Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rain, Garden and Work

I didn't expect this week to be as busy as it was.   My boss is gone on an emergency family matter, so the rest of us have been picking up some extra classes.   My extra duties aren't that much but it has made a difference in my week's schedule.  I had intended to write more about our hike from last week, but I just didn't have the time to do it.  Nevertheless, I tried hard to slow down when I could and relax and focus on the blessings of the week.  This is an important part of my week--Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Rainstorms.  Complete with lightning and thunder.  In most of the US, that wouldn't be a big deal, but here rain is scarce and thunderstorms are even scarcer.

2.  I happened on a gardening web series which I've been watching this week.  It's been amazing!  I've watched presentations about bee keeping, composting, seed saving, modern victory gardens, fruit tree grafting, and herbal medicines.  I love gardening and I've learned so much.

3.  The details:  growing your own food has a long and noble history.  Americans grew Liberty Gardens in World War I and Victory Gardens in World War II.  Now we can grow our own food and save money and energy AND have excellent nutrition and flavor right in our back garden.

4.  I loved this comment:  Bring the store to your home.

5.  A sobering quote and thought from Wendell Berry (Pleasures of Eating):

We still (sometimes) remember that we cannot be free if our minds and voices and controlled by someone else.  But we have neglected to understand that we cannot be free if our food and its sources are controlled by someone else.

The only photo I took was of this funny quail booking it across the road in front of my house.  I had to zoom in and then crop it a bit.  Doesn't it look like a postage stamp image?


ellen b said...

Love the shot of the quail, fun! I think I heard more rain is coming your way today. Many dignitaries are going to descend close to you, too. Have a wonderful weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

As a teacher, I do understand busy weeks. This has been grading week for me but now I am finished and ready for a week off (spring break). So glad you are getting some rain. We were expecting some rain here, but it never came. We are still warm and dry. I really want to get back into gardening, but it gets so very hot here in the summer that everything dies, even with lots of water and care. We are planning a move north eventually and we are going to get a home with a nice yard so we can do more gardening. Have a nice weekend!

Jerralea said...

It does look like a postage stamp!

Very sobering but true - we are not truly free if someone else controls our food supply.

Barbara H. said...

My middle son has delved a bit into hydroponics and wants to plant a regular garden this spring as well. Glad you got some rain!

Faith said...

my week was so busy my head is STILL spinning. I'm celebrating the weekend by going out with my neighbor for a late showing of Risen (9 pm). Had TWO cups of coffee to try to stay awake.

Love the bird shot!! YAY for rain.....we had some this week too and it smells like spring!! We didn't get a real winter here in eastern New York and I"m not sad at all!!

Happy weekend and relax!

Mia said...

So glad you're enjoying the series on gardening! You can watch them all while I raise your grandkids and then I'll tap your brain for information. ;) <3 ;)
Glad you got some rain... I LOVE a good thunderstorm! Praying for more rain and much, much more rest.

nikkipolani said...

Love Mia's comment :-D Yeah, wasn't that lightning and thunder dramatic? The rumbling was quite dramatic at our office. Though you didn't have time to write more about your hike with your busy week, perhaps the memory of its beauties kept your company.

Wendy said...

Sounds a busy hectic week. I hope this one is easier. Cute pic of the bird.

Susanne said...

The quail picture brought on smiles this morning! I love a good thunder storm. Such drama from nature. Glad you got a nice hike in in the midst of the business.

Ingrid said...

We just got out of a stormy rain period, was awful ! The only real "organic" food is what grows in your garden ! Otherwise only the prices are "organic"

snoopydogknits said...

I can't imagine not having much rain. It seems to be pretty much on the books every week here in the UK! Love the quail shot and yes, it does look like a postage stamp pic. Ros

A Joyful Cottage said...

A thunderstorm where you are? Yes, that IS rare. All the years I lived in California I don't recall any thunder or lightning. Quail are so delightful. This is the first place I've lived where they are prevalent. They bustle through our yard in families. So cute. Enjoy the rest of your week. xo

Jacqueline said...

Enjoyed the Quail photo!