Friday, September 22, 2017


Late to the party.  I am traveling and completely missed Friday Fave Fives last week.  And now it's Friday night. Again.

So here are my Friday Fave Fives from points east of Southern California.

1.  Visiting family!  Can you believe I did not take any photos of my The New Boy who is now a big fourth grade boy?  We had a great time;  we played Super Scrabble; we walked the dog.  At least I got a photo of the dog.

2.  This is the BEST time to visit the areas east of the Mississippi River.  The leaves are beginning to turn and show their autumn colors.

3.  We love driving through the mountains-- here are fleeting photos of the Appalachian and Allegheny Mountains.  Obviously, these pictures taken from a speeding (rental) car don't show the true beauty of the mountains.  But we feasted our eyes on mountains very different from our Southern California mountains.

4.  And farm houses.

5.  The best part?  Being greeted with hugs and smiles.  "Hi Meema and Bapa!"


Karen said...

It's nice to put the camera away and really soak up the people we're with. But, nice that you got a picture of the dog! haha

Those fall pictures are lovely. I think fall is the best time to travel. Except that it's also my favorite time at home. Such a quandry!

Enjoy your weekend:)

Susan said...

Being hugged and greeted by name are two of my fave things from my grands, too. It never gets old.

Hurray that you got to visit your family even if you don't have photographic proof. Sometimes it is just best to be there and later relive the memories in your thoughts instead of through photos. At least that's what I tell myself when I don't manage to get photos. ;)

How fun that you got to view such different landscape than normal.That is a good kind of shaking up the routine.

Have a good week, Willow.

Barbara H. said...

Always a wonderful thing to visit the grandkids! Our leaves in TN are just starting to turn - the peak color changes will be in a few weeks. Driving through the mountains is lovely any time, but especially in the fall. Your farmhouse reminded me of a time when we were traveling between SC and TN to househunt before our move, and my oldest son remarked facetiously that he wondered if those were real farmhouses or just placed there to look idyllic for passers-by. Ha!

ellen b said...

Fourth grade already. Oh my! What a nice trip you are on to see your grands and kids! Enjoy the roads and the new views!

Deb J. in Utah said...

So nice you were able to spend time with family. Beautiful landscape. Enjoy the grand kids and have a great week!

Faith said...

oh how fun to have a trip with your grandson!!

Here in eastern NY our leave are JUST starting to change but just to yellow. (we JUST got back about 2 hours ago from NH where NO leaves are really changed yet due to too much HEAT at night!! We are having temps today of 88 degrees in NH and now that we are back in Eastern NY it is 86. ridiculous. I'm actually ready for cooler temps like in the 60s and low 70s at day and 40s at night so we get our vibrant reds and oranges on the leaves.

One day you will have to come on up to NY and see our beloved Catskills and Adirondacks. :)

Enjoy the week!!

Susanne said...

Not often we see mountain pictures instead of beach pictures here. Looks like it was a lovely trip. I love seeing fall coming. All the lovely colors. I seem to be taking a whole lot less pics lately too and living more in the moment than just trying to take a picture of the moment.

Ingrid said...

When you talked about the big boy I thought it was the dog and not your son, lol !
Beautiful pictures !

Tracy said...

New Boy... 4th grade... how is that possible?! LOL... Well, we're happy to see pic of their dog at least! ;) Meema and Bapa--love those names!! And loving these views with autumn touches...*sigh*... We're heading Stateside in early October and looking forward to some autumn color! Happy Autumn Days to you & yours, Willow ((HUGS))