Thursday, May 28, 2015

End of May Blessings

It was a slow, slipping into summer week.  I love it.  The blessings were just simple ones, but I am still grateful.  Here are the Friday Fave Fives from Willow's Week.

1.  Checking stuff to do off our to do list.  Deep clean one room a day.  Check.   Clean out and organize shed.  Check.  Daily exercise--bike rides, walks.  Check.  I love summer!  Our summer schedule is 'our schedule'.

2.  Did I just write, "I love summer"?  Waking up in the morning and reciting, "Let's see.  Today is the Saturday we call Thursday!"  It's so relaxing -- and we really need that after our crazy spring.

3.  One thing I love to do is putter around in my little garden.  This week I repotted my chocolate mint.  It had become root bound, so I pulled it all out and replanted it.  There were enough leaves on the bits that didn't go back in the pot to make a yummy cup of tea.  Served with a couple of ginger cookies, it was the perfect afternoon snack.

4.  I also started an experiment.  I'm a huge fan of ginger root tea.  Because I can purchase great fresh ginger at the farmers market, I always have a supply on hand.  In fact, this spring, I had a bit extra which began to sprout.   I got to wondering if I could grow ginger.  I did some research and finally decided that if it doesn't work, it's not a big deal.  It's an experiment.  Here is my pot--we'll see....

5.  I love being able to bless someone else with something I am not longer using.  We had some moving blankets stored in our shed and decided to let them go.  I posted an offer for them on my resource exchange group and a family who is moving out of state this weekend jumped on my offer.  The dad came by today and picked them up.  Win-win.  I recouped a small portion of  money from my investment in them and gained some more room in the shed, and they have padding for their furniture for the move.  I threw in a couple of boxes and some packing paper--Yay!

How was your week?  Any blessings?


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Sounds like you are doing good with that list. My summer will start very soon and since I won't be going back to work, my days will be like weekends all the time. Yay! Good luck with the ginger. Best wishes, Tammy

Melanie said...

It looks like your ginger has taken. I've never really used ginger much but I bought some fresh the other day to use in a juice. It is nice to be able to pass things along to others. It is amazing that things that we no longer need can be treasures for other people. Enjoy your summer!

Faith said...

oh i am LONGING for the summer days!! just one month from yesterday, i will officially be done with teaching for the school year! yay!! it is really starting to feel like early summer here in my part of NY so I've been loving that. your experiement with the ginger sounds fun! and chocolate mint?? i wonder if i can grow that here? have a good weekend!!!

Barbara H. said...

Your summer days sound lovely! Neat that you could pass the moving blankets along to someone who needed them.

ellen b said...

Yippee for your slow slide into summer! Have a wonderful weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Summertime with a more relaxing schedule is great - one of the perks of being an educator! Sounds like you have had a very nice week. Let us know how the ginger plant experiment goes. Enjoy your weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love summer as well. We live in Boston and had the worst winter on record so the nice weather was a long time coming.

Susanne said...

Chocolate mint plant? I have never heard of that. I'll bet the tea it makes is lovely! I'm a wee bit jealous of your summer slow down. My house needs a definite deep clean. I need to light a motivational fire under me.

Ingrid said...

You love pottering around in your garden, I hate it, lol !

nikkipolani said...

Ah, deep cleaning. I don't know how you can keep to only one room! Whenever I start somewhere, I always wind up getting distracted when moving stuff to another room.

Good luck with your ginger ;-) I can't believe you can keep that mint from taking over the world. But maybe chocolate mint is more well-behaved....

Jerralea said...

I know I'm late dropping by, but I'm glad to see you had such a good week. Weeks like yours are my very favorite kind. Decluttering, puttering and cleaning on MY schedule sounds very good indeed.

Claudia Bugh said...

My sister is a big proponent of a deep clean of one room a week too. I really should give that a try! It's always a pleasure to hear about your life and events during the week. Nothing too much happening here but I am enjoying the much cooler weather. It's apparently the first Spring since the early 1900s where Spring began warmer than it finished. Let's hope the trend continue!