Thursday, March 17, 2016

Party Green

This week is St. Patrick's Week.  It's also my birthday week.  In fact, my birthday is on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th.  It's fun for me to have my birthday on a 'holiday'.  This has been a week filled with little blessings which I'm sharing as part of Friday Fave Fives.

1.  On Wednesday, a former student walked up to me and handed me a plate of cookies.  I was a bit surprised although I know we have talked this year about baking vegan cookies.  When I asked her if she knew that this week is my birthday, she replied, "No."  But it was serendipitous, don't you think?

2.  Two brothers ran bounding up (as only boys can do) with handmade birthday cards and a small pot of succulent plants and yelled, "Happy Birthday, Mrs. Willow!"  How did they know/remember?  It turns out that their mom has my birthday saved on her phone.  Every teacher loves a mom like that!  It also turns out that their grandma is a succulent plant enthusiast, and I am definitely benefiting from her expertise.

3.  Have you ever received a gift of flowers delivered to your home?  I never had.  But This, Year. my sweet friend sent me a beautiful bouquet.

4.  When your hubby asks, "What would you like for your birthday?" it's always a good idea to have an answer ready.  My desire was not an expensive thing.  I wanted a tea ball spoon.  Evidently, he visited my favorite tea shop and found exactly the right one.

5.  For obvious reasons, St. Patrick is my favorite church father (followed closely by St. Francis of Assisi).  Everyone is familiar with various Irish prayers.  Here is part of one of my favorites:

In the name of the King of life
In the name of the Christ of Love
In the name of the Holy Spirit
The Triune of my strength.

May God shield me,
May God fill me,
May God keep me,
May God watch me,
May God bring me this night,
To the nearness of his love.

The peace of the Father of joy,
The peace of the Christ of hope,
The peace of the Spirit of grace.

May you all have a Happy (St. Patrick's) Weekend!  We'll be off celebrating with my PAL and her parents.


Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Willow... a day late to the party, but glad to be here... ;) LOVELY flowers, and the tea ball spoon! So glad you had a sweet day... LOVE the ST. Patrick shared here. Happy Weekend celebrating YOU!! ((HUGS))

Julene said...

Happy Birthday all month long!! That tea ball spoon is so handy and easy to use! A great gift! Your Alstromeria lily bouquet is pretty and they should last a couple of weeks, blooming their heads off! No scent, either.

Meredith said...

Happy, Happy Birthday my friend!

Ingrid said...

Happy belayed birthday to you ! I like to get flowers by special delivery ! Nice teaspoon too ! Practical for just one cup !

ellen b said...

I'll wish you another birthday greeting here belated but at our age we need to celebrate longer than a day...Yes?
How very sweet to get unexpected gifts from your students!
Beautiful Irish prayer!

snoopydogknits said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday day! The flowers are one of my favourites. Ros

Jacqueline said...


nikkipolani said...

I love hearing about how your friends, students, and family celebrated you this week. Roomie did a lesson on St Patrick for her shelter girls and did some wonderful research on what he did and how God used the various events of his life to spread the Gospel.