Thursday, January 29, 2015

The End of January? Already?

Can it be the last days of January already?  This first month of 2015 has flown by.  I am glad I have the Friday Fave Fives to make me stop in the whirlwind which is my life and give account of the blessings of the week.

1.  After way too many months, I finally finished this shawl.  Made from my handspun alpaca fiber, it is something with which I'm quite pleased.  The finished and blocked size is 26 inches by 84 inches.  The pattern, Bird's Nest Shawl, can be found in Folk Shawls by Cheryl Oberle.  The recipient, she who I call 'the world's best neighbor' looks lovely all wrapped up in it.

2.  My mother taught me by example to notice and appreciate the beauty in the world around me.   I'm not usually one to rise before or with the sun.  In winter, it's a bit easier since the sun lies abed later.  I do love watching that busy old fool, unruly sun, gliding over the hilltop behind my house and pushing through the high fog--if I'm awake.

3.  Truly, I'm more likely to be attentive and appreciative of sunsets.  The mountains across El Camino Real to the south glowed with gold in the sunset.

And to the north behind my house, the setting sun highlighted the rock outcropping which stuck up from the green grasses.

4.  January is nearly finished.  I will need to trim the mandarin orange tree.  So the last few ripe fruit will be eaten this week.  I try to ration them out because I love them so much.

5.  My dear friend, The Blueberry Lady, dropped by and delivered---blueberries!  Freshly picked and frozen by her, these berries are now in my freezer and waiting to be consumed with my breakfast cereal.  As much as I love my local blueberries, handpicked with love, the best part was sitting and chatting and sharing a cup of tea.


Tracy said...

Hi, Willow--oh, this is a happy post! Like you, I'm wondering where January went--it passed so quickly! LOVELY shawl--what a pretty piece for all times, all occasions--sweet gift! BEAUTIFUL views...*sigh*... Your own mandarin orange tree--that is exciting! Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

Faith said...

Hi Willow!! love those photos...especially the one of your neighborhood sun with the rocks....gorgeous!! I just froze some blueberries this week because our local market had them on sale and although they are not grown here (we have to wait until early July) they were actually really good!! I've enjoyed a quart of them all week and froze a pint. Happy FFF to you...mine is up but I couldn't link it to Susanne's as I didn't see her linky or post. Happy weekend!!!

Melanie said...

Such a lovely shawl and a very blessed neighbor to receive it. I love sunsets and sunrises. My favorites are when I can time a beach visit to see them. I can occasionally get a peek at them from my house too, over the tall trees.

Phoebes World said...

I too cant believe we are at the end of January...time is passing so fast
What a lucky friend to receive such a beautiful shawl.
Lovely photos
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend
Phoebe x

Kathie said...

Hi Willow - what a beautiful shawl and what a lucky neighbour! That will be a gift to be treasured for always.

You're so blessed to have a mandarin orange tree. We love when they come to the grocery shelves around Christmas. They're our favourite winter fruit.

We always keep a huge box blueberries in the freezer. They're great for smoothies.

My mom taught me the same appreciation lessons - she used to call me to the kitchen window to admire the sunset. and I'm an early riser so I usually take in the sunrise too. Such a lovely start to the day.

I'm going to check out your post from last week. I didn't get around to the blogs like I had hoped.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Monica said...

How nice to live in this beautiful state! Fresh fruit at your fingertips!
Those sunrises and sets are something to live in awe over! Thank you for sharing them with this Midwestern gal on these very gloomy winter days! :)
Although it has been warmer the sun has been behind clouds.
Lovely shawl! My knitting has slowed as my arthritis is flaring up! :( boo!

ellen b said...

Beautiful photos Willow! Your finished shawl is so pretty. Glad the blueberry lady gave you a personal delivery so you could enjoy
a cup of tea together...

Barbara H. said...

What a lovely shawl and how fortunate to be on the receiving end!

I just came from Kathie's snow-covered photos, and someone's else's roses before that, to these. Such lovely variety God puts in His world even in January!

Kari said...

Hi Willow,
looks like all is well in your corner.
Your shawl is so lovely and what a nice thing to gift to a special person.

Blueberries and mandarins, sunrises and that's a happy week.

nikkipolani said...

Wow, Willow. That shawl looks absolutely gorgeous -- so delicate and clearly made with love.

Haven't we had some beautiful sunsets this week? Last night's was pretty spectacular.

Susanne said...

Those golden hills are stunning. What a lovely gift for your neighbor! I would so have a hard time rationing mandarins if I had a tree in my back yard! What a treat to just go grab one fresh off the tree!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! and your shawl is very pretty !

snoopydogknits said...

Hello there! What fabulous photos of the sun over the mountainsides and your beautiful mandarins!!! The shawl is fabulous. You have a very lucky neighbour! Ros