Friday, April 22, 2016

Little Things

This week my focus has been on little things.  Sometimes that is a good thing.  Not every week has to be 'amazing'.  But I'm still thankful.  Here are Willow's Week's Fave Fives, linked to Susanne's Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Garden.  An offer for free broccoli starts.  Planted five in my garden for another experiment.

2.  Garden.  The sweet potatoes are growing.  Some better than others.

3.  Garden.  This seems to be a theme...  We ate our first snap peas and I had a salad today with spinach and kale, all from the garden.

4.  Garden.  Do you know what this plant is?  It's cotton.  Brown cotton, to be specific. Yes, I have another experiment.  Will they grow?

5.  OK.  Changing focus.  Knitting.  I do love my hats!  I've finished four and am nearly done with the fifth.  How many will I make before I am bored with this pattern?  I found it interesting that when I was working on the green hat, two people commented on how they like the color--and it is my least favorite.

Bonus:  The fruit man at the farmers market gives me the apples which he can't sell because they are bruised or have small rotten spots.  Magically, they turn into dried apple slices in my dehydrator.  Over the past two weeks, I've cut and dried A LOT of batches of apples!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good week in the garden! Your hats are lovely. I am curious -- do you make them with wool? I just finished a baby blanket, and hats sound like about the size project I'm up for. The blanket was fast, but the lace edging took Forever....Mary

ellen b said...

Ha! One would think you lived on a farm! :) Love your skills!

Willow said...

Mary, I usually use acrylic because it's just too warm here in SoCal to wear wool.

Gracie Saylor said...

Your gardening is so interesting...sweet potatoes, cotton! I admire your pretty hats. Happy Weekend! xx

Meredith said...

Your flowers are beautiful and so are your hats, I like the gren one, too!

Susanne said...

Love the colors of the hats! How fun that you are an experimenter in the garden. You'll have to keep us posted on the results.

snoopydogknits said...

Lots of lovely goodness today! Loving the idea of drying the discarded apples and the free plants! I'll be interested to see what happens with the brown cotton plants! Ros

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

What a productive week for you Willow!
Sowing seeds is fun, watching and waiting for the first shoot to pop through - it's a miracle!
Your knitting is very neat and a good selection of colours.
The dried apples will make healthy snacks and desserts!

elizabeth said...

nice of you to visit my blog, thanks so much. Lots to be thankful for - a good reminder, your blog post here! gardens are so wonderful!!! as is knitting! :)

Ingrid said...

Nothing grows here besides weeds and even they are late. At least I have an excuse not to do anything in the yard because the weather is so bad ! I don't like gardening !