Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rain and Shine

Hello!  It is time for Friday Fave Fives.  What kind of a week have you had?  I hope you have found some things in your week that have encouraged and blessed you.

1.  Last weekend we had rain.  This rain was a slow, steady, soft rain which nourished our parched hillsides but didn't cause any more mudslides.  We are at our 'normal' rain fall averages this season after three years of drought, and we desperately need rain.  Gentle rain in its season is a wondrous thing.

2. The weather has warmed up considerably.  Thursday's temperature was 76F.  That means we could get outside and mess around in the new shed to put away the tools and camping equipment that has been sitting outside in the rain and dust.  Evening walks have been more pleasant.  And I puttered around in the garden in the sun.

3. We replanted the native California rye plants and buckwheat in the front garden.   They had been languishing in pots for the past three months waiting to be transplanted after their home was destroyed and rebuilt.  Every time I turn into the driveway and see them there, I smile.

4. I finally pulled my camera out and shot some close up photos of this:

Rosemary twigs cut from my garden.
I think the flowers resemble tiny orchids.

5.  I'm a definite proponent of simplicity and I loved this post by Joshua Becker about "Jumpstarting your Decluttering".

Bonus:  Reading these words from Mother Teresa.  I know I have posted this before, but every time I read them, I am deeply moved.  Both comforting and challenging.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”


Ingrid said...

You are lucky ! We are still sitting and not singing in the rain and it is rather cold !

Tori Leslie said...

I can relate to the warm weather, it's so much warmer here than it should be in January. I'm not complaining though!! Using the wind and warmth to air out pillows and duvets. Love your rosemary, so pretty!

Monica said...

You weather sound so wonderful! I'm glad to hear you are still getting much needed rains but falling gently. :) HOpe you have a great weekend!

Dianna said...

I had no idea that rosemary had such beautiful flowers! Thank you so much for catching that for us to view!

Faith said...

I have always loved that mother Teresa quote! I've used it in facebook often. those plants are gorgeous and im jealous of your CA temps! I haven't been able to hike since early November......way.too.frigid. have a restful weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Your warm weather sounds so lovely. There is so much difference between a gentle rain and a torrent - so glad you had the former to replenish your area.

I didn't know rosemary had such flowers, either - pretty!

Meredith said...

It is a bit chilly here today but is supposed to warm up this weekend. I don't mind the cold as it is a break from the intense heat.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I just love rosemary but mine did not overwinter very well this year...or even over-autumn for that matter. I've never seen it flower before...It's very pretty. I live where it gets quite chilly.

ellen b said...

Beautiful quote. I was happy too hear about the more steady misty kind of rain you got. I'll be arriving in Cali next Thursday for a very quick trip with the bonus of meeting my new nephew adopted from the Ukraine! Woohoo. Have a great weekend.

Susanne said...

That is one of my favorite quotes. So glad you guys are finally getting some rain. Your warm temp is bordering on our late spring, early summer temps. Joshua Becker is very inspiring and I love how he takes it beyond just stuff. The point on "other people's stuff" made me laugh because my dad was famous for decluttering his houses when he was taking steps in downsizing into my and my sister's house. We finally just had to put our foot down and say no unless it was something we really did want. Enjoy your gentle rains and you landscaping!

snoopydogknits said...

Rosemary is such a wonderful plant; pretty flowers and the the most amazingly aromatic leaves. We use it to tuck under joints of lamb when they are being roasted in the oven. Ros