sarah said...

We've seen on the news some of the bad weather many in America have been suffering, good to read that you've been enjoying some good weather. We too feel blessed that we haven't suffered the terrible weather much of South West England and Wales have been experiencing.

I love the look of that children's play area, lots of fun!

I enjoyed my visit today. :)

Faith said...

You are the 2 nod blogger in the FFF who has mentioned a zip line on a beach!!! I'm looking out at about 2 inches of soft white stuff blanketing my backyard and seeing temps of 12 degrees F. We are having a warming trend here in eastern NY!! Lol. Most of the past week the high of the day was 7!! But...winter is only 3 months and spring does come in mid March in my area of NY and because I love the 4 seasons of the great Northeast, I plan on staying out here. Although I want to move to VT or NH one day to get away from our over taxed NY state!!! Enjoy those grande children and happy weekend!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely place to take your little ones! I'm glad you have had such good weather. Mary

Susanne said...

What a wonderful week you've had full of family and friends. The things that are truly important. I love a group of women that can challenge and encourage each other. I chuckled at your no buying yarn for a decade. I think that would be sorta like me not buying another purse for 10 years. ;)

Kathie said...

I haven't had quite the blogging kickstart that I had planned either :) Oh well did my first fff today!

Beach sun and fun - I'll have to wait a few months for mine! I'm like Faith - looking at snow. But rain is on the way for the weekend. I prefer snow this time of year. But you take what you get.

SO glad you're getting some time with your daughter and grandchildren. My favourite kind of fun.

All that knitting - I think maybe you should live in a northern climate or at least open up a shop up here. :)

ellen b. said...

Had to chuckle about the yarn dumping...
It's nice you can stock up on visits before they move.
Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

Had to chuckle about the yarn dumping...
It's nice you can stock up on visits before they move.
Have a great weekend.

Barbara H. said...

If this kind of weather keeps up I may have to talk to hubby about considering CA for retirement!

That Creative Call group sounds like so much fun. Would love to be involved in something like that.

It's neat you had different family get-togethers and time to play outdoors.

Susan said...

I had hoped to write out my plans for 2014, but I haven't gotten to that yet either.

What an awesome play structure at the beach. And how fun to play on it with grandchildren.

I look forward to seeing photos of projects you complete alongside your kiddos and creative good.

Have a great weekend.

Marg said...

Ah...yes...we all have intentions...but for me...I'm just rolling along and trying to prepare for a new baby this month, my youngest daughters' wedding, and aging parents...
Thank you for your card and letter and your personal note. Take care my friend and make the best of each day...and I LOVE KNITTING! It's the best therapy. Baby booties...blankets..cocoons, cowls..etc.

nikkipolani said...

I know what you mean about our temperate winter -- just saw someone posting on FB that their favorite thing about winter is watching it on TV from California.

Certainly looks like everyone had fun at the beach.

Did you get the tea cozy pattern I sent you last week?

snoopydogknits said...

I haven't even got as far as thinking of plans for 2014! Great beach pics! Ros

Ingrid said...

That's always nice to meet the grandchildren ! We had a short visit of our son with little Toby now 3 years old.

Bethany said...

Okay, I'm packing my bags and coming to stay with you in your sunshine! ;) Actually we had sun and a heat wave yesterday so the snow is all gone. I had a really good class yesterday with my Kindergarteners -- knowing I'm sharing what God wants them to know and they're getting it, is just a great blessing to me! I'm excited to see all of your new yarn projects!