Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ah, Spring

Yes, it's spring. Vernal equinox.  I do love spring.  It means flowers and sunshine and vegetable plants for the garden.  So much to be thankful for this week, these first days of spring.  Thanks to Susanne who leads Friday Fave Five.

1.  Spring means my birthday has just passed.  I was born on St. Patrick's Day.

 My sister-in-law sent me this prayer--part of a prayer attributed to St. Patrick (written in 433 A.D.).  I love that my namesake day has such a legacy.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

2.  My birthday was lovely.  It started with a bit of melodrama-- an earthquake.  Yes, all of Southern California celebrated my birthday, shaking and rocking.  Each of my children contacted me to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Other family and friends wished me a happy day.  I celebrated at noon by having lunch with my boss/friend and another coworker.  Cards, emails, many many facebook messages.  It was a Happy Birthday!

3.  Speaking of flowers--

4.  Holding a new born baby.  He's six weeks old now, this little son of our friends, and oh so snuggly.  Is there anything more wonderful than that?

5.  Spring is considered a time of new beginnings.  For me, that new beginning includes my garden.  It's a time of planning what veggies and flowers I'll purchase and plant.  So far I've bought one tomato plant and ordered two more.  I think I need some herbs like parsley and basil.  You can't have too much parsley or basil.  Oh, and flowers!  What flowers should I buy?


Hazel said...

Faves that are so alive! A garden is usually what enters my mind when the talk is of spring. Love the prayer; I especially like that it's old. I love most things old.

Tracy said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY belated, Willow... and HAPPY HAPPY SPRING too!! Just now beginning to think of our veggie patch too. And this year I'd like to add a holly bush to the garden. :o) ((HUGS))

Faith said...

oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a little late) Willow!! Your faves were perfectly lovely to read about....i love holding newborn babies and boy I haven't held in a very long time...all of our friends are dealing with teens/college kids like we are....i miss holding babies!! I always think of what flowers I want to add to in the spring...I think this year I am going to add another lilac bush to our I gotta convince the hubby :) happy weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

A belated happy birthday to you!

I haven't grown any herbs but would like to try basil.

I haven't been around babies much in years but am so looking forward to holding a little grandbaby this summer.

ellen b. said...

Glad you had some good celebrations and phone calls. Ahh...what to plant. I'm not the best one for gardening advice. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a wonderful birthday. There is nothing like looking for plants to carry home for your garden. I love flowers that I can cut and bring inside to enjoy, too. Mary P

Bethany said...

Happy Belated Birthday Linda! I thought about you all day on Monday! My week has just been so crazy busy, I hardly got on my computer. Glad you had a good one!

Kathie said...

Oh good - I get to enjoy springtime early bu visiting you on your blog. Roger is itching to get in the garden but it will be another month (at least) But my tulips are starting to come - through the ice - aren't they hardy? Perfect for this northern climate.

So glad your bday was lovely. I'm a March baby too - the 31st. I love St Patrick's prayer too - it covers everything.

Tonight I get to hold my newborn grandboy - such a little doll. His mom and dad are going out on their first date since he was born.

Happy weekend Willow!

nikkipolani said...

It's clear you had a wonderful birthday steeped in blessings. Are those osteospermums in your own garden? If not, maybe you would consider growing them. They are very hardy, bloom a lot, and are very cheery as #3 suggests!

Gracie Saylor said...

Belatedly, Happy Birthday, Linda! I am so glad you had a happy celebration! I got to hold my sleeping 5mo. old granddaughter today. Such sweet times, aren't they :) As for flowers, I am hoping to grow a huge bed of nasturtiums, some deep purple lobelia, some hollyhocks, lavender, and a purple dahlia. I also want to grow some sun gold cherry tomatoes, chives, and basil. I'm interested to know how your garden grows!

snoopydogknits said...

Wishing you a belated 'Happy Birthday' . Spring is very much sprung here in the UK; much earlier than last year. Ros

Mia said...

Happy Birthday, Mums! Enjoy your garden puttering and sunshine. :o)

Susanne said...

A very happy birthday to you Willow! Sounds it had quite the excitement attached to it. Love the happy white daisies! We can only still dream of a garden here. It's been snowing for 2 days.

Ingrid said...

A birthday celebration with an earthquake, now that's really something special ! Happy belayed birthday ! Spring moved in here too, I love this season !

elizabeth said...

Happy belated birthday, Willow!
How we long for the green of spring here!

Julene said...

Your week flowed into many days full things to be thankful for.
Grow what you love....and it will flourish! Happy Birthday...all month long!! You are an inspiration!!