Friday, November 10, 2017

More Hashtags

I had so much fun writing the post a few weeks ago with hashtags.  So I decided to do it again.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives for this (fortunately much cooler and pleasant) week.  #fridayfavefives  #thankssusanne

1.  An elderly friend was talking with me about aging gracefully and mentioned words of wisdom from someone else who stated that it is important to think about becoming better if you don't want to become bitter.  I like that.  #betternotbitter 

2.  The Professor and I took our bikes out for an excursion this week.  In the past year or two, a dedicated (and protected by steel rails) bike path was built along the edge of Hwy 101 on the ocean side.  We were just feet from the beach and ocean.   I think I could ride this section of the trail every day!  #bikinginventuracounty

Only metal fencing separating us from the beach on the left and Hwy 101 on the right.

Our view at lunch.  One of the Channel Islands in the distance.

3.  I dislike shopping so much that when I find a basic item like pants that fit, I buy an extra pair.  This summer I bought an inexpensive pair of black yoga pants and decided to see if I could find another.  Lucky me!  There were not, one, not two, but three, pairs in the store.  I bought them.  Now I wont't have to shop for pants for a long while.  #blackpants

4.  One afternoon we decided to hike up to the top of the hill at the end of our neighborhood.  There is an electrical company 'station' there, so the road is paved most of the way.  We spooked five deer who were grazing in the area.  (Can you see all five deer?  Evidently, brush and cactus make excellent camouflage. )  #walkingtheneighborhood

5.  I've been busy knitting hats for the local hospital's NICU.  I posted a photo on facebook and two people asked for the pattern, so they can knit, too.  #twentytinyhats



Kathie said...

I love those tiny hats - the ladies of our Missionary Society knit little hats as well.

I had to look hard to see the deer!

That bike ride by the beach looks perfect!!

Ann said...

Beautiful bike path!!

I love to make hats also. Yours are so nice.

Susanne said...

Those babies will love those hats made with love. I would love to ride that bike trail right by the beautiful. And I totally love the #betternotbitter. That should be printed and framed front and center on my shelf as a gentle reminder to me.

Barbara H. said...

What sweet hats! I know they'll be put to good use and much appreciated. The words of advice in #1 are great. That biking trail is gorgeous!! I like buying like items of clothing at the same time, too, and then not having to think about that particular need for a long while.

ellen b said...

Wow! Love that new bike path! Love your hashtag theme!

Jocelyn said...

That is fun! I'm having total bike path envy - stunning. It doesn't get much better than that, and in the end, better is always better than bitter :)

Karen said...

Love the betternotbitter (and your hashtag idea, so fun!)

That bike path is fabulous. It would inspire me to get out every day.

I should buy several of something when I like it, because I am having a heck of a time finding my favorite jeans and yoga pants now:( Good idea.

Down by the sea said...

I wish we had a bike path like that, at least you don't have to worry about the road traffic while cycling along and enjoying the view. Sarah x

Ingrid said...

I don't dare to climb on a bike anymore ! I think it must be more than 30 years I did it the last time ! Your little hats are very cute !

A Joyful Cottage said...

Beautiful hats, Linda. I have heard the "better not bitter" quote before. It's a good one. xo