Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Hope

Spring is a wonderful season.There is so much freshness, newness and brightness in spring.
It's easy to find things to be thankful for when the sun is shining and the flowers are bursting in to bloom.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives full of brightness, newness, joy and thankfulness.

1.  Spring flowers!
The first California poppy blooms in my garden.

Geraniums in a pot.

Well, look at this.  Lobelia volunteers have taken over another pot.

The first blossoms on the first tomato plant.

2.  A new hiking spot.  Why had I never hiked here before this week?  I've passed the road, noticed the signs pointing to the regional park, but I didn't realize what a treasure was hiding within seven miles of my house!
Hill Canyon Trail
Walking between the cliffs 

along a creek with WATER in it! 

The gigantic California live oak tree.

The tumbleweeds, sage, and horses remind me that we are truly hiking in the Old Wild West.

3.  A colleague of The Professor's is expecting a baby-- a girl.
So I knitted a couple of Plain Vests,
a lavender 3-6 month size

and a turquoise 1 year size
cuz you can't have too many Plain Vests

Particulars for those who knit
Plain Vest by Pickles (oh, I love Pickles patterns)
smaller vest, needles size 6US
baby weight yarn
larger vest, needles size 9US
worsted weight yarn
I used the directions for size 1.

4. My students make me laugh.  Last week, one student wrote a story in which one character, a goldfish, was named (my name) and the other character, a raccoon, was named (The Professor's name).  She explained that she looked up our names so she could write about us.  Such a cute story.  Then this week one class had to write descriptions of people they know and one student wrote about me--she said I'm funny--heheh.

5.  I've saved the best until last-- We Have a Date!  Next month, I am going to become the official forever grandma meema to two precious children- ZG and L.  We've waited almost two and a half years for this day when my daughter and son-in-law will finalize the adoption of these two who have captured our hearts.
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11


Tracy said...

LOVELY flowers! And I've knitted a few of those Plain Vest too--such easy, wonderful pattern. Oh, but the BEST is your new grands to join the family.... SOOOO HAPPY for you all! :o) ((HUGS))

ellen b. said...

Love all the hope here. What a wonderful time for your kids and grands. May God continue to bless their new family...
That is so great that your students write about you...that says a lot!

Anonymous said...

Would love to hike that beautiful trail with you. The colors of your flowers are bright an lovely. So welcome after winter! I think I will try one of your pretty Pickles' vests. Mary P

Kathie said...

So happy for you and your family!! What a wonderful blessing.

Gorgeous flowers and equally gorgeous trail for hiking.

Sweet little vests! Very cosy for the new baby.

Those students deserve an A! ;)

Susanne said...

Congratulations on the date. So excited for you and your family!

What fun discovering a new trail! I can hardly wait to get out walking in the country. As soon as our snow will finally decide to go away! Thanks for the lovely pics of flowers reminding me that spring will arrive here one day too.

Love the little vests.

nikkipolani said...

Wonderful news about your new grands! You are already pouring love into their lives, it seems a formality of paperwork but a necessary one!

Hurray for spring flowers, whether volunteers or carefully cultivated :-)

Joanne said...

Thank you for the flowers! I miss flowers!
Many many congratulations on becoming grandparents I this very special way.

Gracie Saylor said...

Adoption finalization! Wonderful!! I cried for joy with our sons' adoption finalizations. I am south of Santa Cruz with my sisters and one brother-in-law at a beach house looking at the ocean in between typing words to you :) The CA poppies on the way down here were so pretty along HWY 80 and there are a few poppies here too as well as a lot of ice plants. We saw wonderful green mountains with sheep and lambs and cattle along the way too. I want to get more knitting done, but until I do I am enjoying admiring yours...thanks for the pattern reference :)

Hazel said...

Lovely photos. Those are scenes I only see in movies. One of my travel wishes is to see a live oak tree. I love the smell of tomatoes in the garden. Those baby vests are as adorable as the baby must be. And you're going to be Grandma. Isn't that exciting~! I'm happy for you.

Ingrid said...

Spring is my favorite season ! I have the feeling to get out of a dark tunnel into a light and cheerful world again ! Congratulations for becoming an official grandma !

Jerralea said...

Congrats on your new grands! Wonderful news.

I love those vests. So adorable.

I do believe that often there are beautiful sights close to home. Glad you discovered another one.

Mia said...

That hiking spot is lovely- if we have time lets go there. Liam would love to fall in that creek.... ;)

The plain vests are darling!!!