Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lovin' the Week

Often by the time Thursday night arrives, I'm tired.  All week I think about what blessings have come my way and plan in my mind which ones I want to include in Friday Fave Fives.  Then, Thursday happens.  I'm tired.  I'm sleepy.  It's hard to remember what thrilled me on Monday.  This is why I love Friday Fave Fives so much.  I'm pushed to remember and be thankful.  That's a good thing.

1.  Lovin' the connection.  A new phone.  I needed a new one.  Finally, we decided it was time and drove over to the T-Mobile store.  We'd done our research so choosing the phone didn't take long.  Black 4G Android with a really cute purple cover.

2.  Laughin'.  A reunion with two former colleagues from our years in Papua, Indonesia.  Both are older retired single ladies.  We sat for hours and reminisced.  Margaret is a great story teller, and we laughed and laughed.  (Yes, Barbara, it was that Margaret.)

3.  Lovin' the sunshine after a little bit more rain.  The last half of this week, it's been light sweater weather.

4.  Lovin' a special woman.  Today is a very special day.  Yes, it's Valentine's Day, but that's not what I want to celebrate.  Today is my lovely daughter in law's birthday!  Happy Birthday to The Chaplain's wife!

5.  Lovin' my beach.  Even a short walk by the sea refreshes me.

And now I have a whole weekend to be lovin' on my daughter and grandkids because they are here for another visit!  I hope you're lovin' your weekend too.


Gracie Saylor said...

I'm loving your reasons for loving, Linda :) There are a few clumps of snow left in parking lots around here, but I can hear a serenade of frogs from our ponds. Perhaps they are celebrating Valentine's Day and a lovely weekend ahead...rain or shine [currently it is pouring rain ! ]

Anonymous said...

The beach is so lovely. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. Have a wonderful weekend with your dear ones!
Mary P

Tracy said...

So much to LOVE! Wishing you & yours a LOVE-filled Valentine's Weekend, Willow :o) ((HUGS))

Kathie said...

A very Happy Birthday to your dil - we're celebrating Roger's 60th on Sunday.

Oh my ocean pictures - thank you, as always! I click through to enjoy them larger and with the black background. So lovely - I can almost smell the salt air!

I can relate to the tiredness on Thursday nights. I've finally figured out that I need to do my fff in the mornings. Just can't think at night.

You certainly are going to have a love-filled weekend!! I'm going to visit my littlest Valentine today. Such happiness!

Bethany said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! Lots of love around there and here too! ;) xoxo and Happy Birthday to your dil!

Marg said...

I can see how you are being blessed by pushing yourself on Fridays to choose to document the things that you LOVE.
Have a wonderful day.

Jerralea said...

Lovin' and laughin' ... what more could we ask out of our week?

God bless. Have a great weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Lots of lovin'! Oh, to be close to the grandkids...would be wonderful.

Lovely beach pictures. Enjoy your grandkids and the week ahead.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a great week Willow. How great that you get another weekend with dear daughter and kids! Enjoy...

Mia said...

Love your beach photos! And happy, happy birthday to our sweet Chaplain's wife. :o)

Susan said...

I am tired and often brain dead by Thursday night as well. So now I have a WORD doc that I use for each week. I try to write one thing per day that I am grateful for. If I miss a day, no prob since I only need 5 faves.

I think cute and an appealing colour are essential when choosing phone accessories. I chose my phone in large part because of the shocking blue colour. Glad your phone experience was a good one. Whenever I have to go to the phone store, it always takes way longer than need be.

Hurray for laughter and reminiscing. I think heaven will be a bit like that.

Have a lovely week, Willow.

LivingforGod said...

Sounds like a wonderful week and weekend! I also enjoy walking on the beach. Always refreshing :)! Enjoy your time with your family!

Ingrid said...

I wished I would live so close to the sea ! Beautiful photos. I only have a very simple mobile phone with three functions : sending texts, taking pictures and call people, lol !

Susanne said...

Happy birthday to your daughter in law! As always I'm lovin' your beach pictures. I'm trying to imagine being there as I'm listening to the chinook wind howling outside. Maybe if I try hard enough I can pretend it is ocean breezes.

Enjoy your daughter and grandkids this weekend!

nikkipolani said...

Many good wishes to your DIL, Willow! Time to spend with your loved ones is a gift indeed.

Mom's in the finance dept at Biola. And the cats did not get to meet Toby since the party was at Mom's -- a pet-free zone ;-)

Hazel said...

The beach is therapeutic, I so agree. I'm lovin the love in your week. A wonderful read.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi - Fellow teacher from Arizona - I just found your blog. I think I will follow along. Sounds like you have a lovely family and a very nice life. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful! Have a great week.

Marg said...

Hi Linda,

Yes, this Oma knitted that cabled cocoon. It was one of my first projects that I really felt good about...and i realized that as a beginner it's important to get the right yarn according to the pattern in order for it to turn with satisfaction. I've really enjoyed my knitting classes and am learning so many fun things from those ladies who have knitted since they were 5 years old.
What are you working on?

Faith said...

lovin' your faves!! :) Enjoy the grandchildren this week!! YOu asked if I was back at the school. No, here in eastern NY we have the entire week off due to Winter Recess. I LOVE it. am getting lots of rest, and getting caught up on little projects and lots of reading. Enjoy your week!